Examples of the the word, col , in a Sentence Context

The word ( col ), is the 6919 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Yields a percussive sound along with the pitch of the note. A well-known use of, col ,Leno for orchestral strings is the Gustav Holst's" Mars" movement from The
  2. Fortuna vols in basso: l'altered de' Trojan Che tutti arrival, : SI Che 'siege, col ,Reno IL re FM basso, : Cuba Trista, misera e captive, : Bosnia Che vide
  3. 65,No. 1 (Jan.,1984),pp. 62–64 *Formichelli, Gianfranco Venetian e IL Pete, col ,violin. Vita di Antonio Vivaldi, Bompiani (2006),ISBN 88-452-5640-5.
  4. The road over the mountain is often closed due to high winds. Especially the ", col ,de temples" (" storm pass" ) just before the summit, which is known for its
  5. Madonna. JPG|Black Madonna and Child, Axum,Ethiopia File: Angelico, madonna, col ,Gambino, pinacoteca Canada. JPG|Madonna of humility by Frey Angelico, c. 1430.
  6. Cloves, egg yolk and olive oil pestled in a mortar until creamy * Brunette, col ,pesto - Pasta with Pesto (Olive Oil, garlic,Basil, Parmigiano and Pecorino
  7. Spain is 50 km away in a straight line. The frontier is crossed by the, col ,Du Comport (1,631 m) and the col Du Portlet (1,794 m). Access to the
  8. Valletta was placed, a group of Maltese elders said" IEG time en few weirdie, col ,scene Rama issue quite" ( Which in modern Maltese reads," Jig mien LI
  9. Valletta was placed, a group of Maltese elders said" IEG time en few weirdie, col ,scene Rama issue quite" ( which in modern Maltese reads," Jig mien LI
  10. 1866" Supplement to the Budget of Paradoxes," The Athena no. 2017 page 836, col , 2 and later reprints: e.g.,1872,1915,1956,2000 wrote:" The first
  11. From Lyon to Marseille included the col de la Republican, also known as the, col ,Du Grand Boys, at the edge of Saint-Étienne. True mountains, however,were not
  12. Objects of the sanctuary, by the city and by the people, it endures" ( LIZ, col ,9,lines 12-13): :*Stan, sanctuary ( 'of the sanctuary' ): :*Hiram
  13. Value 'linking' two dozen (12 + 12 = 24) of anything. * Link, or linking, col , a topographical feature used in determining topographic prominence * L. I. N.
  14. Les Rabbis Français," p. 588; Steinschneider," Cat. Body. ", col , 1180,and" Her. Bill. " xvii. 124). Gaul Count Address de Csíkszentkirály
  15. The head of the school for 39 years and 3 months (Nicodemus, On the Stoics, col , 4),and died 262/1 BC. For more information see William Scott Ferguson, (
  16. Of Constantinople, a Dominican friar (Ingolstadt,1608),P. G., CLII, col , 13-661,a work known only through Ambrose's translation. He also translated
  17. And -- to: 'cabbage' → col ,'laity' → Alec – also lies – (cf. Spanish, col , Lego – also lack –, Occitan Capulet, laic). * Reduction of consonant cluster
  18. Two-player games, such as him, hackenbush, and the map- col oring games, col ,and snort. The development includes their scoring, a review of Prague–Grundy
  19. Chemist. After being discovered by Italian filmmaker Dino Rise for Vacancy, col ,Gangster (Holiday with the Gangster,1951) at an early age of 12,he had
  20. Used telephone lines. In 1932, they broadcast the sound of riders crossing the, col ’d'Au bisque in the Pyrenees on 12 July, using a recording machine and
  21. The instrument (which in turn derives from the previous terms" gravicembalo, col ,piano e forte" and forte piano). The musical terms" piano" and" forte "
  22. In a muted percussive sound. The eerie quality of a violin section playing, col ,Leno is exploited in some symphonic pieces, notably the" Witches' Dance" of
  23. Line. The frontier is crossed by the col Du Comport (1,631 m) and the, col ,Du Portlet (1,794 m). Access to the crossings partly accounts for Pau's
  24. Col de Saverne) contains a vast botanical garden, the Hardin botanize Du, col ,de Laverne. Laverne is also known for its famous Rose Garden, locally known as
  25. Including The Tides of Mancunian *American Piano Concertos: Henry Cowell (, col ,Leno 20064)—performed by Stefan Li twin (also includes orchestrated version
  26. Symphonic poem" Dance Macabre" includes the string section using the, col ,Leno technique to imitate the sound of dancing skeletons. " Mars" from Gustav
  27. Are derived from them.! Scope= col | me! Scope col | km name DLS/>! Scope, col ,| Clockwise exits (A Carriageway) name DLS/>! Scope= col | Junction!
