Examples of the the word, gp , in a Sentence Context

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  1. X_p,-),the linear functional on TPM which sends a tangent vector YP at p to, gp , ( XP, Yp). That is, in terms of the pairing −, − between TPM and its dual
  2. On Aerdy's standard, and consists of the platinum orb (pp),gold avid (, gp , ),plectrum noble (EP),silver penny (SP),and copper common (CP). Bright
  3. A point of the fiber of π: N → M corresponding to the conformal representative, gp , then let: h_p (X_p, Y_p) = g_p (\pi_This metric degenerates along the
  4. The proton is its connection to the proton's induced pseudoscalar form factor, gp , Laura Ellen Beale (née Dunn) is a fictional character from the BBC soap
  5. Is not identically zero. That is, for every XP ≠ 0 there exists a YP such that, gp , ( XP, Yp) ≠ 0. A metric tensor g on M assigns to each point p of M a metric GP
  6. Standard coinage consists of the platinum paladin (pp),gold wheat sheaf (, gp , ),plectrum knight (EP),silver Sheridan (SP),and copper common (CP).
  7. Or at the third level beneath. Com. Gp, Net. Gp, Mobi. Gp, Edu. Gp, Asso., gp , or. org. Gp. Two digits numbers are accepted for registration. External links
  8. At the second level, or at the third level beneath. Com. Gp, Net. Gp, Mobi., gp , Edu. Gp, Asso. Gp, or. Org. Gp. Two digits numbers are accepted for
  9. JPG|Bantam no.1 Blitz Buggy Image: Bantam-jeep-1. JPG|Bantam BRC 40 Image: Ford, gp , jeep 1942 Howard SM. jpg|Ford GP Image: Willy's MB Light Truck. JPG|Willy's MA
  10. For registration. External links * http://www.iana.org/root-whois/ gp .htm DIANA., gp , whois information * http://www.nic. gp . GP domain registration website *
  11. Text: :g_p (Y_p, aU_p+BV_p) = AG_p (Y_p, U_p)+BG_p (Y_p, V_p). \, *,GP, is symmetric. A function of two vector arguments is symmetric provided that for
  12. Elena standard coinage consists of the platinum brilliant (pp),gold crook (, gp , ),plectrum staff (EP),silver tower (SP),and copper hand (CP).
  13. May be identified: E = polyvalence for eh, enx, etc. G = polyvalence for gm, gp , etc. L = polyvalence for LV, lw, etc. References: Maureen Cleave (born 1941)
  14. To the grave. It is against the creed of the faith to retain more than 1,000,GP, of wealth unless it is being saved to purchase better armaments. Gendwar's
  15. A real number (scalar),so that the following conditions are satisfied: *, gp , is bilinear. A function of two vector arguments is bilinear if it is linear
  16. DIANA. Gp whops information * http://www.nic. gp ., gp ,domain registration website * http://www. gp -worldwide.org Promoting. Gp as
  17. Proved that there is a positive constant C such that for infinitely many primes, gp , > C log p. It can be proved assuming the generalized Riemann hypothesis, that
  18. For tension of the spring are: T \cos \var phi = T_0: T \sin \var phi = \lambda_0,GP, from which: \franc \tan \var phi \franc, \ T=\sort where p is the natural length
  19. After Keoland's, and consists of the platinum griffon (pp),gold lion (, gp , ),plectrum eagle (EP),silver stag (SP),and copper roc (CP). Blackamoor
  20. Contains I, then there exists precisely one ring homomorphism g: R/I → S with, gp , f (where p is the natural quotient map). The map g here is given by the
  21. S system and consists of the platinum sterling duke (pp),gold duke (, gp , ),plectrum bright (EP),silver shield (SP),and copper common (CP). In
  22. Level beneath. Com. Gp, Net. Gp, Mobi. Gp, Edu. Gp, Asso. Gp, or. Org., gp , Two digits numbers are accepted for registration. External links *
  23. Geoff's standard coinage consists of the platinum griffon (pp),gold lion (, gp , ),plectrum eagle (EP),silver hawk (SP),and copper owl (CP).
  24. S standard coinage consists of the platinum high crown (pp),gold forge (, gp , ),plectrum anvil (EP),silver hammer (SP),and copper common (CP).
