Examples of the the word, enclosure , in a Sentence Context
The word ( enclosure ), is the 6913 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Period. The original site was bounded on three sides by an earthwork circular, enclosure , about ten feet high and encompassing a square mile. Occupation of Ninth Wait
- They were normally placed in pairs on either side of the entrance to an, enclosure , opening to the west. Sarah and Barry Shahs and brays were reservoirs
- In plan, gopuras are usually cross-shaped and elongated along the axis of the, enclosure ,wall; if the wall is constructed with an accompanying gallery, the gallery is
- The Die was the Disk, essentially two Disk II 5.25-inch drives in a single, enclosure ,designed to stack between the computer and the monitor, and a new controller
- The sea; paddock in Australia means field, whereas in the UK it means a small, enclosure ,for livestock; bush or scrub in Australia, as in North America, means a wooded
- M. P. called John Hales, whose socially liberal rhetoric linked the issue of, enclosure ,with Reformation theology and the notion of a godly commonwealth. Local groups
- To: * Chemical compounds, combinations of two or more elements * Compound (, enclosure ,), a cluster of buildings having a shared purpose, usually inside a fence or
- Is called the Argument. The title of Archimandrite (literally the head of the, enclosure ,) used to mean something similar. In the East, the principle set forth in the
- Emsworth's name came from Anglo-Saxon Æmeles for =" a man called Æmele's, enclosure ,". A worth was an enclosure like a farm or hamlet surrounded by a palisade.
- The innovations that were incorporated into this design included a cockpit, enclosure ,and tail rudder (later variations on the original design would add ailerons as
- T=10850 It is also possible to modify a cheap PC external 3.5 IDE drive, enclosure ,type power supply (similar to a laptop power supply) to work with the V64.
- Place name component (after 'ton ', derived from the Old English tun meaning, enclosure , farmstead, farm or village). Devon has a variety of festivals and traditional
- It is clear that construction took over most of the site of the earlier temple, enclosure ,and that the Portico and Rotunda roughly overlapped with the temple building
- Anglo-Saxon Æmeles for =" a man called Æmele's enclosure ". A worth was an, enclosure ,like a farm or hamlet surrounded by a palisade. Although Ems worth started as a
- Originally was a standing area. Children were often placed at the front of this, enclosure ,and the area had a distinctive white picket fence to keep fans off the pitch (
- S house against the opposite wall of the church, stands outside the convent, enclosure , in proximity to the abbot's house, that he might have a constant eye
- Cardinal points. Gallery A gallery is a passageway running along the wall of an, enclosure ,or along the axis of a temple, often open to one or both sides. Historically
- Controller and keyboard interface plus many other small improvements),also an, enclosure ,was developed for the main computer system, ( in the form of a 19-inch rack for
- On January 14, 2005. *2007 – A tiger at the San Francisco Zoo escapes from its, enclosure ,and attacks three people, killing one. *2009 – Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab
- Place in the world to Jews (observant Jews will not actually walk inside the, enclosure ,but they pray at the outside wall) and the third-holiest site in Islam. Sharon
- In Chinese astronomy, constellation Corona Borealis is lied in Heavenly Market, enclosure ,(天市垣, Tiān Shi Yuan) Notable features Stars Corona Borealis has no first
- High and minimum requirements for such things as minimum space requirements, enclosure ,design, nutrition,reproduction, enrichment and veterinary care are set to
- Typical components inside computers, Drives,and storage arrays. * Drive - an, enclosure ,that may include several ASIC components, more electronic circuity, and
- Temple of Aphrodite reached far into the current rotunda area, and the temple, enclosure ,would therefore have reached even further to the west. According to tradition
- For computers. The monitor comprises the display device, circuitry,and an, enclosure , The display device in modern monitors is typically a thin film transistor
- Field of the Beltane festivities' ). Listing/Lies Beltane ('fort or, enclosure ,of Beltane' ) is located in Cash Parish, County Tipperary.
- By Native American people to kill American bison * Buffalo pound,an, enclosure ,used historically by Native American people to catch and kill American bison *
- Molecule within a larger molecule * Capsule (pharmacy),in pharmacy,the, enclosure ,of a medicine within a relatively stable shell for administration *
- So, these thinkers managed to redefine nature in man's image, accommodating, enclosure , with a new“ domesticated” version of nature. In the 1910s and 1920s
- Controller and printer interface that could be built right into a floppy disk, enclosure , The lack of RAM expansion offered by this solution was solved by a service in
- Of adjoining domes that houseplant species from around the world. Each, enclosure ,emulates a natural biome. The domes consist of hundreds of hexagonal and
- Stockade or fortress. In the words of Labor:" it was nothing more than an, enclosure ,to keep our own men together, and was never erected with an eye to military
- Package of related merchandise, including Case binding * Computer case, enclosure ,that contains the main components of a computer Agriculture Vehicles * Case
- Was produced with a new plastic enclosure (the First Asters had an all-metal, enclosure ,) that also had an opening on the top in which a cassette recorder could be
- Garth (), within the county's northern boundary. Four Iron Age hill fort and, enclosure ,sites have been identified within Cardiff's present-day county boundaries
- The Cottagers return to 'The Cottage' was engraved on the façade. The family, enclosure ,is located in the corner nearest to the Hammersmith end. The stand also
- To include new functionality in RSS 0.92 by defining a new element called ", enclosure ," which would pass the address of a media file to the RSS aggregator. He
- Up the bishops and nobles to find fault with his Rules regarding monastic, enclosure , Finally, Thierry and his party went to Luxury and ordered the abbot to
- Pass the address of a media file to the RSS aggregator. He demonstrated the RSS, enclosure ,feature on January 11, 2001 by enclosing a Grateful Dead song in his
- Square was built within a wall about 10 ft (3 m) thick. An outer teens (, enclosure ,) wall surrounded the grounds. This outer wall was thickened about the second
- Into the Great Temple of Osiris, the ruins of which still exist within the town, enclosure , Abyss became the center of the worship of the Isis and Osiris cult. During
- Abacus was believed in later times to be buried under the altar in this sacred, enclosure , A legend preserved in Pindar relates that Apollo and Poseidon took Abacus as
- Temple. Opera A opera is an entrance building. At Angkor, passage through the, enclosure ,walls surrounding a temple compound is frequently accomplished by means of an
- Will extend a computer bus to an external back plane, usually located in an, enclosure , to provide more or different slots than the host computer provides. These
- Educational market a version of the first model was produced with a new plastic, enclosure ,(the First Asters had an all-metal enclosure ) that also had an opening on the
- That the temple extended at least as far back as the Aedicula, and the temple, enclosure ,would have reached back slightly further. Indeed Baht notes that many temples
- Location of the speakers and usually exploits the acoustical properties of the, enclosure , Examples include Varese’s Poem Electronic (tape music performed in the
- Manned hydrogen balloon. On December 1,1783, Franklin was seated in the special, enclosure ,for honored guests when La Charlie took off from the Hardin DES Fooleries
- Dynasty, nine or ten temples were built on one site at Abyss. The first was an, enclosure , about 30 × 50 ft (9 x 15 m),surrounded by a thin wall of unbaked bricks.
- Area. Toponymy The name Cotswold is sometimes attributed the meaning" sheep, enclosure ,in rolling hillsides ", incorporating the term" would" meaning hills. The
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