Examples of the the word, submarine , in a Sentence Context
The word ( submarine ), is the 6930 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Place in wartime Aberdeen, from which a German spy is trying to escape to a, submarine ,waiting offshore. *Stewart Home's sex and literary obsessed contemporary novel
- Basketball Association is founded in the United States. *1958 – The nuclear, submarine ,travels beneath the Arctic ice cap. *1959 – Portugal's state police force SIDE
- Develop the first nuclear reactor, which was used in the atomically powered, submarine ,called the Nautilus. A few other notable examples include the first successful
- Depicting modern technology. Often described as a helicopter, a battle tank or, submarine , and a fighter plane or even a U. F. O. But this is partly based on widely
- To the southeast, the Turks and Pieces Islands, and three more extensive, submarine ,features called Choir Bank, Silver Bank, and Naiad Bank, are
- 359; submarine cable provides connectivity to Ukraine and Russia; a combination, submarine ,cable and land fiber-optic system provides connectivity to Italy, Albania,and
- Jackson (SSBN-619),a Lafayette-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile, submarine , which served from 1963 to 1989. * Jackson Park, the third-largest park in
- More than 7,000 die when the German refugee ship Goya is sunk by a Soviet, submarine ,torpedo. *1947 – Texas City Disaster: An explosion on board a freighter in port
- California. *1915 – US Navy salvage divers raise F-4,the first U. S., submarine ,sunk in accident. *1916 – The United States passes the Philippine Autonomy Act.
- Connected by digital microwave radio relay * International: country code – 359;, submarine ,cable provides connectivity to Ukraine and Russia; a combination submarine
- Moratorium on the deployment of middle-range missiles in Europe. *1989 – Soviet, submarine ,Komsomolets sinks in the Barents Sea off the coast of Norway killing 42 sailors
- Steps are found equally well whether we are talking about an earthquake,a, submarine ,using sonar to locate its foe, or a band playing in a rock concert. The central
- A team of scientists led by the University of Leeds used a robotic 'yellow, submarine ,' to observe detailed flows within an 'undersea river' for the very first time
- System: domestic: good automatic telephone system international: 3 fiber optic, submarine ,cables (2 to St. Kits and 1 to Guadeloupe); satellite earth station – 1
- Remains in inventory, although it is not considered in active service as the, submarine ,component was disbanded in 2010. 84 Slave is scheduled to be turned into a
- And the Atlantic Ocean, officially opens to shipping. *1960 – The U. S. Navy, submarine ,completes the first submerged circumnavigation of the globe. *1961 – Robert
- 20 km in width and a steep apron that is typically 1:40 gradient with numerous, submarine ,canyons and channel extensions. The Engine abyssal plain in the center of the
- The Axis powers. In retaliation, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy extended their, submarine ,warfare against Brazil, which led the country to enter the war on the allied
- Akihito, future Emperor of Japan, weds Michael. *1963 – 129 people die when the, submarine ,USS Thresher sinks at sea. *1968 – Shipwreck of the New Zealand interisland
- Flight, in Boston 3KA-2 (Boston 1). *1963 – The Soviet nuclear-powered, submarine ,K-33 collides with the Finnish merchant vessel M/S Finn clipper in the Danish
- Aircraft carriers, such as the French Surtout and the Japanese I-400 class, submarine , which was capable of carrying three Rich M6A Saran aircraft, were first
- Will force the cancellation of the 1994 World Series. *2000 – The Oscar class, submarine ,K-141 Kursk of the Russian Navy explodes and sinks in the Barents Sea during a
- Straits. *1968 – Nerve gas accident at Skull Valley, Utah. *1970 – Soviet, submarine ,K-8,carrying four nuclear torpedoes, sinks in the Bay of Biscay four days
- Technique to Cornelius Rebel. In 1621,Rebel practically applied this in a, submarine , Tycho Brahe (1546–1601),better known for his astronomical and astrological
- Service domestic: NA international: country code - 1-284; connected via, submarine ,cable to Bermuda; the East Caribbean Fiber System (CFS) submarine cable
