Examples of the the word, massacre , in a Sentence Context

The word ( massacre ), is the 6917 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bulgarian forces capture Vienna, Austria. *1948 – The Harass medical convoy, massacre ,: In an ambush,79 Jewish doctors, nurses and medical students from Harass
  2. Various nationalities, including Jews and Begins who were killed in the 1918, massacre , To date, the remains of 600 people have been found, including about 50
  3. 1976 – Between 1,000 and 3,500 Palestinians are killed in the Tel al-Zaatar, massacre , one of the bloodiest events of the Lebanese Civil War *1977 – The first free
  4. Was used to terrify the Judea people and their military. After this, massacre , Antaeus was in no position to stop the onslaught of Lathers. However
  5. Antonio de Posadas joins Argentina's Second Triumvirate. *1821 – Greek rebels, massacre ,all the population of Navarro. *1839 – The French government announces that
  6. Ireland, the worst terrorist incident of The Troubles *1999 – Ben Unit, massacre ,in Algeria; some 29 people are killed at a false roadblock near the Moroccan
  7. In the Welsh Marches. In 1175,Abergavenny Castle was the scene of a reputed, massacre ,of local Welsh chieftains by the pious and ruthless William de Braose. So the
  8. 367 BC, was initiated by a specimen of Alexander's treacherous cruelty, in the, massacre ,of the citizens of Sousa; and also by another expedition of the The bans
  9. Against Armenian Genocide claim responsibility, saying they are avenging the, massacre ,of 1.5 million Armenians in the 1915 Armenian Genocide. *1985 – The Nigerian
  10. The son of Emir Al-Hakam I. In his youth he took part in the so-called ", massacre ,of the ditch ", when from 700 to 5000 people come to pay homage to the prince
  11. 98 villagers are killed by the Armed Islamic Group of Algeria GIA in the Rail, massacre , Algeria. *2003 – Ayatollah Stayed Mohammed Air al-Hakim, the Shia Muslim
  12. Divine honors, and overthrew the government. His arrival was celebrated by a, massacre ,of 80,000 Latins in Constantinople, especially the Venetian merchants, which he
  13. The Battle of Black Jack, the Battle of Pottawatomie and the Marie DES Cygnus, massacre , The 1857 Supreme Court Died Scott decision allowed slavery in the territories
  14. That Michelle Jean will be Canada's 27th Governor General. *2006 – A, massacre , is carried out by Sri Lankan government forces, killing 17 employees of the
  15. During the Islamic period until the 14th century when Tamerlane conducted a, massacre ,of indigenous Assyrian Christians. After that there are no traces of a
  16. The countries of the British Empire follow suit. *1944 – Waffen-SS troops, massacre ,560 people in Sent'Anna di Stanza. * 1944 – Lennon is liberated by General
  17. Shanty, Georgia (now Kennesaw). *1864 – American Civil War: The Fort Pillow, massacre ,: Confederate forces kill most of the African American soldiers that surrendered
  18. After having restoring democracy for the first time since 1972. * 1989 – A, massacre ,is carried out by an Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka killing 64 ethnic
  19. Revival opens and will launch Pentecostalism as a worldwide movement. *1909 – A, massacre ,is organized by Ottoman Empire against Armenian population of Militia. *1912 –
  20. Inhabitants of the city, who virtually controlled the economy of the city. The, massacre ,resulted in the deaths of 80,000" Latins ". He was believed to have arranged
  21. Ron Brown crashes in Croatia, killing all 35 on board. *1997 – The Thalia, massacre ,begins in Algeria; all but 1 of the 53 inhabitants of Thalia are killed by
  22. Militiamen killed about a hundred neutral Native Americans in the Gnadenhütten, massacre , In the last major encounters of the war, a force of 200 Kentucky militia was
  23. Massacre victim (b. 1981) * 1999 – Rachel Joy Scott, Columbine High School, massacre ,victim (b. 1981) *2001 – Giuseppe Monopoly, Italian conductor and composer (
  24. Massacre (b. 1981) * 1999 – Dylan Kobold, perpetrator of the Columbine High, massacre ,(b. 1981) * 1999 – Cassie Bern all, Columbine High School massacre victim (b.
