Examples of the the word, spine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spine ), is the 5963 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With an upward movement of the head away from the body that lengthens the, spine , Students gradually learn to include their whole body toward their new means of
  2. Sides and passed under a roller with presses it from side to side, smashing the, spine ,down and out around the sides so that the entire book takes on a rounded cross
  3. A common threat. The life-long labors of farming and building put stress on the, spine ,and joints, and traumatic injuries from construction and warfare all took a
  4. Touches on the latter work in 1995,Kurosawa slipped and broke the base of his, spine , Following the accident, he would use a wheelchair for the rest of his life
  5. The entire book and sewing through all the pages from front to back near the, spine ,edge. Both of these methods mean that the folds in the spine of the book will
  6. Installed includes a quarter pipe, penalty box with half pyramid, bank ramp, spine , kinked rail and a ground rail. Disc golf Aberdeen has two disc golf courses
  7. Hence accuracy of aim. This flexing can be a desirable feature, since,when the, spine ,of the shaft is matched to the acceleration of the bow (string),the arrow
  8. Space between them into which is glued a thinner board cut to the width of the, spine ,of the book. The overlapping edges of the cloth (about 5/8” all round) are
  9. Is dropped onto the glued spine of each book block, and is pressed against the, spine ,by rollers. The book is then carried forward to the trimming station, where a
  10. The fore-edge, with “ ears” projecting on either side of the spine . Then the, spine ,is glued again, a paper liner is stuck to it and headbands and foot bands are
  11. Then meet up with the book blocks, and one cover is dropped onto the glued, spine ,of each book block, and is pressed against the spine by rollers. The book is
  12. Sexual dimorphism (physical differences between men and women) in the lumbar, spine ,has been seen in pre-modern primates such as Australopithecus Africans. This
  13. Of coat color. Males were black with a pale eel stripe or pinching down the, spine , while females and calves were reddish (these colors are still found in a few
  14. Sides so that the entire book takes on a rounded cross-section: convex on the, spine , concave at the fore-edge, with “ ears” projecting on either side of the spine
  15. Like a stronger cheesecloth) is usually applied, overlapping the sides of the, spine ,by an inch or more. Finally, the inside of the case, which has been constructed
  16. Endpapers and the inside of the case. The crash lining, which is glued to the, spine ,of the pages, but not the spine of the case, is held between the endpapers and
  17. Off-line on a separate machine, is glued on either side (but not on the, spine ,area) and placed over the book block. This entire sandwich is now gripped from
  18. The book, turned spine up and advanced towards a gluing station. En route the, spine ,of the book block will be ground off leaving a roughened edge to the tightly
  19. Then he reveals that he has entered the terminal stage of tuberculosis of the, spine ,(a contemporary euphemism for congenital syphilis),and that he has always
  20. For example, are those of the sciatic nerve, which run from the base of the, spine ,to the big toe of each foot. These single-cell fibers of the sciatic nerve may
  21. Vacuoles in the cytoplasm, which often contain zooxanthellae. Classification by, spine ,arrangement The arrangement of the spine s is very precise, and is described by
  22. The Cordillera Central and the Cordillera de Talamanca, which form the, spine ,of the country and separate the Pacific and Caribbean watersheds. Costa Rica
  23. Of a book can also be held together by Smith sewing. Needles pass through the, spine ,fold of each signature in succession, from the outside to the center of the
  24. The sarcoma of muscle cells, as well as specialized myelin and dendritic, spine ,membranes of neurons. Plasma membranes can also form different types of "
  25. Islands as a vestige of the central mall of" The Boulevard" that became the, spine ,of the Upper West Side. At the intersection of Columbus Avenue and West 65th
  26. Where gashes about an inch long are made at intervals through the fold in the, spine ,of each signature, parallel to the spine direction. In the binding line glue is
  27. Such as lyre-shaped horns set at a forward angle, a pale stripe down the, spine , and sexual dimorphism of coat color. Males were black with a pale eel stripe
  28. A three-piece case is made similarly but has a different material on the, spine ,and overlapping onto the sides: so it starts out as three pieces of material
  29. For the eastern side of the Allied front, from the central Apennines mountain, spine ,to the Adriatic coast, fought a succession of engagements alternating between
  30. Approximately 1/8” off top, bottom and fore-edge (the edge opposite to the, spine ,) as part of the binding process in order to remove the folds so that the pages
  31. One by one be gripped by plates converging from each side of the book, turned, spine , up and advanced towards a gluing station. En route the spine of the book block
  32. Spine, concave at the fore-edge, with “ ears” projecting on either side of the, spine , Then the spine is glued again, a paper liner is stuck to it and headbands and
  33. Show cranial sutures. The orbits are large and separated by a bony septum. The, spine ,has cervical, thoracic,lumbar and caudal regions with the number of cervical (
  34. The bins on the gathering line. Tipping involves spreading some glue along the, spine ,edge of the folded endpaper and pressing the endpaper against the signature.
  35. A cheaper material for the sides and the different, stronger material for the, spine , Recent developments in book manufacturing include the development of digital
  36. Osteoarthritis typically affects the weight-bearing joints such as the back, spine , and pelvis. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis is most commonly a
  37. Of a book include: * Front cover: hardbound or softcover (paperback); the, spine ,is the binding that joins the front and rear covers where the pages hinge. *
  38. At intervals through the fold in the spine of each signature, parallel to the, spine ,direction. In the binding line glue is forced into these“ notches” right to
  39. Same. It also has a short, bristly and vertical brown ridge of hair along the, spine ,from the shoulder to the rump; the white stripes run into this ridge. A white
  40. Hereditary disorders consisting of degeneration of the cerebellum and/or of the, spine ,; most cases feature both to some extent, and therefore present with overlapping
  41. Britain and Ireland) * Atlas (anatomy),the topmost cervical vertebra of the, spine ,* Atlas Bear (Ursus arctos Crowther),an extinct subspecies of the Brown
  42. Case. The crash lining, which is glued to the spine of the pages, but not the, spine ,of the case, is held between the endpapers and the case sides, and in fact
  43. Of microfibrils arranged into twenty plates, each with a hole through which one, spine ,projects, and there is also a microfibrillar cortex linked to the spine s by
  44. Among the vertebrate subgroup of chordates the notochord develops into the, spine , and in wholly aquatic species this helps the animal to swim by flexing its
  45. Against the signature. The gathered signatures are then glued along the, spine , and the book block is trimmed, like the paperback, but will continue after
  46. Leaves fibers which will grip onto the glue which is then spread onto the, spine ,of the book. Covers then meet up with the book blocks, and one cover is dropped
  47. Are based on a Library classification system. The call number is placed on the, spine ,of the book, normally a short distance before the bottom, and inside.
  48. Luke man. Further north, Broadway follows the old Bloomingdale Road as the main, spine ,of the Upper West Side, passing the campus of Columbia University at 116th
  49. To back near the spine edge. Both of these methods mean that the folds in the, spine ,of the book will not be ground off in the binding line. This is true of another
  50. By the name, their shapes are irregular and complicated. The bones of the, spine ,and hips are irregular bones. * Sesamoid bones are bones embedded in tendons.

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