- Earth stations. International: country code - 55; landing point for a number of, submarine ,cables, including Atlantis 2,that provide direct links to South and Central
- SH-3G/H Sea King helicopters, the construction of the conventional SNAC-1, submarine , prototype,and the development of nuclear-propulsion technology. In addition
- Air-practice at Hammer. There are no survivors. *1940 – An Italian, submarine ,torpedoes and sinks the Greek cruiser Ellis at Tints harbor during peacetime
- 3 corvettes,5 minesweepers,3 fast missile craft and 2 landing ships. One, submarine ,- 84 Slave - remains in inventory, although it is not considered in active
- The Cosmos 1 had a sub-orbital launch failure when the modified Soviet, submarine ,missile used as a launch vehicle malfunctioned. Activism Ryan has served on
- Despite their historical significance, the first spectacular images of these, submarine ,channels were obtained in 1999 by Di Ohio et al. in the frame of a NATO
- Disbanded the Rocket Forces despite nationwide protests, and has disbanded its, submarine ,component. Bulgaria is to have 27,000 standing troops by 2014,consisting of
- Above the water and form islands. The South Atlantic Ocean has an additional, submarine ,ridge, the Wallis Ridge. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge separates the Atlantic Ocean
- There have been 28 registered volcanic eruptions (15 terrestrial and 13, submarine , ). The last significant volcanic eruption, the Tapelines volcano (), occurred
- Ocean bottom The principal feature of the bathymetric (bottom topography) is a, submarine ,mountain range called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It extends from Iceland in the
- To the Internet by way of satellite connections (since 1998) and a single, submarine ,cable SAT-3/WAS (since 2001),keeping the price of data extremely high.
- Crenshaw, British tennis player (b. 1861) *1914 – John Philip Holland, Irish, submarine , designer (b. 1840) *1918 – Anna Held, Polish-born American actress and singer
- S energy demands and plans are underway to build the country's first nuclear, submarine , Brazil is one of the three countries in Latin America with an operational
- On February 16, 1942,its oil processing refinery was attacked by a German, submarine ,(U-156) under the command of Werner Hammerstein, but the mission failed.
- Then sit in the seats of the mighty. " *1961 – K-19,the first Soviet nuclear, submarine ,equipped with nuclear missiles, is commissioned. *1963 – The Bristol Bus
- Opening day ceremonial address. *1943 – World War II: Operation Mincemeat: The, submarine ,surfaces in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain to deposit a dead man
- Sister Bit alpha after three days of torture. *1981 – The U. S. Navy nuclear, submarine ,accidentally collides with the Nissan Mary, a Japanese cargo ship, sinking it.
- A surface ship, patrol plane or anti- submarine helicopter detects an enemy, submarine ,by using sonar and/or other sensors, it could relay the sub's position to an
- In 1957); the most recent volcanic activity occurred in the seamounts and, submarine ,volcanoes off the coast of Secret and in the Picogray Jorge Channel. The
- Earth stations: 2 Intelsat (1 Indian Ocean and 1 Pacific Ocean). * Digital, submarine ,cable links to Malaysia, Singapore,and the Philippines. Radio * Broadcast
- Is, however,more limited. For international communications, Belgium has 5, submarine , cables and a number of satellite earth stations, two of which are Intelsat, and
- At one time the tallest construction ever built, collapses. *2000 – Confederate, submarine ,H. L. Henley is raised to the surface after 136 years on the ocean floor and 30
- 100 trainer aircraft, more than 40 combat and 40 transport helicopters,4, submarine , 6 fast missile craft,2 frigates,5 corvettes,6 torpedo boats,9 patrol craft
- Via submarine cable to Bermuda; the East Caribbean Fiber System (CFS), submarine , cable provides connectivity to 13 other islands in the eastern Caribbean (2007
- Kingdom, Japan and the United States sign the London Naval Treaty regulating, submarine ,warfare and limiting shipbuilding. *1944 – World War II: Operation Persecution
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