Examples of the the word, susceptible , in a Sentence Context

The word ( susceptible ), is the 6927 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Virus destroys the majority of the rice crops and makes the surviving plants more, susceptible ,to fungal infections. Increased nutritional qualities Proteins in foods may be
  2. The solubilized toxins are thought to form pores in the midget epithelium of, susceptible ,larvae. Recent research has suggested the midget bacteria of susceptible larvae
  3. Above the waterline. The addition of wood makes the cored structure of the boat, susceptible ,to rotting which puts a greater emphasis on not allowing damaged sandwich
  4. Bacteriolytic, β-lactam antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections caused by, susceptible ,microorganisms. It is usually the drug of choice within the class because it is
  5. Of susceptible larvae. Recent research has suggested the midget bacteria of, susceptible ,larvae are required for B. thuringiensis insecticidal activity. Bacillus
  6. Resistant (s/s) individuals and any surviving heterozygotes will mate with, susceptible ,(S/S) individuals from the refuge, instead of with other individuals carrying
  7. A mixture of all possible isomers, indicating that all hydrogen atoms are, susceptible ,to reaction. The mixture produced, however,is not a statistical mixture:
  8. For about 80 % of all farmed shrimp. These industrial monocultures are very, susceptible ,to disease, which has decimated shrimp populations across entire regions.
  9. Is a copper-lead-zinc alloy. It is not recommended for seawater use, being, susceptible , to denitrification. *White brass contains more than 50 % zinc and is too
  10. Between 1949 and 1999 was 6.7 °C (44.0 °F),in February 1950. Bermuda is very, susceptible ,to hurricanes. Its position along the Gulf Stream means that it is often
  11. Which cause yet further damage, often in a chain reaction. Other polymers, susceptible ,to oxidation include polypropylene and polyethylene. The former is more
  12. Sedgewick, a cancer patient with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and therefore highly, susceptible ,to infection, was being treated at the time in the bone marrow unit, but no bed
  13. Strong, and do not rust (iron oxide),corrode, or rot. They are, however, susceptible , to structural degradation from sunlight and extremes in temperature over their
  14. Each department. No department head could be older than 55—anyone older being, susceptible ,to" routine and arrogance"—and no deputy older than 40. Over these departments
  15. Occupations—and in particular entry level jobs—will be increasingly, susceptible ,to automation via expert systems, machine learning and other AI-enhanced
  16. To today's digital technologies. Since it was an analog standard, it is very, susceptible ,to static and noise and has no protection from eavesdropping using a scanner.
  17. Due to their greater thermal mass, but they are known to be particularly, susceptible ,to earthquake damage. Buildings made of sun-dried earth are common in the West
  18. Low-dose aspirin has benefit for reducing the occurrence of migraines in, susceptible ,individuals. Prevention of heart attacks and strokes There are two distinct
  19. Bluetooth's technologies effectively. While Bluetooth has its benefits, it is, susceptible ,to denial of service attacks, eavesdropping,man-in-the-middle attacks, message
  20. Of cancer cells causes high levels of oxidative stress, making these cells more, susceptible ,to the further oxidative stress induced by treatments. As a result, by reducing
  21. Not ideal, this stress can lower the toxin production and make the plant more, susceptible , More importantly, reduced late-season expression of toxin has been documented
  22. Operations in Asia, South America, and the USA. Season cracking Brass is, susceptible ,to stress corrosion cracking, especially from ammonia or substances containing
  23. Are both extremely reactive, and the temperature of liquid ammonia makes it, susceptible ,to explosive boiling when reactants are added. Textile Liquid ammonia is used
  24. Site of these β-lactamases. This extends the spectrum of LATAM antibiotics, susceptible ,to hydrolysis by these enzymes. An increasing number of SBS not of TEM or SHV
  25. Express the genes for BT toxin, which they produce in its active form. When a, susceptible ,insect ingests the transgenic crop cultivar expressing the BT protein, it stops
  26. It may result in preferential growth of resistant bacteria, while growth of, susceptible ,bacteria is inhibited by the drug. Antibacterials such as penicillin and
  27. Not conducive to probability sampling of members. Research on AA is therefore, susceptible ,to sampling bias. Study Studies of AA's efficacy have produced inconsistent
  28. Species that can contract the disease systemically. They are particularly, susceptible ,due to their unusually low body temperature, which is hospitable to the leprosy
  29. As few as possible cards remain. Single deck games are therefore particularly, susceptible ,to card counting. As a result, casinos are more likely to insist that players
  30. Abiotic stress factors may come along, while tropical zones are much less, susceptible ,to such stressors. Benefits One example of a situation where abiotic stress
  31. With fewer side effects are generally used instead. Both dogs and horses are, susceptible ,to the gastrointestinal side effects associated with salicylates, but it is a
  32. The body. The grit and sand from stone-ground flour abraded teeth, leaving them, susceptible ,to abscesses (though caries were rare). The diets of the wealthy were rich in
  33. Of archery. Early firearms were vastly inferior in rate-of-fire, and were very, susceptible ,to wet weather. However, they had longer effective range Traditional archery
  34. Higher than for the blackjack game itself. Nonetheless, side games can be, susceptible ,to card counting, often requiring bespoke counting systems. Most side games do
  35. Is lacking, lowland bongos are not presently considered endangered. Bongos are, susceptible ,to diseases such as rinderpest, which almost exterminated the species the 1890s
  36. Incapable of rational or abstract thought. Women, it was believed, were too, susceptible ,to sensibility and too fragile to be able to think clearly. Wollstonecraft
  37. Alloys in this regard is their low melting point, which make them more, susceptible ,to distortions from thermally induced stress relief. Controlled stress relief
  38. Bulgarian villages and towns relatively inaccessible, Bulgaria has always been, susceptible ,to invasion because no natural obstacle blocked the route through Sofia.
  39. Most effective for reducing head damage. The only head punch that a fighter is, susceptible ,to is a jab to the top of the head. The body is open, but most fighters who use
  40. Is one of the most common antibiotics prescribed for children. Amoxicillin is, susceptible ,to degradation by β-lactamase-producing bacteria, which are resistant to a
  41. In Space program from the 1980s. Health risks of space travel Astronauts are, susceptible ,to a variety of health risks including decompression sickness, barotrauma
  42. And the judiciary. The legislature and judiciary are independent but remain, susceptible ,to outside influence. In 1995,Burning held its first multiparty municipal
  43. Using the new animal model of guinea pigs. However, guinea pigs proved to be, susceptible ,to scurvy when fed a diet similar to that of sailors that developed scurvy, and
  44. That in areas with high levels of background exposure to tuberculosis, every, susceptible , individual is already exposed prior to BCG, and that the natural immunizing
  45. Crop refuges to allow some nonresistant insects to survive and maintain a, susceptible ,population. To reduce the chance an insect would become resistant to a BT crop
  46. Develop within a month. The mortality rate is normally low, but it is high in, susceptible ,breeds of sheep. In Africa, local breeds of sheep may have no mortality, but in
  47. Nystagmus and astigmatism. Lack of skin pigmentation makes the organism more, susceptible ,to sunburn and skin cancers. Classification in humans Glasses and other vision
  48. TEM-derivative enzymes; nevertheless, they are commonly still, susceptible ,to tazobactam, except where an amino acid replacement exists at position met69.
  49. Main chains,such as natural rubber and polybutadiene, are especially, susceptible ,to oxidation and ozonolysis. They can be protected by antioxidants. Solid
  50. Because they can be appreciated in more than one way, and are often, susceptible ,to many interpretations. In the case of Géricault's Raft of the

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