Examples of the the word, marital , in a Sentence Context

The word ( marital ), is the 6925 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The first years of his Pontificate. To Pope Paul VI as to all his predecessors, marital ,relations are much more than a union of two people. They constitute a union of
  2. Communities are poverty. Poverty itself is a hardship as it is related to, marital ,stress and dissolution, health problems, low educational attainment, deficits
  3. Lady writers of silly novels, but it also quietly hid the tricky subject of her, marital ,status. In 1858 (when she was 39) Amos Barton, the first of the Scenes of
  4. Number 1. The song was allegedly written about Slaves and Fältskog's, marital ,tribulations. It was also re-recorded by Andersson and Slaves with a slightly
  5. Inside the church; this tradition is often extended to all women, regardless of, marital ,status. Orthodox Judaism also commands the use of scarves and other head
  6. Persons can still have business dealings with church members and can maintain, marital ,relations with a marriage partner, who remains a church member. Hutterites The
  7. Essential care for the elderly. Within a household, family contact and, marital ,intimacies may continue, but without spiritual fellowship such as family Bible
  8. And reflections on Humane Vitae, focusing largely on responsible parenthood and, marital ,chastity. John Paul II readdressed some of the same issues in his 1993
  9. Care of children and aged relatives. A further cause for weakened family and, marital ,ties was seen in the unsettling effects of the Great Migration and in the
  10. Then added how assailants would" bring down a dwarf on the way home, for the, marital ,cooking pot ... The Dwarfs, as I say, dispense with cooking pots and eat and
  11. Fifteenth Amendment. Discrimination based on age, gender,sexual orientation, marital ,or familial status, religion,race or membership of the travelling community is
  12. Clause: The" prohibited grounds" include race, gender,sex, pregnancy, marital , status,ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age,disability
  13. Any relaxing time with friends between the end of work and the beginning of the, marital ,obligations.; chanson: 1) a classical" art song," equiv. To the German lied
  14. Novels, Updike became most famous for his chronicling infidelity, adultery,and, marital ,unrest, especially in suburban America, and for his controversial depiction of
  15. Then and lead to isolation from family and friends. This isolation can lead to, marital ,conflict and divorce, or contribute to domestic violence. Alcoholism can also
  16. More than 20 suits from 1969 to 1974). Olson, an expert in complex financial, marital ,settlements, read every page of 3,275 individual exhibits and 68 boxes of
  17. As likely that he never married at all. Yet, Paul acknowledges the mutuality of, marital ,relations, and recognizes that his own singleness is" a particular gift from
  18. S marriage negotiations with the Due d'Lennon. Putting a positive spin on her, marital ,status, Elizabeth insisted she was married to her kingdom and subjects, under
  19. And child custody order is optional. This policy stated that it only applied to, marital ,separations after February 1995. The June 2003 amendments state that if the
  20. On the Flying Trapeze has several short stories with a tense undercurrent of, marital ,discord. The book was published the year of his divorce and remarriage. His
  21. Until the 17th century, or even later. Henry VIII (1491–1547) ordered that, marital ,births be recorded under the surname of the father. Most surnames of British
  22. That are divorced or have never married are also more likely to grant, marital ,rights to same-sex couples than married or widowed individuals. Also, white
  23. To run and Democratic front-runner Gary Hart withdrew owing to revelations of, marital ,infidelity. Clinton decided to remain as Arkansas governor (following
  24. r. 967–83) adopted the designation imperator Romano rum. Still, Otto formed, marital ,ties with the east, when he married the Byzantine princess Thespian. Their son
  25. Of the dead, the wearing of vermilion on the head by married women, and various, marital ,rituals. In literature, many classical narratives and Purana have Hindu
  26. Marriage would then be valid as long as neither of the two parties annulled the, marital ,agreement before reaching puberty, or if they had already consummated the
  27. Include LDS Family Services, which provides assistance with adoption, marital ,and family counseling, psychotherapy,and addiction counseling; the LDS Church
  28. Who relied on others for most of his ideas and to do most of the work. Henry's, marital ,adventures are part of Elton's chain of evidence; a man who marries six wives
  29. To divorce her husband and gain his property if he was unable to perform his, marital ,duties due to impotence, obesity,homosexual inclination or preference for
  30. Fields and" hang" wallows. Whatever energy Abner had gone into evading the, marital ,goals of Daisy Mae Scraggy, his sexy, well-endowed (but virtuous)
  31. Motherhood. In several of her texts, Hildegard describes the pleasure of the, marital ,act. In addition, there are many instances, both in her letters and visions
  32. Life callings. Protestants generally approve of birth control and consider, marital ,sexual pleasure to be a gift of God. While condoning divorce only under limited
  33. Paul VI reaffirmed the Catholic Church's traditional view of marriage and, marital ,relations and a continued condemnation of artificial birth control. There were
  34. Quantifiable factors, including location, credit scores, gender,occupation, marital ,status, and education level. However, the use of such factors is often
  35. Controversy across Europe. In 1879. The play is a scathing criticism of the, marital ,roles accepted by men and women which characterized Ibsen's society. Ghosts
  36. Business ties between the excommunicant and the congregation, sometimes even, marital ,contact between the excommunicant and spouse remaining in the congregation or
  37. XII and John XXIII, all of whom had insisted on the divine obligations of the, marital ,partners in light of their partnership with God the creator. Doctrinal Basis
  38. And relationships on the grounds that" sexual intimacy belongs only within the, marital ,relationship of a man and a woman. " LGBT-affirming denominations regard
  39. Context in which Hosea was composed. In his article Observations on the, marital ,metaphor of YHWH and Israel in its ancient Israelite context: general
  40. On name, gender,relationship to head of household, year and month of birth, marital ,status, nationality,number of members of household, type and nature of
  41. To LDS Church theology, men and women may be sealed to each other so that their, marital ,bond continues in the afterlife. Children may also be sealed to their
  42. Discrimination against women or men, including discrimination on the grounds of, marital ,status, illegal in the workplace. * Human Rights Act 1998 – provides more scope
  43. Predicts that future progress in social cultural and economic spheres will make, marital ,and family life more joyful, provided God's design for the world is faithfully
  44. Hanging or burning effigies of George with cuckold's horns. They derided his, marital ,problems and alleged mistresses (who got nicknames like the Goose and the
  45. Orientation, and ethnicity. In the 1990s some state laws began to include age, marital ,status, membership in the armed forces, and membership in civil rights
  46. This caused their marriage to break down irrevocably. As a result of their, marital ,strike, Isabella began to travel freely and live independently of her husband
  47. He had once written to Savoring: The letter proved prophetic of Chekhov's, marital ,arrangements with Olga: he lived largely at Yalta, she in Moscow, pursuing her
  48. Henry, who then became Prince of Wales. Henry VII renewed his efforts to seal a, marital ,alliance between England and Spain, by offering his second son in marriage to
  49. Adult member of the opposite sex, and are encouraged to do so, regardless of, marital ,status, as a way to foster unity and combat loneliness of those" in need ".
  50. Functioning, such as parental (particularly maternal) depression, severe, marital , conflict or divorce, death of a parent, or other disturbances in parenting are

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