Examples of the the word, extinction , in a Sentence Context

The word ( extinction ), is the 6915 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lost it (having in the meantime taken the name on Tegerfelden). From the, extinction ,in 1254 of the Hohenstaufen dynasty until 1415,the area was ruled by the
  2. Organically connected with the body, the dissolution of the latter involves the, extinction ,of the former. Alexios I Comments, Latinized as Alexis I Comments (,1056 – 15
  3. That Lincoln would stop the expansion of slavery and put it on a course toward, extinction , The slave states, which had already become a minority in the House of
  4. More before then. Currently, about 1,200 species of birds are threatened with, extinction ,by human activities, though efforts are underway to protect them. Evolution and
  5. Remaining were then later stolen in 1834 during an anti-clerical riot and the, extinction ,of religious Orders in Portugal. City information The main feature of the city
  6. And is now the property of Livrustkammaren in Stockholm. The causes of, extinction ,were hunting, a narrowing of habitat due to the development of farming
  7. By Modern Hebrew (Merit) among children of the migrants. The practical, extinction ,of many Jewish dialects seems imminent. Modern Eastern Aramaic Modern Eastern
  8. All the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius are destined to, extinction ,in the vast death of the solar system, that the whole temple of man's
  9. These populations are believed to be small, fragmented and vulnerable to, extinction , Animal populations with impoverished genetic diversity are inherently less
  10. South, which increased Southern fears that slavery was threatened with rapid, extinction ,in this area. Such fears greatly increased Southern efforts to make Kansas a
  11. First of several divisions of the duchy of Bavaria occurred in 1255. With the, extinction ,of the Lang "Hohenstaufen/IN"> DE">Hohenstaufen in 1268 also Swabian territories were
  12. To Late Triassic period, roughly 20 million years after the Permian-Triassic, extinction ,event wiped out an estimated 95 % of all life on Earth. Radiometric dating of
  13. Wolf has kept red fox numbers down, but as the wolf has been hunted to near, extinction ,in much of its former range, the red fox population has grown larger, and it
  14. Modern Aramaic languages are now mostly spoken in Israel, and most are facing, extinction , The Jewish varieties that have come from communities that once lived between
  15. Such as that of mutton birds, may be sustainable, hunting has led to the, extinction ,or endangerment of dozens of species. Other commercially valuable products from
  16. Are known for living in the Great Plains. Both species were hunted close to, extinction ,during the 19th and 20th centuries, but have since rebounded. The American
  17. With modern cattle for food and hunted by humans contributed to their, extinction , Genetics The first complete mitochondrial genome (16,338 base pairs) DNA
  18. On our environment in many ways. *Understanding habitat destruction and species, extinction ,is dependent on an accurate and complete catalog of plant systematic and
  19. Individual states. He argued before and during his election that the eventual, extinction ,of slavery would result from preventing its expansion into new U. S. territory.
  20. Barney Sloane has argued that there are insufficient evidence of the, extinction ,of large number of rats in the archaeological record of on the medieval
  21. To the party during the World War II and who would lead it after the war. Near, extinction ,Samuel had lost his seat in the 1935 election and the leadership of the party
  22. Forces was to stop the expansion and thus put slavery on a path to gradual, extinction , To the South this strategy made Southerners second-class citizens and trampled
  23. And later royal households. The decreased hunting did not save the aurochs from, extinction , and the last recorded live aurochs, a female, died in 1627 in the Doctorow
  24. East. It is unknown when the North African Aurochs became extinct. Prior to its, extinction ,the Ancient Egyptians may have domesticated the African Aurochs into Egyptian
  25. Are now represented by only 30-100 individuals and are threatened with, extinction , Ancestral knowledge of ethnobotany and ethnology is useful in drug
  26. Lady Megan Lloyd George as its own candidate. The Liberal Party seemed close to, extinction , During this low period, it was often joked that Liberal MPs could hold
  27. Due to instrumental pass-band, the Earth's atmospheric absorption, or, extinction , by interstellar dust. For stars, in the absence of extensive observations at
  28. Resurged in popularity, and in many cases instruments that were on the brink of, extinction ,have become extremely popular. In Brittany, the Great Highland Bagpipe and
  29. A thousandfold; a few small groups of elvish humans still live on the edge of, extinction , beneath the giant banyan tree that covers the day side of the earth. This
  30. Permian Periods, but many lineages were wiped out during the Permian–Triassic, extinction , One group, the metoposaurs, remained important predators during the Triassic
  31. Years. Adaptive radiations commonly follow mass extinction s: following an, extinction , many niches are left vacant. A classic example of this is the replacement of
  32. The children of the two emperors. The subsequent years witnessed the gradual, extinction ,of Byzantine rule in Asia Minor, as Organ of the Ottoman Turks, who had already
  33. Barn Swallow and European Starling, they have caused population decreases or, extinction ,in many other species. Over a hundred bird species have gone extinct in
  34. Life to emerge while remaining indifferent to the possibility of its eventual, extinction , Barrow and Tiller propose the: Barrow and Tiller submit that the FAP is both a
  35. Found higher speciation rates in the high latitudes that were offset by greater, extinction ,rates than in the tropics. Several families of birds have adapted to life both
  36. And Baldric back to the time of the dinosaurs, where they manage to cause the, extinction ,of the dinosaurs, through the use of Baldrick's best, worst and a only pair of
  37. The public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate, extinction , " Name "/IN"> American"/> Much of the political battle in the 1850s focused on
  38. Also gives the start of a standard description: By 1887 the threat of, extinction ,was on the wane: there were 18 Beagle packs in England. The Beagle Club was
  39. The split between the Galloanseri from other Neonates occurred before the K–T, extinction ,event, but there are different opinions about whether the radiation of the
  40. Can, in turn, be written as a product of either a molar absorptivity (, extinction ,coefficient) of the absorber, ε,and the concentration c of absorbing species
  41. Distance (10 parsec) away from the observer, in the absence of astronomical, extinction , It allows the true brightnesses of objects to be compared without regard to
  42. Island, conflict with humans, poaching and habitat reduction drove the Tiger to, extinction , This was the smallest and rarest of all Tiger subspecies and was never caught
  43. Involves suffering, that suffering is caused by desire (Tanya),and that the, extinction ,of desire leads to liberation. Thus, three of the four" truths of the Buddha "
  44. Was regarded as a challenging hunting quarry animal, contributing to its, extinction , The last recorded aurochs, a female, died in 1627 in the Doctorow Forest
  45. Its body. European beavers (Castor fiber) were eventually hunted nearly to, extinction ,in part for the production of Castor, which was used as an analgesic
  46. Hounds to produce the modern Foxhound. The beagle-size varieties came close to, extinction ,but some farmers in the South ensured the survival of the prototype breeds by
  47. Can also be detrimental, and have threatened numerous bird species with, extinction ,(hunting, avian lead poisoning, pesticides,roadkill, and predation by pet
  48. In amphibian populations, including population crashes and mass localized, extinction , have been noted in the past two decades from locations all over the world, and
  49. Whether the radiation of the remaining Neonates occurred before or after the, extinction ,of the other dinosaurs. This disagreement is in part caused by a divergence in
  50. And the English counties bordering Wales),by the 11th century (date of, extinction ,in various parts of the territory is debated). The regular consonant sound

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