Examples of the the word, sickness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sickness ), is the 6911 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And malnourishment, caused by excessive vomiting from severe morning, sickness ,or hyperemesis gravid arum. There is also evidence to suggest that Charlotte
  2. Penal colony and the government ceased operating it in May 1796. For some time, sickness ,and mortality were high, but swamp reclamation and extensive forest clearance
  3. The majority, however,died early in their imprisonment due to exposure or, sickness ,brought on by conditions in the surrounded army before the surrender. The
  4. Ludo. A few months later, they both became ill, possibly with the sweating, sickness ,which was sweeping the area. He died on 2 April 1502,and Catherine recovered
  5. An ascetic. These depressed him, and he initially strove to overcome aging, sickness , and death by living the life of an ascetic. Accompanied by Hanna and aboard
  6. Arboviruses which encompass, besides BTV, the agents causing African horse, sickness ,(AHS) and epizootic hemorrhagic disease of deer (HDV),have the
  7. With the in-flight pressure reduction carried the clear risk of decompression, sickness ,(known as" the bends" ). But the decision to eliminate the use of any gas
  8. That antioxidant supplements were not effective in helping against" mountain, sickness ,", and in the second study showed that the supplements' beta-carotene, vitamin A
  9. Rate, or the prevalence of a disease or medical condition. This measure of, sickness ,is contrasted with the mortality rate of a condition, which is the proportion
  10. MTV/h (millisievert per hour),which is a level that can cause radiation, sickness ,to occur at a later time following a one-hour exposure. Significant release in
  11. Out with the help of local people and patients. Drug advances for sleeping, sickness ,included Germanic and tryparsamide. Dr. Trees conducted experiments showing
  12. Science teaches that the" illness" of God denies the reality of sin, sickness , death, and the material world. Accounts of healing through prayer are common
  13. Bodies throughout Europe in the early twentieth century established mutual, sickness ,funds and contracts with doctors and hospitals enabling workers to be assured
  14. Cash crops were promoted, mobile health services were formed to combat sleeping, sickness , and Protestant missions established stations in different parts of the country
  15. Symptoms. Many addicts will maintain their drinking to avoid withdrawal, sickness , drinking small amounts frequently. They will try and hide their problem from
  16. He drew upon the nightmares that had plagued him during youthful spells of, sickness , He published at his own expense a volume containing six of his best stories
  17. Give thanks to the gods before eating and pray to the deity of fire in time of, sickness , They believe their spirits are immortal, and that their spirits will be
  18. Countries, like Peru and Bolivia, to ameliorate some symptoms of altitude, sickness , This method of consumption has been practiced for many centuries by the native
  19. Filariasis, leishmaniasis, malaria,meningitis, schistosomiasis,and sleeping, sickness , The HIV/AIDS seroprevalence rate is estimated at 5.4 % for those aged 15–49
  20. He suffers from sea sickness , and in Death in the Clouds believes that his air, sickness ,prevents him from being more alert at the time of the murder. Later in his life
  21. Tropical countries became a driving force for all colonial powers. The sleeping, sickness ,epidemic in Africa was arrested due to mobile teams systematically screening
  22. However, he did not travel to the Americas or Australia, probably due to his sea, sickness ,.:" It is this villainous sea that troubles me! The MAL de MER – it is horrible
  23. Most forms of cancer, heart disease, and genetic disease. Illness and, sickness ,are generally used as synonyms for disease. However, this term is occasionally
  24. The ascent. Once in orbit, the spacious cabin may have induced some crew motion, sickness , which had not been an issue in the earlier, smaller spacecraft. The crew was
  25. Astronauts are susceptible to a variety of health risks including decompression, sickness , microtrauma, immunodeficiencies, loss of bone and muscle, orthostatic
  26. Of us were taken to another spot 50 miles 80 km away where 10 prisoners died of, sickness , At this place, the Japanese again started selecting prisoners to eat. Those
  27. Old when he flew Boston 2. (Tito was also the first person to suffer space, sickness ,). The oldest person who has flown in space is John Glenn, who was 77 when he
  28. In Indiana, when Lincoln was nine, his 34-year-old mother Nancy died of milk, sickness ,in 1818. Located on the grounds of Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial in Lincoln
  29. Prevention of diseases such as cancer, coronary heart disease and even altitude, sickness , Although initial studies suggested that antioxidant supplements might promote
  30. Arseno-benzol),tropical malaria (quinine and Arsenal arsenic),sleeping, sickness , treated at that time with atoll, leprosy (chaulmoogra oil),fevers
  31. Harvest this year; it was a hard, tormenting year, and a year of suffering and, sickness , * 1520. A great plague in the beginning of this year in Erin. Mac William
  32. Sick and did not recover due to his old age. There are two accounts about the, sickness ,of Abu Bakr. One account states that 8 August 634 was a cold day and when Abu
  33. To help the newly arrived traveler overcome the malaise of high altitude, sickness , The effects of drinking coca tea are a mild stimulation and mood lift. It does
  34. Fever; vector borne diseases, malaria,African trypanosomiasis (sleeping, sickness ,); respiratory disease: meningococcal meningitis, and schistosomiasis, a water
  35. What virtue and power may lie in medicines. " His hermetical views were that, sickness ,and health in the body relied on the harmony of man the microcosm and Nature
  36. Of the rapid drop in cabin (and suit) pressures during ascent, decompression, sickness , was likely unless the nitrogen had been purged from the astronauts' tissues
  37. Thought Hercules Poirot, and closed his eyes determinedly. " He suffers from sea, sickness , and in Death in the Clouds believes that his air sickness prevents him from
  38. Little food, had marched 260 miles in two and a half weeks, were suffering from, sickness ,such as dysentery, and faced much larger numbers of well-equipped French men at
  39. Vector borne diseases: malaria, plague,and African trypanosomiasis (sleeping, sickness ,) are high risks in some locations: Water contact disease: schistosomiasis (
  40. To the command module in an emergency, but as he had been suffering from space, sickness ,the extra tests were scratched. Activity and Schweickart later test-flew the LM
  41. Illness is often not due to infection but a collection of evolved responses, sickness ,behavior, by the body which aids the clearing of infection. Such aspects of
  42. Belgium, Switzerland,Spain and Italy). Related diseases African horse, sickness ,is related to Blue tongue and is spread by the same midges (Suicides species
  43. Science, writing that it is also sometimes more difficult than healing, sickness , because" while mortals love to sin, they do not love to be sick. " (
  44. Centuries on the sacrament's aspect of healing, and points to the place, sickness ,holds in the normal life of Christians and its part in the redemptive work of
  45. Using school equipment, and was eventually sacked on the basis of his, sickness ,record. His supporters told the press that he had been suspended for accessing
  46. Anointing of the Sick gives grace for the state into which people enter through, sickness , Through the sacrament a gift of the Holy Spirit is given, that renews
  47. That drove him insane. Suetonius said that Caligula suffered from" falling, sickness ,", or epilepsy, when he was young. Modern historians have theorized that
  48. The plague. Rather than accepting the natural order of things — the presence of, sickness ,and death — he believes one must fight against them. He is aware of the needs
  49. The winds were unfavorable and so sheltered at Kama ran island in May, until, sickness , among the men and lack of fresh water forced to retreat. In August 1513,after
  50. Throughout his life. On 1 May 305,Diocletian, as a result of a debilitating, sickness ,taken in the winter of 304–5,announced his resignation. In a parallel ceremony

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