Examples of the the word, markup , in a Sentence Context

The word ( markup ), is the 6928 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Program employed for comparing programming languages, scripting languages and, markup ,languages is made of 9 lines of code, although in HTML newlines are optional:
  2. Written via simple markup , rather than literally. A literal character and its, markup ,counterpart are considered equivalent and are rendered identically. The ability
  3. Webpage. There are several types of markup elements used in HTML.; Structural, markup ,describes the purpose of text: For example, Golf establishes" Golf" as a
  4. Stefano - creator of Standard Template Library T *Larry Teller - the PUB, markup ,language, the Small talk code browser, debugger and object inspector, and (with
  5. For beginning entity references," <" or ">" which are reserved to delimit the, markup ,tags, and " double" or 'single' quotation marks which are reserved to delimit
  6. Semantic markup from its inception, but has also included presentational, markup ,such as , and
    tags. There are also the
  7. Comments: Comments can help to understand of the, markup ,and do not display in the webpage. There are several types of markup elements
  8. Visual or audible web pages. Default characteristics for every item of HTML, markup ,are defined in the browser, and these characteristics can be altered or
  9. Because they originally sold it to a local shop for $500 and added a one-third, markup , About 200 units were produced. Unlike other hobbyist computers of its day
  10. To create interactive and animated websites by using a combination of a static, markup ,language (such as HTML),a client-side scripting language (such as
  11. Assembled (from KDE) packages are aimed to utilize these needs. * Qt Quick's, markup ,language (QML) is using JavaScript for the application logic, and the
  12. And its ref attribute sets the link's target URL. For example the HTML, markup , ref "Wikipedia/IN"> http://en.wikipedia.org/">Wikipedia, will render the word"
  13. Appropriately then HTML character references are usually only required for a, markup ,delimiting characters mentioned above, and for a few special characters (or
  14. And attributes, but at the same time sought to phase out Netscape's visual, markup ,features by marking them as deprecated in favor of style sheets. HTML 4 is an
  15. The structure or appearance of text within a document. Other schemes, such as, markup ,languages, address page and document layout and formatting. The original ASCII
  16. To it. Amiga program Skyline BBS was the first in 1987 featuring a script, markup ,language communication protocol called Sky pix which was capable to give the
  17. The inversion. Specialized types Document Type Definition (DTD) is a set of, markup ,declarations that define a document type for SGML-family markup languages (
  18. References, both of which allow individual characters to be written via simple, markup , rather than literally. A literal character and its markup counterpart are
  19. The web page, and the text between and is the visible page content. The, markup ,text 'Hello HTML' defines the browser tab title. ) This Document Type
  20. Format at CERN. Thirteen of these elements still exist in HTML 4. Hypertext, markup ,language is a markup language that web browsers use to interpret and compose
  21. Uniformly applied to bring out the meaning of published text. Presentational, markup ,tags are deprecated in current HTML and XHTML recommendations and are illegal
  22. May be further styled using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).; Presentational, markup ,describes the appearance of the text, regardless of its purpose: For example
  23. Instance, but on a screen such a name would be italicized. Most presentational, markup ,elements have become deprecated under the HTML 4.0 specification, in favor of
  24. Other people to become IBO's. Each IBO may earn income both from the retail, markup ,on any products they sell personally, plus a performance bonus based on the
  25. Formerly used camel case linking as well, but switched to explicit link, markup ,using square brackets and many other wiki sites have done the same. Some wikis
  26. CSS standards, encourages the use of CSS over explicitly presentational HTML, markup , History Origins In 1980,physicist Tim Berners-Lee, who was a contractor at
  27. Him on March 9. HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the predominant, markup ,language for web pages. HTML elements are the basic building-blocks of webpages
  28. Many other wiki sites have done the same. Some wikis which use a different link, markup ,by default have an option (sometimes with a plugin) to enable camel case
  29. Of these elements still exist in HTML 4. HyperText Markup Language is a, markup ,language that web browsers use to interpret and compose text, images and other
  30. For example, Golf establishes" Golf" as a second-level heading. Structural, markup ,does not denote any specific rendering, but most web browsers have default
  31. Encoded information over its presentation (look). HTML has included semantic, markup ,from its inception, but has also included presentational markup such as
  32. According to relatively simple rules. Software engines output source code or, markup ,code that simultaneously become the input to another computer process. The
  33. And more convenient to type. Wiki link markup Camel case is used in some wiki, markup ,languages for terms that should be automatically linked to other wiki pages.
  34. Emerged to replace it: shaded or colored ASCII art, using ANSI video terminal, markup ,or color codes (such as those found in HTML, IRC,and many internet messages
  35. Web authors have been encouraged to avoid the use of presentational HTML, markup ,with a view to the separation of presentation and content. In a 2001 discussion
  36. To manually format documents. However, the SGML concept of generalized, markup ,is based on elements (nested annotated ranges with attributes) rather than
  37. And &;, respectively ) to be interpreted as character data, rather than, markup , For example, a literal < normally indicates the start of a tag, and & normally
  38. Under the HTML 4.0 specification, in favor of using CSS for styling.; Hypertext, markup ,makes parts of a document into links to other documents: An anchor element
  39. Of the markup and do not display in the webpage. There are several types of, markup ,elements used in HTML.; Structural markup describes the purpose of text: For
  40. Which are claimed to be more readable and more convenient to type. Wiki link, markup ,Camel case is used in some wiki markup languages for terms that should be
  41. Character entity references. These are used to escape characters that are, markup ,sensitive in certain contexts: All other character entity references have to be
  42. To XHTML 1. X, is being defined alongside HTML5 in the HTML5 draft. Markup HTML, markup ,consists of several key components, including elements (and their attributes)
  43. Code represents the DOCUMENT TYPE declaration, which specifies which version of, markup ,code is used to create the website. The red code shows browser detection
  44. Type of each attribute value, if not an explicit set of valid value (s). DTD, markup ,declarations declare which element types, attribute lists, entities and
  45. Predefined in HTML and SGML, because <, >," and & are already used to delimit, markup , This notably does not include XML's '; (') entity. For a list of all
  46. To implement the Enigma in logic gates using either RTL or VHDL logic gate, markup ,languages. Fiction The play Breaking the Code, dramatised by Hugh White more, is
  47. Among various proprietary extensions and adopted most of Netscape's visual, markup ,tags. Netscape's blink element and Microsoft's marquee element were omitted
  48. Is a set of markup declarations that define a document type for SGML-family, markup ,languages (SGML, XML,HTML). DVDs were a precursor to XML schema and have a
  49. And try to use context to guess their intent. The result is still invalid, markup , which makes the document less accessible to other browsers and to other user
  50. For converting a specific type of data to information. *Text encoding uses a, markup ,language to tag the structure and other features of a text to facilitate

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