Examples of the the word, speculate , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Incan empire and the Apache lands until the arrival of the Spaniards. Scholars, speculate ,that the total Araucanian population may have numbered 1 million at most when
  2. Parker was uncharacteristically reluctant, prompting those close to Presley to, speculate ,about the manager's past and the reasons for his apparent unwillingness to
  3. Some individuals and institutions will enter into a derivative contract to, speculate ,on the value of the underlying asset, betting that the party seeking insurance
  4. Tribe Bang that settled in the area around the year 1000 BC. Other accounts, speculate ,that the name is derived from Being (বঙ্গ bongo),which came from the Austria
  5. Villain (Vindbláinn 'Wind-blue' ) instead of Villain. Modern commentators, speculate ,(or sometimes state as fact) that Álfheimr was one of the nine worlds (Ham
  6. Revealing the identity of an in picture cardinal, the cardinal ate expires. Some, speculate ,that the pope could leave instructions in writing, perhaps in his will, for the
  7. Write. That too was lost to Lerner's neglect of his finances. Some observers, speculate ,that Alan Jay Lerner's pride was so badly bruised by Muselli's
  8. Believes this allows us to reflect on his personal growth in the film, and, speculate , on his further growth afterwards. Jenkins also believes it would not fit into
  9. In the written history of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Archaeologists, speculate ,that beer was instrumental in the formation of civilizations. The earliest
  10. Observations of extremely distant objects. These advances made it possible to, speculate ,about the origin of the universe, and allowed scientists to establish the Big
  11. Syphilis along with his other infections at this time, and some biographers, speculate ,that syphilis caused his eventual dementia, though there is some disagreement
  12. Been distributed in some form during his lifetime in part or in whole. Scholars, speculate ,that manuscripts were circulated among his friends, but likely remained unknown
  13. This never happened. Instead, the dynamic on mailing lists was for users to, speculate ,rather than use very basic original sources (contacting NASA which was not
  14. Provided general guidance for Ewell to act" if practicable. " Many historians, speculate ,that Stonewall Jackson, if he had survived Chancellorsville, would have
  15. To 1.6 to 1.7 billion years ago. Etymology and study is obscure. Although some, speculate ,that it is related to Latin Alger," be cold ", there is no known reason to
  16. Sounds of exaltation without words; commentators such as Richard Hague, speculate ,that the practice of singing in the spirit persisted in Augustine's era
  17. Are clear, it is less clear why he included the Greek text. Though some, speculate ,that he intended to produce a critical Greek text or that he wanted to beat the
  18. Major trunk routes" were selected for large-scale investment, leading many to, speculate ,the rest of the network would eventually be closed. This was never implemented
  19. Plaques; that is, the localized blockages are absent. Scientists, speculate ,that the blood vessels in these women are diffuse abnormal. Some have falsely
  20. Is not known to have issued a law code, leading historian Patrick World to, speculate ,that Alfred had in mind the negative capillary of 786 that was presented to
  21. Are speculating that Godzilla might be dead as they watch Kong swim home and, speculate ,that it's possible he survived. In the American version, onlookers simply say
  22. Plug, and George Pieczenik. In this paper, based on Pieczenik's work, they, speculate , that code constraints on nucleotide sequences allow protein synthesis without
  23. Vu is with temporal lobe epilepsy. This correlation has led some researchers to, speculate ,that the experience of déjà vu is possibly a neurological anomaly related to
  24. A lecture at Microsoft. In his open source advocacy, Raymond refused to, speculate ,on whether the" bazaar" development model could be applied to works such as
  25. For philosophic speculation ... It certainly looks like a waste of time to, speculate ,about an object which is clearly recognized as inconceivable" This is not a
  26. Did not find them to be essential for retaining fluids in the anus, and instead, speculate ,that their role may be to distinguish between flatus and feces, thereby helping
  27. Designed with an exaggerated entrance — to enhance its perceived size, speculate ,many historians — the building faces east so that the reading rooms could make
  28. Who buy and sell stocks and shares, who make loans and recover them, who, speculate , in all kinds of commodities” – Miles The existence of financial markets is a
  29. And seasoned with a spicy tomato sauce, is called" cantatas braves ". Some, speculate ,that the dish may have been invented in Spain, the first European country in
  30. That some bodily proportions exhibit the golden ratio have led some scholars to, speculate ,that he incorporated the golden ratio in his paintings. But the suggestion that
  31. Stone and bone needles found in ancient tombs have made Joseph Needham, speculate ,that acupuncture might have originated in the Shang dynasty. But most
  32. Home, onlookers aren't sure if Godzilla survived the underwater fight, but, speculate , that it was possible. Production The film had its roots in an earlier concept
  33. Like Monte Alan and Xochicalco. It is only through the ethnography that we can, speculate ,that the timing of the illumination was considered important in Mayan society.
  34. France in Calais, Henry married Anne Boleyn in a secret ceremony. Some sources, speculate ,that Anne was already pregnant at the time, but others testify that Anne (who
  35. On this theory. The detection of organic molecules in comets has led some to, speculate ,that comets or meteorites may have brought the precursors of life—or even life
  36. S recent (2007) work, Quand note mode est even Chretien, which does not, speculate ,on the origins of Constantine's Christian motivation, but presents him, in his
  37. MON UC) - 3 military observers In February 2010 Czech media started to, speculate ,about possible corruption around the purchase of Pander II vehicles for the
  38. Cardiac Syndrome X” and it is unlikely to have a single cause. Today, we, speculate , that the major contributing factor to“ Cardiac Syndrome X” is“ microvascular
  39. Of human language. How clicks arose is not currently known. Some linguists, speculate ,that clicks were initially used for taboo avoidance and then borrowed into
  40. Kabbalist," the legend was known to several persons, thus allowing us to, speculate ,that the legend had indeed circulated for some time before it was committed to
  41. Of kite flying (exclusively) at Easter are unclear. Braxton and Wellington, speculate ,that kite flying was introduced by Chinese indentured immigrants to the then
  42. Afro-Indian War, dating from the US's military quarantine of Cuba; historians, speculate ,that the Chinese attack against India for disputed land was meant to coincide
  43. Bankcard, Brunet-Bourgin, Chauvel, & Halogen,1994). Timing and Jääskeläinen, speculate ,that déjà vu occurs as a result of hyperdopaminergic action in the medial
  44. Finnish serf mistress Abyssinia to live in the palace. Some historians, speculate ,that it was his conservative powerbase's disapproval of his foreign
  45. That the nebulae were actually galaxies outside our own Milky Way, nor did they, speculate ,about the cosmological implications. In 1927,the Belgian Roman Catholic priest
  46. The original plans have been lost, so historians, such as Ed Tavern, need to, speculate ,on the original intentions: it is thought that the considerations of the layout
  47. Is attributed, and both show elements of oral transmission, scholars can only, speculate ,on the tune's origins. These guesses include a Scottish folk ballad as many of
  48. Underlying value can cause a large difference in the value of the derivative; *, speculate ,and make a profit if the value of the underlying asset moves the way they
  49. And which was afterward generally accepted. In some later works some rabbis, speculate ,that he is to be identified with Phineas (Pike R. El. clvii.; Tag. Yer. On
  50. Career out of the public light, prompting both ancient and modern authors to, speculate ,on his involvement in Domitian's assassination. According to Cassius Did, the

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