Examples of the the word, deter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deter ), is the 6929 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And others argue that guns being used to protect property, save lives, and, deter , crime without killing the criminal accounts for the large majority of defensive
  2. Could not afford the large standing force that he believed was necessary to, deter ,what he saw as the constant threat of invasion. Thus, the militia was
  3. Canada signed a bilateral Fisheries Enforcement Agreement, which has served to, deter ,illegal fishing activity and reduce the risk of injury during fisheries
  4. Plans to considerably strengthen the island's defenses. This was intended to, deter ,any future Argentine attempts to take the islands by force again. It was a
  5. Ordered Ma Bu fang to prepare his Islamic army to invade Tibet several times, to, deter , Tibetan independence, and threatened them with aerial bombardment. After the
  6. Of imminent military action were only intended as pressure applied to, deter ,Hitler. On August 23, 1939 Germany and the Soviet Union signed the
  7. Due to the UK's not having signed up to the Schengen Agreement, which might, deter ,domestic passengers. Compounding the difficulties in providing a similar
  8. Its population and economy are roughly one tenth that of the United States'—to, deter ,international perception that Americans and Canadians are virtually identical.
  9. Opposition by local politicians, families and students who argue that it will, deter ,future students from going and returning from university, due to very high
  10. Data recovery companies offer unlocking services, so while the disk lock will, deter ,a casual attacker, it is not secure against a qualified adversary. External
  11. Alcohol across the river. Government officials were unable or unwilling to, deter ,the flow of alcohol coming across the Detroit River. In some cases, overloaded
  12. Are not awarded in order to compensate the plaintiff, but in order to reform or, deter ,the defendant and similar persons from pursuing a course of action such as that
  13. Are stored in shallow bins or boxes with perforated or slatted bottoms, which, deter , decay by allowing air to circulate. Because harvest occurs in late autumn
  14. Delicacies like liver, chicken feet or other exotic meat dishes that might, deter ,Western customers. In New York's Chinatown, the restaurants were known for
  15. Australia and France, air marshals have also been added to some flights to, deter ,and thwart hijackers. Airport security plays a major role in preventing
  16. Fleet's lead squadrons began to lose formation under concentrated gunfire. To, deter ,a British chase, Scheer ordered a major torpedo attack by his destroyers and a
  17. Him to run. Kasparov's spokeswoman accused the government of using pressure to, deter ,anyone from renting a hall for the gathering and said that the electoral
  18. Of private gun ownership argue that an armed citizen' militia can help, deter ,crime and tyranny, as police are primarily a reactive force whose main loyalty
  19. Necessary to win any future war; and was therefore the sole means necessary to, deter ,an adversary from launching a Pearl Harbor like surprise attack or war against
  20. Available (usually 28 bit/s and 33.6 bit/s modems),but this did not, deter ,people from trying. V64s also came out during the golden era of emulation.
  21. And the propagation of dangerous ideas would protect the national security and, deter ,violence. According to the Church Committee:: While the declared purposes of
  22. Through it. The heat produced by the resistance of the gold is enough to, deter ,ice from forming. Electronics The concentration of free electrons in gold metal
  23. Indifferent to a possible desire for deter rence. * Fear of retaliation may, deter ,victims or witnesses of crimes from taking any action. Even in policed
  24. Claude Debussy, more so than to the expected jazz style. The comparison did not, deter ,Gershwin from continuing to explore French styles. The title of An American in
  25. And landscape architects for home security. The sharp thorns of some species, deter ,unauthorized persons from entering private properties, and may prevent
  26. They would be provided slight shelter from the sun by the corn, and would, deter ,many animals from attacking the corn and beans because their coarse, hairy
  27. View is that this idea may have been used by ministers and counselors to, deter ,aristocratic whims that would otherwise be to the detriment of the state's
  28. Furnished with the fortress of Castillo de Los Tree Reyes Lagos del Moro to, deter ,potential invaders, which included the English privateer Francis Drake, who
  29. Brightly lit section of the tarmac and extinguish lights in the cabin to, deter ,police snipers. Northwest's Seattle operations manager, Al Lee, approached the
  30. Defense and a defense under s3 Criminal Law Act 1967) subject to the need to, deter ,vigilantes and excessive self-help. Furthermore, some jurisdictions, such as
  31. Skyline above the village of the deceased. The stones may have been thought to, deter ,grave robbers and scavengers. A more sinister explanation is that they were to
  32. Hides weapons and fighters in" mosques, school yards and civilian houses" to, deter ,an attack and exploit Israel's rules of engagement. Israel began a ground
  33. The number of casualties on the French the battle settled little except to, deter ,Genome trying an all-out assault on Imperial forces that year, enabling Eugene
  34. Does not fit modern, humanitarian concepts of punishment because it cannot, deter ,the unbeliever nor rehabilitate the damned, this however, does not affect the
  35. The bombers were to be delivered to the Netherlands East Indies to help, deter ,any Japanese aggression into the region. In February 1942,the British Overseas
  36. The jury's deter mination on the oppressiveness of the defendants' actions and, deter ,similar conduct in the future. " This case was seen as effectively closing the
  37. In the 1980s led chairman Ken Bates to propose erecting an electric fence to, deter ,them from invading the pitch; the proposal was rejected by the GLC. Since the
  38. Some of these upstarts may then join with the established networks to help, deter ,any other new competitors. Examples of this have been argued to include the
  39. Capture the director of the FBI stated Abu Zubaydah’s capture would help, deter ,future attacks. Also, White House spokesman ARI Fleischer stated Abu Zubaydah
  40. Employer health benefits, environmentalism,and" discriminatory taxation to, deter ,improper or luxurious behavior ". Similarly, Vivienne Brown stated in The
  41. And restructured their certificate programs, and/or raised their fees to, deter ,abuse. Certification programs that take into account length of service, and
  42. Landscape architects for home security purposes. The sharp thorns of the cactus, deter ,unauthorized persons from entering private properties, and may prevent
  43. Vehemently oppose cloning endangered species—mainly because they think it may, deter ,donations to help preserve natural habitat and wild animal populations. The "
  44. That execution discriminates against minorities and the poor, that it does not, deter ,criminals more than life imprisonment, that it encourages a" culture of
  45. Being revealed to the players. Burning is most often performed in casinos to, deter ,a form of cheating known as card marking. In poker, for example, the top card
  46. Had had no use for the song in The Coconuts, but his disapproval did not, deter ,Berlin from saving it for a more important occasion. " The Coconuts would
  47. Others. Democratically governed nations are more likely to secure the peace, deter ,aggression, expand open markets, promote economic development, protect American
  48. States," Requiring students to avoid the verb to be on every assignment would, deter ,students from developing other fundamental skills of fluent writing. " In
  49. Were sometimes arrested and interned in Auschwitz and prominently displayed to, deter ,others. If someone did manage to escape, the SS would pick 10 people at random
  50. Frequent policy changes with regard to business and immigration are likely to, deter ,investment and so hinder economic growth. For this reason, many people have put

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