  25. World War I: German troops capture Namur. *1929 – Second day of two-day Hebron, massacre ,during the 1929 Palestine riots: Arab attacks on the Jewish community in Hebron
  26. 1572 – Mob violence against Huguenots in Paris – St. Bartholomew's Day, massacre , *1595 – Michael the Brave confronts the Ottoman army in the Battle of
  27. Between Union of India and Dominion of Pakistan is revealed. *1950 – Hill 303, massacre , : American POWs were massacre d by North Korean Army. *1953 – Addiction: First
  28. Indiana. Two men, Thomas Ships and Abram Smith, are killed. *1933 – The Simple, massacre ,: The Iraqi Government slaughters over 3,000 Assyrians in the village of Sum ail.
  29. Admitting 10 new member states to the European Union. *2007 – Virginia Tech, massacre ,: The deadliest spree killing in modern American history. Seung-Hui CHO, kills
  30. Anti-imperialist Action Front-Suxxali Reed Mi. *1997 – Sued El-Had and Edouard, massacre ,in Algeria; a total of 116 villagers killed,40 in Sued El-Had and 76 in
  31. Aircraft safely. *1995 – First Chechen War: Russian paramilitary troops begin a, massacre ,of civilians in Smash, Chechnya. *1999 – The World Trade Organization rules
  32. The last of Eli's House. The only one of the priests to escape from Saul's, massacre , he fled to David at Salah, taking with him the ephor and other priestly
  33. ABD Brahman wanted to take the fight back east to Baghdad. Revenge for the, massacre ,of his family at the hands of the Abbasid's must surely have been the driving
  34. From Ethiopia in a United Nations-monitored referendum. *1997 – Maria, massacre ,in Algeria: 42 villagers are killed. *2003 – Beijing closes all schools for two
  35. To enter Constantinople. Androids Comments' arrival was soon followed by a, massacre ,of the Latin inhabitants of the city, who virtually controlled the economy of
  36. Four million people attend the funeral of Pope John Paul II. *2006 – Shed den, massacre ,: The bodies of eight men, all shot to death, are found in a field in Ontario
  37. High massacre (b. 1981) * 1999 – Cassie Bern all, Columbine High School, massacre ,victim (b. 1981) * 1999 – Rachel Joy Scott, Columbine High School massacre
  38. 2004) *1930 – Livia Libretto, Israeli professor, killed in the Virginia Tech, massacre ,(d. 2007) *1931 – Cromwell Tinsley, Canadian Salvation Army general * 1931 –
  39. 348 Jewish prisoners. * 1944 – World War II: The Nazis begin a three-day, massacre ,of anywhere between 40,000 and 100,000 civilians and prisoners of war in Wolf
  40. Surrender of Kunduz in an incident that has become known as the Dasht-i-Leili, massacre , Political career Afghan Government Dos tum served as a deputy defense minister
  41. By an Austrian-Prussian-Russian alliance. * 1813 – Creek War – Fort Mims, massacre ,: Creek" Red Sticks" kill over 500 settlers (including over 250 armed militias
  42. The kingdom. Theodosius was threatened with excommunication by Ambrose for the, massacre ,of 7,000 persons at Thessalonica in 390,after the murder of the Roman governor
  43. Announces their dissolution after 28 years. *1999 – Columbine High School, massacre ,: Eric Harris and Dylan Kobold kill 13 people and injure 24 others before
  44. Period of violence and human rights abuses begins, known as the EU, massacre , *1955 – The American Civil Liberties Union announces it will defend Allen
  45. Gas chambers worked to their fullest capacity from April–July 1944,during the, massacre ,of Hungary's Jews. Hungary was an ally of Germany during the war, but it had
  46. A bus in Jerusalem kills 23 Israelis,7 of them children in the Jerusalem bus 2, massacre , *2005 – The first-ever joint military exercise between Russia and China
  47. b. 1896) * 1999 – Eric David Harris, perpetrator of the Columbine High, massacre ,(b. 1981) * 1999 – Dylan Kobold, perpetrator of the Columbine High massacre
  48. Of two Jewish boys, Natan Sheila 18 and Kassel ALADI 20,victims of an earlier, massacre , Syrian authorities deposited the bodies of all six in sacks before the homes
  49. The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea. * 1919 – Jallianwala Bag, massacre ,: British troops, India. At least 1200 wounded. * 1919 – Eugene V. Debs enters
  50. Version 1.0 of the Mosaic web browser is released. *1997 – Ha ouch Chemist, massacre ,in Algeria – 93 villagers killed. * 1997 – The Japanese embassy hostage crisis

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