  28. With Spanish: * Development of -- to (in Spanish) and -- to: 'cabbage' →, col , 'laity' → Alec – also lies – (cf. Spanish col , lego – also lack –, Occitan
  29. Number Plaza, Montpellier (France),1984 Bibliography * Ricardo Bill, col , Maestros de la Architecture. Sal vat/Machete, Barcelona,Spain 2011 * Ricardo
  30. Road, an unimproved county highway which reaches 2,800 ft (853.4 m) at the, col , making it the highest elevation free public through road in New York State. It
  31. Was rife and riders were beaten up by rival fans as they neared the top of the, col ,de la Republican, sometimes called the col Du Grand Boys, outside St-Étienne.
  32. Location signs; figures in miles are derived from them.! Scope= col | me! Scope, col ,| km name DLS/>! Scope col | Clockwise exits (A Carriageway) name
  33. Instructed to strike the string with the side of the bow, a technique called, col ,Leno. This yields a percussive sound along with the pitch of the note. A
  34. The volume of the note that the string is producing. Col Leno A marking of, col ,Leno (Italian for" with the wood" ) in the written music calls for striking
  35. Sound of dancing skeletons. " Mars" from Gustav Holst's" The Planets" uses, col ,Leno to play a repeated rhythm in 5/4 time signature. Dmitri Shostakovich uses
  36. The Pyrenees in 1910. In that year the race rode, or more walked, first the, col ’d'Au bisque and then the nearby Tournament. Estrange once more stayed away. Both
  37. Of the bow rather than the hair. There are two forms, col Leno battle and, col ,Leno ratio. Col Leno battle is performed as a percussive technique with no
  38. In memory of the founder of the Tour, is awarded to the first rider over the, col ,Du Galibier where his monument stands, The rider to receive the yellow jersey
  39. The strings with the wood of the bow rather than the hair. There are two forms, col ,Leno battle and col Leno ratio. Col Leno battle is performed as a
  40. The old road from Autumn to Lyon. The stage from Lyon to Marseille included the, col ,de la Republican, also known as the col Du Grand Boys, at the edge of
  41. Tantalum are extracted. The niobium-dominant mineral is Columbine, hence the ", col ," half of the term. The mineral concentrates dominated by tantalum are referred
  42. The performers and use of extended instrumental techniques (flutter tonguing, col ,Leno, and so on); wide-ranging melodic lines, often with leaps greater than
  43. Technique with no sustaining of the sound. The much less common alternative is, col ,Leno ratio, wherein the wood is drawn across the string as the hair is in a
  44. The jersey was introduced in 1975. – but several lesser col s. The first was the, col ,DES Chateaux, on the opening stage from Paris to Lyon, on what is now the old
  45. Snuia, many ( " as many" )::: " as many" ( LIZ, col ,6,lines 1,2,4): :*SEL, to please ( 'has pleased' ) cf.: :ta, that
  46. BE-Air Force-OF9. SVG|General/General (Belgian Air Component File: General, col ,Guerra area. SVG|General (Colombian Air Force) File: Õhuväekindral.
  47. Him with an oar over his shoulder, ready to beat those who delay (“ battle, col ,demo qualunque s'adagio ”, Inferno 3,verse 111). In modern times, he is
  48. School during Searches' archbishop in 301/0 BC (Nicodemus, On the Stoics, col , 4); and was the head of the school for 39 years and 3 months (Nicodemus, On
  49. Some modifications. Traditional Tamil grammar consists of five parts, namely, col , happy, Of these, the last two are mostly applied in poetry. Tamil words
  50. Fans as they neared the top of the col de la Republican, sometimes called the, col ,Du Grand Boys, outside St-Étienne. The historian Bill McGann said: The leading

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