Examples of the the word, appropriation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( appropriation ), is the 6918 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. S. Congress designated May 1 as Loyalty Day in 1958 due to the day's perceived, appropriation ,by the Soviet Union. Alternatively, Labor Day traditionally occurs on the first
  2. Change of government, Fraser and his allies were able to secure passage of the, appropriation ,bills, and the Governor-General dissolved Parliament for a double dissolution
  3. Now had to be licensed, as long as they rose" to a level of legally cognizable, appropriation , " In other words, de minimis sampling was still considered fair and free
  4. Of a fiduciary duty ... constitutes fraud akin to embezzlement – the fraudulent, appropriation ,to one's own use of the money or goods entrusted to one's care by another. "
  5. To Rothbard, property can only come about through labor, therefore original, appropriation ,of land is not legitimate by merely claiming it or building a fence around it;
  6. For food). In December 1981,the U. S. Congress authorized an initial, appropriation ,of 19 million dollars to finance paramilitary operations in Nicaragua and
  7. To the extent that he was an unconventional and critical sociologist; this, appropriation ,is similarly casual, holding little or no relation to the Frankfurt School. In
  8. Of her martyrdom as its emblem. This party's opponents sometimes satirize its, appropriation ,of her image. The French civic holiday in her honor is the second Sunday of
  9. And of all withholding of sustenance or means of life from the enemy; of the, appropriation ,of whatever an enemy's country affords necessary for the subsistence and
  10. Definitely benefited from the group’s MTV-friendly video. Along with this pop, appropriation ,of the genre and the success of these artists, not only on crossover stations
  11. In the Royal Collection (Cabinet du ROI),which were increased via state, appropriation , purchases such as the 1,200 works from Fillip Baldinucci's collection in
  12. Associate Members Currently the only associated member of ESA is Canada. Budget, appropriation ,and allocation The budget of ESA was €2.977 billion in 2005,€2.904 billion in
  13. Populations overturned Macedonia's Greek ethnic composition. As a result,the, appropriation ,by the" Republic of Macedonia" of what Greece held as its" Greek symbols "
  14. Being left to judge merit. Hard-edge painting, geometric abstraction, appropriation , hyperrealism, photorealism, expressionism,minimalism, Lyrical Abstraction
  15. By trade or gift; forced transfers are considered illegitimate. Original, appropriation ,allows an individual to claim any never-before used resources, including land
  16. Threatened to block the Government's budget by refusing to pass the associated, appropriation ,bills. On 11 November 1975,Whitley intended to call a half-Senate election in
  17. Estates of the Counts of Mean, partly through purchase and partly through the, appropriation ,of extinguished fiefs. The old Bishopric of Bamberg was composed of an unbroken
  18. And thus the resurrection of the state:" If we preserve the individual, appropriation ,of the products of labor, we would be forced to preserve money, leaving more
  19. S use of the term deconstruction is closely linked to his own (Derrida's), appropriation , of the latter's understanding of the problems of structural description. *
  20. Central to anarcho-capitalism are the concepts of self-ownership and original, appropriation ,: Everyone is the proper owner of his own physical body as well as of all places
  21. Permanent Fund The Alaska Permanent Fund is a constitutionally authorized, appropriation ,of oil revenues, established by voters in 1976 to manage a surplus in state
  22. Press" changed at the end of 1988 ... stimulated by Margaret Thatcher's, appropriation ,of the risks of climate change to promote nuclear power and dismantle the coal
  23. Role in American water law, in the doctrines of riparian rights and prior, appropriation , Administration In the United States, responsibilities for the administration
  24. It; it is only by using land – by mixing one's labor with it – that original, appropriation ,is legitimized:" Any attempt to claim a new resource that someone does not use
  25. Aids to Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and Hawaii, and eventually this, appropriation ,was written into each renewed Compact. Some, however,continue to claim the
  26. Completing one of the 10 most memorable record flights for 1994. In 2004 a new, appropriation ,bill called for some retired aircraft to return to service, and the USAF
  27. Guitarist and vocalist (Air Supply) *1951 – Yamaha Formula, Japanese, appropriation , artist * 1951 – Mark D. Slander, American politician *1952 – Donnie Van Want
  28. Whitley. In late 1975,there was a weeks-long deadlock over the passage of, appropriation ,bills, which was resolved by Kerr's dismissal of Whitley and commissioning of
  29. Of colonialism and imperialism, more specifically, the material and symbolic, appropriation ,of space enabling colonialism. Colonialism and imperialism A colony is part of
  30. Of the global spread of English is better understood in the framework of, appropriation ,(e.g. Schwinger 2000),that is, English used for local purposes around the
  31. From the king of Bohemia, who could not redeem his debts. By the further, appropriation ,of the Duchy of Dahrendorf, George came into possession of all Upper Silesia.
