Examples of the the word, memoir , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Overall title). * The Gulag Archipelago (three volumes) (1973–1978),not a, memoir , but a history of the entire process of developing and administering a police
  2. 9th century. This curious and interesting plan has been made the subject of a, memoir ,both by Keller (Zurich,1844) and by Professor Robert Willis. To the latter
  3. Teacher he lived with until 1974. Schwarzenegger talked about Barbara in his, memoir ,in 1977:" Basically it came down to this: she was a well-balanced woman who
  4. Memoirs for posterity. One memoir was an account of her mother’s life. A second, memoir ,was about the fortunes of her mother’s family and the last memoir recorded the
  5. Fun with it, then retain any of the fun that sounded amusing. " Mullin's 1976, memoir , of these early days of experimental recording agrees with Crosby's account:: "
  6. Wings. Although Love said she would" never write a book ", she did publish a, memoir ,in 2006 titled Dirty Blonde: The Diaries of Courtney Love. The memoir was
  7. House, too heartbroken to live there. He and Louisa May collaborated on a, memoir ,and went over her papers, letters,and journals. " My heart bleeds with the
  8. With a camp sense of humor, the show became a pop culture phenomenon. In his, memoir , Back to the Bat cave, West notes his dislike for the term 'camp' as it was
  9. Prisons, Gulag camps and settlements from 1938 to 1955. She described in her, memoir , Harsh Route (or Steep Route) of a case, which she was directly involved in
  10. Holiday Albums Bibliography Grant is the author of several books, including a, memoir , * * * * Popular culture * The cover for the
  11. Eventually formed the basis for Spandau: The Secret Diaries. With the draft, memoir ,complete and clandestinely transmitted, Speer sought a new project. He found
  12. S detention questioned this account of events. In January 2010,Kyriakos, in a, memoir , said" Now we know that Zubaydah was waterboarded eighty-three times in a
  13. And John Bunyan (Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners,1666). Memoirs A, memoir ,is slightly different in character from an autobiography. While an
  14. Poll, in his autobiography The Way the Future Was, Damon Knight, in his, memoir ,The Futurists, and Isaac Asimov, in his memoir s In Memory Yet Green and me.
  15. To this tradition. The pagan rector Litanies (c. 314–394) framed his life, memoir ,(Oration I have begun in 374) as one of his orations, not of a public kind, but of
  16. With the article, she appended a set of notes. The notes are longer than the, memoir ,itself and include (Section G),in complete detail, a method for calculating
  17. Wrote the 1984 best-selling novel" They Cage the Animals at Night" which is a, memoir ,of that period of his life. * Salvatore J. Cassiano (B. S.) - 32nd Fire
  18. City of Chicago as" Chicago" was by Robert de LaSalle around 1679 in a, memoir ,written about the time. The wild garlic plants, Allium Tribolium, were
  19. Agrippina, due to the unfortunate circumstances in her life. Agrippina wrote a, memoir ,that recorded the misfortunes of her family (cases quorum) and wrote an
  20. The informal Oxford literary group known as the" Inklings ". According to his, memoir ,Surprised by Joy, Lewis had been baptized in the Church of Ireland (part of
  21. Man, and hated the very idea of ordinary life. " Baker published her, memoir ,in 2006,entitled Arnold and Me: In the Shadow of the Austrian Oak. Although
  22. Released in theaters. The movie was based on Elizabeth Gilbert's best-selling, memoir ,of the same name. It took place at Bud and Padang-Padang Beach at Bali. The
  23. Period in 1842–43,Lovelace translated Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea's, memoir ,on Babbage's newest proposed machine, the Analytical Engine. With the article
  24. As a visually impaired person in Planet of the Blind, and his upcoming, memoir , Eavesdropping: A Life By Ear. * John Hull, a university lecturer, wrote about
  25. What we obtained and what we learned and how good the intelligence was. In his, memoir , former CIA Director George Tenet writes: A published report in 2006 contended
