Examples of the the word, voyage , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Kings Islands, but Cab Pieter Borders is now known as Cape Segment. The return, voyage ,On route back to Batavia, Tasman came across the Tongan archipelago on 20
  2. Versions depict a different death for Ajax, showing him to die when on his, voyage ,home. In these versions, when Ajax comes to the Capoeira Rocks on the coast of
  3. After Europe, Asia,and Africa. Fourth voyage Little is known of his last, voyage ,in 1503–1504 or even whether it actually took place. Notes: Europeans had long
  4. Of this though some scholars interpret it instead as a prayer for a safe, voyage ,.: :Hither to me now from your isle of Plops, : :You mighty progeny of Zeus and
  5. What then? If it were square, would you make it round? " As he was dying on the, voyage ,back from Egypt, he gave instructions to those close to him that they should
  6. Sinks in the Stockholm harbor after only about 20 minutes of her maiden, voyage , *1675 – The foundation stone of the Royal Greenwich Observatory in London is
  7. From the gravitational field of another celestial body; and the first crewed, voyage ,to return to Earth from another celestial body—Earth's Moon. The three-man
  8. Batavia on 15 June 1643. Second Pacific voyage With three ships on his second, voyage ,(Listen, Zeemeeuw and the tender Break) in 1644,he followed the south coast
  9. Portions of Australia, New Zealand and some Pacific Islands. First pacific, voyage ,Abel Tasman was born in 1603 in Lutenist, Batavia; four years later he was
  10. Very difficult time assembling the fleet which was to make the eight-month sea, voyage ,to Australia. Everything a new colony might need had to be taken, since Phillip
  11. Given by Bede. In the Norwegian seafarer Ohthere's account of a two-day, voyage ,from the Oslo fjord to Schleswig, he reported the lands on his starboard bow
  12. Letter sent from Lisbon to Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici. It describes a, voyage ,to South America in 1501-1502. Funds Nous was published in late 1502 or early
  13. Convolute of his former lectures and of what Ques nay taught him. Before his, voyage ,to France in The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith refers to an "
  14. Gave his impressions of the Japanese in a letter to his sons: On his return, voyage , he also visited Palestine for 12 days in what would become his only visit to
  15. Rio de la Plate (opposite Buenos Aires) to relieve the garrison there; this, voyage ,also conveyed a consignment of convicts assigned to carry out work at Colonia.
  16. Which could cast doubt on the letter's credibility. Third, voyage ,The last certain voyage of Vespucci was led by Gonzalo Coelho in 1501–1502 in
  17. Suggesting that the intention is to sail west to Asia, as on the 1499-1500, voyage , On reaching the coast of Brazil, they sailed south along
  18. To New Guinea, and arrived at Batavia on 15 June 1643. Second Pacific, voyage ,With three ships on his second voyage (Listen, Zeemeeuw and the tender Break)
  19. Spain and Christopher Columbus sign the Capitulations of Santa Fe for his, voyage ,to Asia to acquire spices. *1521 – Martin Luther speaks to the assembly at the
  20. 1806,General Francisco de Miranda and a group of 200 freedom fighters on their, voyage ,to liberate Venezuela from Spain stayed in Aruba for several weeks. In 1933
  21. Extremity of Egypt, the river flows for more than without bar or cataract. The, voyage ,from Aswan to Alexandria usually took 21 to 28 days in favorable weather.