  25. Can be made directly at the second level, or at the third level beneath. Com., gp , Net. Gp, Mobi. Gp, Edu. Gp, Asso. Gp, or. Org. Gp. Two digits numbers are
  26. Of primitive roots The least primitive root modulo p is generally small. Let, gp , be the smallest primitive root modulo p in the range 1,2,..., p–1. Freelander
  27. S standard coinage consists of the platinum gross mark (pp),gold mark (, gp , ),silver seamark (SP),and copper pfennig (CP). Transportation Military
  28. C log p. It can be proved assuming the generalized Riemann hypothesis, that,GP, =O (log6 p). Applications Primitive root modulo n is often used in
  29. Gems. Currency Stonehold's standard coinage consists of the gold gifting (, gp , ),silver hale fist (SP),and copper grim fist (CP). Coinage looted during
  30. All tangent vectors to the manifold at the point p. A metric at p is a function, gp , ( XP, Yp) which takes as inputs a pair of tangent vectors XP and YP at p, and
  31. That for all vectors XP and YP, : :g_p (X_p, Y_p) = g_p (Y_p, X_p). \, *,GP, is nondegenerate. A bilinear function is nondegenerate provided that, for every
  32. Directly at the second level, or at the third level beneath. Com. Gp, Net., gp , Mobi. Gp, Edu. Gp, Asso. Gp, or. Org. Gp. Two digits numbers are accepted
  33. At p. This operation takes a vector XP at a point p and produces a convector, gp , ( XP, − ). In a basis of vector fields f, if a vector field X has components VF
  34. Greyhawk's standard coinage consists of the platinum plate (pp),gold orb (, gp , ),plectrum lucky (EP),silver noble (SP),and copper common (CP). All of
  35. In use for Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin, two former parts of Guadeloupe., gp , domains can be registered at http://www.nic. gp NIC. Gp. Pricing differs for
  36. Parts of Guadeloupe. Gp domains can be registered at http://www.nic. gp NIC., gp , Pricing differs for Guadeloupians and other Internet users. For a Guadeloupe
  37. Country City gel drop *Rail transport: train station Gel drop (, gp , ) between Eindhoven (eh) and Weer (wt),departure schedules:
  38. Mb (Medicine Baccalaureate),MD (Medicine Doctor),mo (medical officer),GP, ( General Practitioner),Dr *Drug - c (cocaine),e, x (both short for
  39. Mb (Medicine Baccalaureate),MD (Medicine Doctor),mo (medical officer),GP, ( General Practitioner),Dr (short for doctor) *Member - mp (same as Member
  40. Simple vows and on its former juridical effects, see the article solemn vow., gp , is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Guadeloupe and is still in
  41. Of a complex of gp 1, gp 7, gp 9 and gp 11 along with the single stranded DNA and, gp , %. It begins at a specific sequence within the DNA which is predicted to have a
  42. The economy. The country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Guadeloupe is "., gp ,". Sport Football (soccer) is popular in Guadeloupe. Thierry Henry, a star of
  43. Level, or at the third level beneath. Com. Gp, Net. Gp, Mobi. Gp, Edu., gp , Asso. Gp, or. Org. Gp. Two digits numbers are accepted for registration.
  44. Grasshopper. Another 105 mm artillery/anti-tank prototype was the 10.5 cm K (, gp , NFL. ) nicknamed Dicker Max. Four different self-propelled anti-aircraft
  45. 0,..., N–2,where the negative exponent denotes the multiplicative inverse of, gp , modulo N. That means that we can rewrite the DFT using these new indices p and
  46. Gp domain registration website * http://www. gp -worldwide.org Promoting., gp , as Grand Prix domain hacks The Wolf's Hour is a 1989 World War II adventure
  47. Eagle parents defend their nests to the death. Giant eagle eggs are worth 2,500,GP, each. Giant eagles, like their smaller kin, are carnivores. Environment Giant
  48. The quest in the Asked mines. She will buy your bandit scalps for 50,GP, each. *Scar is a man in Baldur's Gate, who will offer you quests, leading to
  49. 28-34,it's hard to see how this bunch can stay in business even at 10,000,GP, a day, but I still think it is a neat idea that is well presented. " In other
  50. Gp (XP, Yp) ≠ 0. A metric tensor g on M assigns to each point p of M a metric, gp , in the tangent space at p in a way that varies smoothly with p. More precisely

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