  32. Musicians have been guitar players who have also studied classical music. Their, appropriation ,and adaptation of classical models sparked the development of a new kind of
  33. A magazine. In this case, Koons won; the case sets a favorable precedent for, appropriation ,art where the use is deemed transformative. The subfactor mentioned in the
  34. Versions are based on Western Orientalist fantasies, and represent the colonial, appropriation ,of Chinese culture. In contrast, Huston Smith, scholar of world religions, said
  35. A blockade on all the Confederate shipping ports, disbursed funds before, appropriation ,by Congress, and controversially suspended the writ of habeas corpus along the
  36. In the distribution of wealth becoming unequal because it would permit private, appropriation ,and accumulation. According to academic Carlotta Anderson, American
  37. Led by Malcolm Fraser, determined to block supply by deferring consideration of, appropriation ,bills. With Field on leave (his Senate appointment having been challenged)
  38. The second of the Endears. Therein, Plotinus criticizes his opponents for their, appropriation ,of ideas from Plato: From Plato come their punishments, their rivers of the
  39. A logjam until Sens. Byrd, Byrnes and Taft added a provision subjecting it to, appropriation ,by Congress. Congress voted to commit to spend $50 billion on military supplies
  40. Music Publishing won a case against the group arising from the uncredited, appropriation ,of" Kookaburra ", originally written in 1934 by Marion Sinclair and for which
  41. It just frees the spirit and frees the person. " Popular use Following the, appropriation ,of the hymn in secular music," Amazing Grace" became such an icon in American
  42. A three percent increase. In June 2008,Congress gave the agency an emergency, appropriation ,of $150 million for FY 2008 and another $150 million. Legal authority Most
  43. Ocean routes, for example, are generally seen as unavailable for private, appropriation , Anarcho-capitalists tend to concur with free-market environmentalists
  44. Barbie and the values she represents. But when Jeff Moons tried to justify his, appropriation ,of Art Rogers' photograph" Puppies" in his sculpture" String of Puppies "
  45. Including a semi-autobiographical account of her mother’s suicide and the, appropriation ,of several other texts, including Pierre Guyotat's violent and sexually
  46. Into law by Ronald Reagan. On November 21, 1989,George H. W. Bush signed an, appropriation ,bill authorizing payments to be paid out between 1990 and 1998. In 1990
  47. The first two characteristics, St. Thomas conceives of the third as an, appropriation ,from principles developed by Neoplatonic and Augustinian thinkers. With the
  48. Of the dismissal, with the result that when the Senate convened at 2.00 pm,the, appropriation ,bills were rapidly passed, with the ALP senators assuming the Opposition had
  49. To our existence, consequently a common thing, consequently insusceptible of, appropriation , " Mutualists hold a labor theory of value, arguing that in exchange labor
  50. Viewed as largely irrelevant. The strict decision against rapper Biz Markie's, appropriation ,of a Gilbert O'Sullivan song in the case Grand Upright Music, Ltd. v. Warner

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