Examples of the the word, jaw , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jaw ), is the 6922 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fitting perfectly over the lower teeth and both sets aligned square to the, jaw , The eyes are large, hazel or brown, with a mild hound-like pleading look. The
  2. The aardvark is born with conventional incisors and canines at the front of the, jaw , which fall out and are not replaced. Adult aardvarks only have cheek teeth at
  3. And according to Pliny the Elder, she had a double canine in her upper right, jaw , a sign of good fortune. Many ancient historians accuse Agrippina of poisoning
  4. On their position in the mouth. The maxillary teeth at the tip of the upper, jaw ,were much smaller than the rest, more closely packed, and D-shaped in cross
  5. Cross-sections, and each maxilla (the main tooth-bearing bones in the upper, jaw ,) had between 14 and 17 teeth; the number of teeth does not exactly correspond
  6. Twins, was struck in the cheek by a Dennis Martínez fastball, breaking his, jaw ,and loosening two teeth. It would be his last game; during spring training the
  7. Head with a large upper jaw lined by large carnivorous teeth, but with no lower, jaw , Some Alas are shown disgorging vine-like plants, and some serve as the base
  8. That Galen was incorrect regarding the formation of the bones of the lower, jaw ,and sacrum. Translation The Arabic manuscript was discovered in 1665 by Edward
  9. Is important to protect the teeth and gums from injury, and to cushion the, jaw , resulting in a decreased chance of knockout. Boxers practice their skills on
  10. Stress; the pain may spread to the left arm or the neck, back,throat, or, jaw , There might be present a numbness (paresthesia) or a loss of feeling in the
  11. Keratin (the same substance as human fingernails) which hang from the upper, jaw , These plates filter small animals (such as krill and fish) from the seawater
  12. The canines were somewhat elongated and were followed by a short gap in each, jaw , and the cheek-teeth were adapted for succulent food. The length of the body
  13. Then individual wolves. Coyotes will typically bite the throat just behind the, jaw ,and below the ear when attacking adult sheep or goats, with death commonly
  14. Like those of a cat. Affected individuals have wide-set eyes, a small head and, jaw , moderate to severe mental health issues, and are very short. * Down syndrome
  15. By putting your lips together as if you were whistling and then dropping your, jaw ,down as if you were yawning (don't actually yawn or open your mouth). Both
  16. And molars) that generally have cutting edges. The last premolar of the upper, jaw ,and first molar of the lower are termed the carnassials or sectorial teeth.
  17. Square-cut muzzle and a black (or occasionally liver),gumdrop nose. The, jaw ,is strong and the teeth scissor together with the upper teeth fitting perfectly
  18. In addition to allowing extra room for the passage of muscles to work the lower, jaw , the zygotic arch also allows for differentiation of separate muscle groups
  19. In having very large eye sockets and a powerful and specialized jaw . Within the, jaw , cats have teeth adapted for killing prey and tearing meat. When it overpowers
  20. Produce new structures, such as embryonic bone structures that develop into the, jaw ,in other animals instead forming part of the middle ear in mammals. It is also
  21. Process) to the side of the briefcase, providing torque about the axis of, jaw ,articulation. In comparing the skulls of carnivores and herbivores, it can be
  22. Only a greatly reduced, functionless molar behind the carnassial in the upper, jaw , Cats will strip bones clean but will not crush them to get the marrow inside.
  23. Up to guard the chin. The rear hand remains next to the face to guard the, jaw , After making contact with the target, the lead hand is retracted quickly to
  24. To the size of the bone. Each century (the tooth-bearing bone of the lower, jaw ,) had between 14 and 17 teeth, with an average count of 16. The teeth became
  25. Muddy beaches it inhabited. It had knobbly flat teeth more to the back of the, jaw ,that were well suited for crushing the armor of shellfish.
  26. World War II — showed the protagonist punching Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in the, jaw ,— sold nearly one million copies. While most readers responded favorably to the
  27. Which conducts sound to the middle ear via a fat-filled cavity in the lower, jaw ,bone. Hearing is also used for echolocation, which all dolphins have. Dolphin
  28. Among mammals in having very large eye sockets and a powerful and specialized, jaw , Within the jaw , cats have teeth adapted for killing prey and tearing meat.
  29. Vertical axis, in an up-and-down motion, and cannot move from side-to-side. The, jaw ,joint in carnivores tends to lie within the plane of tooth occlusion, an
  30. Slammed his glove hand into his face with such force, that he broke his upper, jaw ,in twelve places, fractured five of his teeth, and was rendered unconscious. He
  31. And are not replaced. Adult aardvarks only have cheek teeth at the back of the, jaw , and have a dental formula of: Genetically speaking, the aardvark is a living
  32. Infants from suffocating while feeding. Since human infants have a small, jaw ,– not protruding, like other primates – the infant's nose might be blocked if
  33. Inches wide and seven inches long (10 × 18 cm),the skull was minus its lower, jaw ,but possessed two sharp, prominent canines that suggested that it might have
  34. Only four chewing teeth (premolars and/or molars),one on each side of each, jaw , are in primary use at any given time (or two, as one replaces the other at
  35. Forward) and the elbow bent. The rear hand is tucked firmly against the, jaw ,to protect the chin. The torso and hips are rotated clockwise, propelling the
  36. Weapons, protected by a descending flange on each side of the lower front, jaw , In the basal Eocene of North America, the Amblyopia were represented by
  37. For masseteric attachment on the century and causing the rotation of the lower, jaw ,to be translated into straight-ahead crushing force between the teeth of the
  38. In the eastern states will tend to pronounce" fear" and" sheer" without any, jaw ,movement, while the westerners would pronounce them like" FIA" and" Shia "
  39. With more obtuse snouts; in having the fourth, enlarged tooth of the under, jaw ,received, not into an external notch, but into a pit formed for it within the
  40. Derive up to 90 % of their dietary food energy from vegetable matter. Their, jaw ,structure has evolved to fit their dietary habits. Their diet varies enormously
  41. The same carcasses. It may have attacked large prey by ambush, using its upper, jaw ,like a hatchet. Description Allosaurus was a typical large theropod, having a
  42. In place when an elephant is born. The first chewing tooth on each side in each, jaw ,falls out when the elephant is about two years old. The second set of chewing
  43. Tympana and walls, where it is depicted as a monstrous head with a large upper, jaw ,lined by large carnivorous teeth, but with no lower jaw . Some Alas are shown
  44. Force of the masseters is relatively more important than is shearing. The, jaw ,joint is generally well above the plane of tooth occlusion, allowing extra room
  45. Matter while Alex Arras is knocking a horse cold with a right cross to the, jaw , " The film grossed $119.5 million in the box office becoming only the tenth
  46. Abruptly and forcefully from the roof of the mouth, sometimes using a lot of, jaw ,motion, and making a hollow pop! Like a cork being pulled from an empty bottle.
  47. Sciuridae),agreeing in certain structural peculiarities of the lower, jaw ,and skull. In the Sciuridae the two main bones (tibia and fibula) of the
  48. Is believed hearing underwater is also, if not exclusively, done with the lower, jaw , which conducts sound to the middle ear via a fat-filled cavity in the lower
  49. Old; it has been given the name Sahelanthropus tchadensis. In 1996 a hominid, jaw ,was found and given the scientific name Australopithecus bahrelghazali and
  50. To protect the body. The chin is tucked into the chest to avoid punches to the, jaw ,which commonly cause knock-outs and is often kept slightly off center. Wrists

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