Examples of the the word, stall , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stall ), is the 5962 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pitch control to avoid deep stall conditions at high angles of attack. The, stall ,issue had been raised during development, but had originally been discounted in
  2. He was disoriented, and it took several laps before he could find his pit, stall , When asked, Earnhardt complained of double vision which made it difficult to
  3. Was 90 -. Warning of the stall was given by buffeting and would occur before, stall ,was reached. The conditions and impact of the stall were not severe. The wing
  4. Rear section of the inner engine nacelles was disturbed, leading to a localized, stall ,and the disturbed airflow was striking the sailplane, causing the buffeting. In
  5. And External Affairs Minister Howard Green on the question, continued to, stall , hoping that time and events would invite consensus. When the Cuban Missile
  6. To be fetched must be retrieved from relatively slow memory, causing the CPU to, stall ,while waiting for the instruction to be returned. This issue is largely
  7. Supporters of the free software movement take up public speaking, or host a, stall ,at software-related conferences to raise awareness of software freedom. This is
  8. Engineering? By the 1980s,however, progress in symbolic AI seemed to, stall ,and many believed that symbolic systems would never be able to imitate all the
  9. One change made during production was augmented pitch control to avoid deep, stall ,conditions at high angles of attack. The stall issue had been raised during
  10. Fly-by-wire brethren are protected from dangerous situations such as low-speed, stall ,or over stressing by flight envelope protection. As a result, in such conditions
  11. On his family's stall in Leicester Market. Linker still helped out on the, stall ,at the height of his playing career during the late 1980s and early 1990s
  12. S favorite son ". As a youngster, he famously worked on his family's, stall ,in Leicester Market. Linker still helped out on the stall at the height of his
  13. It experiences in use, including lift, drag (physics),ventilation and, stall ,(flight).:" Frey" redirects here. For other uses of Frey and Fear, see
  14. many interrupts (like very high network traffic) may completely, stall ,the system. To avoid such problems, an operating system must schedule network
  15. 30 glass-enclosed locker stall s, one for each Major League franchise. In each, stall ,there is a jersey and other items from the designated big league team, along
  16. And would occur before stall was reached. The conditions and impact of the, stall ,were not severe. The wing did not drop unless the control column was pulled
  17. Reduces the efficiency and increases knocking, sometimes causing the engine to, stall , Increasing the amount of air in the engine reduces the amount of the first two
  18. The 25° limit; colloquially referred to as" departing ". This cause a deep, stall ,; a near-freefall at 50° to 60° AOA, either upright or inverted. While at a very
  19. That may occur while giving birth. In the Northern Hemisphere a special foaling, stall ,that is large, and clutter-free is frequently used, particularly by major
  20. From inducing instability such as slips or skids, or a high AOA inducing a, stall , The limiters also prevent maneuvers that would exert more than a 9 g load.
  21. Though this tradition is being relaxed in some heraldic jurisdictions, and the, stall ,plate of Lady Marion Fraser in the Thistle Chapel in St Giles, Edinburgh,shows
  22. Endometritis) and/or infection. If the placenta is not removed from the, stall ,after it is passed, a mare will often eat it, an instinct from the wild, where
  23. With the market-basket on her arm, walks slowly on, stopping now to look at the, stall ,of caps, and now to cheapen a bunch of greens. Little boys, holding three or
  24. So. In addition, an increasing number of mobile operator, such as taxis, stall ,holders and pizza deliverers have mobile EFTPOS systems. The system is made up
  25. Stall speed of with undercarriage and flaps raised. When both were lowered,the, stall ,speed decreased to 90 -. Stall speed at normal approach angle and conditions
  26. They may remove a wall between two box stall s in a small barn to make a large, stall , In the milder climates seen in much of the Southern Hemisphere, most mares
  27. Or critical acclaim, Raimi and Taper, knowing that another flop would further, stall ,their already lagging careers, took Shapiro up on his offer. Around the same
  28. Advanced (for example, during an aborted landing) the port wing could, stall ,and drop so quickly that the fighter could flip over with the rapid increase in
  29. Recreational flying, a premium is placed on gentle behavior especially at the, stall ,and natural pitch stability. The wing loading must be very low in order to
  30. Characteristics Because of its design and light frame, the Mosquito had a low, stall ,speed of with undercarriage and flaps raised. When both were lowered, the stall
  31. Pancake eaten as a light meal or dessert; crêperie: a takeaway restaurant or, stall , serving crêpes as a form of fast food or street food, or may be a more formal
  32. With elevator authority. It also found that the Corsair's starboard wing could, stall ,and drop rapidly and without warning during slow carrier landings. In addition
  33. Lethal characteristics were later solved through the addition of a small,-long, stall ,strip to the leading edge of the outer starboard wing, just inboard of the gun
  34. Wing, just inboard of the gun ports. This allowed the starboard wing to, stall ,at the same time as the port. Other problems were encountered during early
  35. Bactericidal agents kill bacteria, and bacteriostatic agents slow down or, stall ,bacterial growth. History Before the early 20th century, treatments for
  36. From Hans towns to Holland. Dancing, a trading partner of Amsterdam, tried to, stall ,the decision. Dutch ships sailed to Dancing to take grain from the city directly
  37. Stars, claiming the album was" Black Sabbath in name only ". The album would, stall ,at No. 66 in the UK, while peaking at 168 in the US. Bassist Dave Spitz left
  38. Corsairs were the first" carrier capable" variant and introduced a -long, stall ,strip just outboard of the gun ports on the starboard wing leading edge and
  39. Forces. The plan was dropped for multiple reasons. London continued to, stall , American commercial and financial groups pressed Washington for a quick
  40. Where it behaves in the manner of a typical fixed-wing aircraft above its, stall ,speed),as well as VTOL and STOL maneuvers (where the traditional lift and
  41. Stall speed at normal approach angle and conditions was 90 -. Warning of the, stall ,was given by buffeting and would occur before stall was reached. The conditions
  42. Must be very low in order to allow the pilot to run fast enough to get above, stall ,speed. Unlike a traditional aircraft with an extended fuselage and espionage
  43. He was to be introduced by the bishop or his commissary, and placed in his, stall , The monks, then kneeling, gave him the kiss of peace on the hand, and rising
  44. The fin's tip can be the only area left in the water; the tip may then rapidly, stall ,and, having lost its lift, become disengaged from the water, leaving the board
  45. Free memory on the heap to allocate a new object; this can cause a program to, stall ,momentarily. Explicit memory management is not possible in Java. Java does not
  46. Damage when the mechanism jammed, as motors used in such calculators had high, stall ,torque and were capable of causing damage to the mechanism if torque wasn't
  47. That the losses would cause enemy morale to drop and the British assault to, stall , Fall of Stanley Notable battles: On the night of 11 June, after several days
  48. Disrupted rail operations. A military investigative report determined that a, stall ,caused by pilot error led to the crash. This is the first fatal operational
  49. Not. If it were not for this rule, it would be easy for an attacking team to, stall ,the game indefinitely, as it is difficult to intercept a pass without at the
  50. Can enhance safety; for example the control system can try to prevent a, stall , or it can stop the pilot from over stressing the airframe. The main concern

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