  22. Had gotten that far south. Portuguese maps of South America, created after the, voyage ,of Coelho and Vespucci, do not show any land south of present-day Catania at
  23. Memorial on Reweigh beach on 4 September 1987,completing the second leg of his, voyage , * Footballers Kevin Kildare (Hull City AFC) and (Football Association Of
  24. Pieter Boreal in Batavia despatched Abel Tasman and Francois Fischer on a, voyage ,of which one of the objects was to obtain knowledge of" all the totally
  25. Turkish writer Bedim Nurse and made into the setting of his 2001 novel Le, voyage ,de Candide à Istanbul. In fact, there is no evidence of the deposed Sultan
  26. Of John Harrison) sailed aboard the HMS Tartar, with the H-4 time piece. The, voyage ,became the basis for the invention of the global system of Longitude. *In 1858
  27. Of Siam (Thailand) to the king of Portugal and all his own fortune. On the, voyage ,a storm arose and the For De La Mar was wrecked, and he himself barely escaped
  28. 1541 – French explorer Jacques Cartier lands near Quebec City in his third, voyage ,to Canada. *1555 – Calvinists are granted rights in the Netherlands. *1572 –
  29. By the same ethos, as suggested by his repudiation of communism after his 1936, voyage , to the USSR. Early life Gide was born in Paris on 22 November 1869,into a
  30. At Argos, where Achilles healed him in order that he became their guide for the, voyage ,to Troy. According to other reports in Euripides' lost play about Telefax, he
  31. And returning in October 1498. However, modern scholars have doubted that this, voyage ,took place, and consider this letter a forgery. Whoever did write the letter
  32. Savannah, the world's first nuclear-powered cargo ship, completes its maiden, voyage , *1963 – American Joe Walker in an X-15 test plane reaches an altitude of.
  33. Could cast doubt on the letter's credibility. Third voyage The last certain, voyage ,of Vespucci was led by Gonzalo Coelho in 1501–1502 in the service of Portugal.
  34. Weymouth. He probably succumbed to the yellow fever which had devastated the, voyage , He was buried at sea off the west coast of Africa. Several people who spoke to
  35. To carry out work at Colonia. During a storm encountered in the course of the, voyage , the convicts assisted in working the ship and, on arrival at Colonia, Phillip
  36. Mate, giving him independent command of one of his ships. Rogers' A cruising, voyage ,round the world: first to the South-Sea, thence to the East-Indies, and
  37. He missed the Torres Strait between New Guinea and Australia, and continued his, voyage ,along the Australian coast. He mapped the north coast of Australia making
  38. Lot in the distribution of the prizes of war. Return to Greece After a stormy, voyage , Agamemnon and Cassandra either landed in Argos, or were blown off course and
  39. Provide any further help, because he believed that their short and unsuccessful, voyage ,meant that the Gods did not favor them. This Aeolus was perceived by
  40. Vespucci determined his longitude celestially on August 23, 1499,while on this, voyage , However, that claim may be fraudulent, which could cast
  41. Be included was rejected. Most of the 772 convicts (of whom 732 survived the, voyage ,) were petty thieves from the London slums. Phillip was accompanied by a
  42. By Ba bur in the First Battle of Animal. *1534 – Jacques Cartier begins the, voyage ,during which he discovers Canada and Labrador. *1535 – The Sun dog phenomenon
  43. Succeeded in crossing the Atlantic from Morocco to Barbados after a two-month, voyage ,of 6,100 km with Ra II in 1970,thus conclusively proving that boats such as
  44. A previously unknown fourth continent, after Europe, Asia,and Africa. Fourth, voyage ,Little is known of his last voyage in 1503–1504 or even whether it actually
  45. Interpreter of East Indian music. Richardson became pregnant but on a, voyage ,back to England, in mid-1916,she had a miscarriage. Just before his affair
  46. Map’s southern edge, leading (or misleading) Fischer and Tasman in their, voyage ,of 1642 to seek Beach with its plentiful gold in a location to the south of the
  47. Like German Arciniegas and Gabriel Camaro Perez think that his first, voyage ,was done in June 1497 with the Spanish Pilot Juan de la Cost. Vespucci's real
  48. Angeles (Mercia). H. R. Loan has observed in this context that" a sea, voyage ,is perilous to tribal institutions," and the apparently tribally-based
  49. Resolution returns to England (Cook having been killed on Hawaii during the, voyage ,). *1791 – Beginning of the Haitian Slave Revolution in Saint-Domingue. *1798 –
  50. Maximus preserves a different tradition: Anaxagoras, coming home from a long, voyage , found his property in ruin, and said:" If this had not perished, I would have

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