Examples of the the word, walking , in a Sentence Context

The word ( walking ), is the 5961 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Emerged from the shadows of folklore, and in which people found themselves, walking , living and battling their way through the dreams and patterns of myth. "
  2. After walking away a short distance, turns and bows to her, and then, after, walking , further,turns and bows once more. This sequence of shots is illustrated on
  3. Last A section that returns to the themes set in A. After recapitulating the ", walking ," themes, Gershwin overlays the slow blues theme from section B in the final “
  4. A fact. But if every historian were to assert that Queen Elizabeth was observed, walking ,around happy and healthy after her funeral, and then interpreted that to mean
  5. Using Hanson's facial android technology mounted on KAIST's life-size, walking ,bipedal robot body. This Einstein android, also called" Albert Hub ", thus
  6. Students treat them with such disrespect, either ignoring the speakers or, walking ,out of the class. She further stated that" Malmö reminds me of the
  7. Until I saw that he was full, then I told him," Are we not going to continue, walking ,O' Messenger of Allah? " He answered," Yes! " At last we continued the
  8. Sanskrit Sugar II, the hero takes leave of the woman he loves, but then, after, walking , away a short distance, turns and bows to her, and then, after walking further
  9. Have motor signs that include poor muscle tone, poor motor planning, and toe, walking ,; Unusual eating behavior occurs in about three-quarters of children with ASD
  10. It came to the isolated North Atlantic island at the end of the last ice age, walking ,over the frozen sea. The Arctic Fox Center in Slavic contains an exhibition on
  11. Because of a change in balance, actions such as sitting, squatting,lunging or, walking ,are often selected by the teacher. Other actions may be selected by the student
  12. Cultural settings such as museums. For example, Visible Interactive created a, walking ,tour in San Francisco's Chinatown but the most significant effort took place
  13. A worldwide journey, visualizing the places he was" traveling" through while, walking ,the path around the prison yard. Speer ordered guidebooks and other materials
  14. For example, in act 1,scene 2,the scenario is that Jenny and other girls are, walking ,to Mahagonny. The music is surprisingly simple; just a simple solo with a short
  15. Aberdeen, that provides abseiling, surfing,white water rafting, gorge, walking , kayaking and open canoeing, mountaineering,sailing, mountain biking and rock
  16. On Hartmann's sketches. On the morning of 20 April 1879,Alexander was briskly, walking ,towards the Square of the Guards Staff and faced Alexander Soviet, a
  17. Newspaper based in Buenos Aires. In the interview he said:" We (Russia) are, walking ,a narrow isthmus between Communists and the World Jewry. Neither is acceptable
  18. It to be the worst cup of tea he ever had. In another example, Smith went out, walking ,and daydreaming in his nightgown and ended up outside town before nearby church
  19. And Odin, are the creators of the first man and woman. The brothers were once, walking ,along a beach and found two trees there. They took the wood and from it created
  20. S land and believed to be dead by his friends. The next day, when he is seen, walking ,blindly around no-man's-land, it is discovered that he was only unconscious.
  21. Was thus terminated almost immediately. Apollo 12 successfully landed within, walking ,distance of the Surveyor 3 probe. Conrad and Bean removed pieces of the probe
  22. Assistance (canes, crutches,walkers, gait trainers). * Advanced technology, walking ,products to aid people with disabilities, such as paraplegia or cerebral palsy
  23. Milk-plus ", to hype themselves for the night's mayhem. They assault a scholar, walking ,home from the library, stomp a panhandling derelict, scuffle with a rival gang
  24. The" false head" effect is further reinforced by the bugs' habit of, walking ,backwards when it detects movement nearby,to misdirect predators to
  25. Caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing,hearing, eating,sleeping, walking , standing, lifting,bending, speaking,breathing, learning,reading
  26. The world and man are, when all of a sudden Jenny and the prostitutes come, walking ,through singing the" Alabama Song ", a total departure from the previous mood.
  27. The reviews were brutal and the audiences hostile, talking back to the cast and, walking ,out in droves. Director Laurent's, ignoring criticism about the show's message
  28. Speer sought a new project. He found one while taking his daily exercise, walking ,in circles around the prison yard. Measuring the path's distance carefully
  29. To baseball bats, watches. * Street lighting poles, sailing ship masts, walking ,poles, etc. * Outer shells of consumer electronics, also cases for equipment e.
  30. Eroding into each other. Initially, the condition starts with minor pain while, walking ,but soon the pain can be continuous and even occur at night. The pain can be
  31. Android, also called" Albert Hub ", thus represents the first full-body, walking ,android in history (see video at). Hanson Robotics, the FedEx Institute of
  32. Strewn with boulders, Apollo 12 succeeded, on November 19,in landing within, walking ,distance (less than 200 meters) of its intended target - the Surveyor 3 probe
  33. Was reported in 2006 that nearly 60 % of the population lives within two hours, walking ,distance of the nearest health facility, up from nine percent in 2002. Infant
  34. Through any coordinated efforts, but simply as a result of all the individuals, walking ,by that way day after day. The cleared path is the product of labor — not any
  35. Filled with modern, Mexican style hotels, with discotheques and restaurants in, walking ,distance. For the Christmas season of 2009,Acapulco received 470,000 visitors
  36. Were busy looking for you. " Abu Bakr said," We set out from Hakka, walking ,day and night, until it came the time of Ruhr, so I was looking for a place so
  37. Quadrupedal when moving about in tree branches. A. radius had a more primitive, walking ,ability than later hominids, and could not walk or run for long distances. The
  38. Is used to describe movement away from a solid object. For example, if one is, walking ,away from a friend one could say: a barstool took - I am coming (away from
  39. To the town of Concord urged by Emerson. He rented a home for $50 a year within, walking ,distance of Emerson's house; he named it Dove Cottage, though they also called
  40. Neurones, the cells that control voluntary muscle activity including speaking, walking , breathing, swallowing and general movement of the body. Terminology MND refers
  41. In a loose ABA format. Gershwin's first A episode introduces the two main ", walking ," themes in the" Allegretto grains" and develops a third theme in the "
  42. Disorders. Differences are greater for under-responsivity (for example, walking ,into things) than for over-responsivity (for example, distress from loud
  43. The previous year. This is an elaborate extravaganza, with the invited guests, walking ,up the red carpet in the creations of the most prominent fashion designers of
  44. The city. El Palmer Park is one of favorite parks of Alicante. It includes, walking ,trails,children's playgrounds, ponds and brooks, picnic tables and an
  45. That a brief passage of the Confessions,10.8.12,in which Augustine writes of, walking ,up a flight of stairs and entering the vast fields of memory clearly indicates
  46. An outsider. As far as transportation goes, it is the cheapest form other than, walking ,in Acapulco. The most expensive buses have air conditioning, while the cheaper
  47. To ride a horse—in accord with the dictates of the Dominican order—instead, walking ,back and forth across his huge diocese. This earned him the affectionate
  48. Brass instrumentation was prevalent in 1998's Little Plastic Castle; a simple, walking ,bass in her 1997 cover of Hal David and Burt Bacharach's" Within' and Hoping
  49. Their colonies. Therefore, unlike their wasp ancestors, most ants travel by, walking , Some species are capable of leaping. For example,Jerdon's jumping ant (
  50. Following this Ashoka was stationed at Ujjain as governor. When he was, walking ,through the grounds of Ceiling after his conquest, rejoicing in his victory, he

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