  26. Latham in 2005 and Latham split from his party with the publication of a 2005, memoir , The Latham Diaries. Beasley in turn was challenged by Kevin Rudd who went on to
  27. A second memoir was about the fortunes of her mother’s family and the last, memoir ,recorded the misfortunes (cases quorum) of the family of Agrippina and
  28. Eldest daughter Agrippina the Younger had written memoir s for posterity. One, memoir ,was an account of her mother’s life. A second memoir was about the fortunes of
  29. Always gave great attention to the soundtracks of his films (Terry Noemi’s, memoir ,gives many such examples). In the late 1940s,he began to employ music for
  30. Citations; Solzhenitsyn subsequently paid tribute to Odom's role in his, memoir ," Invisible Allies" ( 1995). In Germany, Solzhenitsyn lived in Heinrich Böll
  31. Royal mausoleum, but it was never built. Ten days after Charles' execution,a, memoir ,purporting to be written by the king appeared for sale. This book, the Nikon
  32. British Uganda Program),rather than in Palestine. According to Weizmann's, memoir , the conversation went as follows::" Mr. Balfour, supposing I was to offer you
  33. His Lithuanian childhood in a 1955 novel, The SSA Valley, and in the 1959, memoir , Native Realm. In his youth, Miłosz came to adopt, as he put it, a " scientific
  34. On the aberration of light, although it was never published. In 1818, he wrote a, memoir ,on diffraction for which he received the prize of the Academic DES Sciences at
  35. David Zimmerman. However, Dylan has never said as much, and in his 2004, memoir , Chronicles, Vol. 1,he stated that the songs have nothing to do with his own
  36. And sometimes difficult to precisely distinguish from it) is the form of, memoir , See also: List of autobiographies and for examples. Autobiography through the
  37. In late September 2011,it was announced that Love was writing a" tell-all ", memoir ,about her life with Kurt Cobain, her Hollywood career, and her substance abuse
  38. Began an affair that continued for several years, which she details in her, memoir , Charlie Chaplin: Intimate Close-Ups. During production of Chaplin's film City
  39. Stories, a series of contemplative" miniatures" or prose poems, a literary, memoir ,on his years in the West (The Grain Between the Millstones) among many others
  40. Vincenzo Justinian, a member of Del Monte's circle. The model was named in a, memoir ,of the early 17th century as" Cello ", the diminutive for Francesco. He is
  41. Is a book of the Hebrew Bible. Told largely in the form of a first-person, memoir , it concerns the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by Nehemiah, a Jew who is
  42. Most voluminous writers of the Near East in his time. Biography An interesting, memoir ,of Abdallah, written by himself, has been preserved with additions by In
  43. Her father had become" restless with his anchor gone. " They gave up on the, memoir ,project and Louisa burned many of her mother's papers. On January 19, 1879
  44. Polyhedra in 1811,and in several other elegant problems. More important is his, memoir ,on wave propagation, which obtained the Grand Prix of the French Academy of
  45. An autobiography typically focuses on the" life and times" of the writer,a, memoir ,has a narrower, more intimate focus on his or her own memories, feelings and
  46. Of August Strindberg's The Dance of Death. Olivier later noted in his, memoir , Confessions of an Actor, that," A new young actor in the company of
  47. Narrative of the Hebrew Bible The original core of the book, the first-person, memoir , may have been combined with the core of the Book of Ezra around 400 BCE.
  48. Produce a Model T in ninety-three minutes. Charles E. Sorenson, in his 1956, memoir , My Forty Years with Ford, presented a different version of development that was
  49. Been anticipated as early as 1685 in Wallis's De Algebra tracts. Wessel's, memoir ,appeared in the Proceedings of the Copenhagen Academy but went largely
  50. Publish a memoir in 2006 titled Dirty Blonde: The Diaries of Courtney Love. The, memoir ,was composed of years' worth of diary entries, poems,letters, drawings

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