Examples of the the word, brass , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brass ), is the 6920 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Brass with a small percentage of arsenic. *Gilding metal is the softest type of, brass ,commonly available. An alloy of 95 % copper and 5 % zinc, gilding metal is
  2. Rupert of the Rhine. *Alpha-beta brass (Munoz metal),also called duplex, brass , is 35–45 % zinc and is suited for hot working. It contains both α and β '
  3. Of red, white and black rock quarried from the moats, and were covered with, brass , tin and the precious metal orichalcum, respectively. According to Critics
  4. Quantities to alpha- brass to make it denitrification resistant. This grade of, brass ,is used to make plumbing fittings or other items that are in constant contact
  5. Of gold. The alloy was named after Prince Rupert of the Rhine. *Alpha-beta, brass ,(Munoz metal),also called duplex brass , is 35–45 % zinc and is suited for
  6. Are harder, stronger,and suitable for casting. *Cartridge brass is a 30 % zinc, brass ,with good cold working properties. Used for ammunition cases. *Common brass , or
  7. By research groups around the world reconfirmed the antimicrobial efficacy of, brass , as well as copper and other copper alloys. Extensive structural membrane
  8. And fixtures. " On January 1,2010,the maximum amount of lead in" lead-free, brass ," in California was reduced from 4 % to 0.25 % lead. The common practice of
  9. And rapper Corey Parker. She has used a variety of instruments and styles:, brass ,instrumentation was prevalent in 1998's Little Plastic Castle; a simple
  10. The casesand storing the cartridges elsewhere. Brass types *Admiralty, brass ,contains 30 % zinc, and 1 % tin which inhibits denitrification in many
  11. Lead corrosion. Corrosion-resistant brass for harsh environments systems. This, brass ,alloy must be produced with great care, with special attention placed on a
  12. Cold working properties. Used for ammunition cases. *Common brass , or rivet, brass , is a 37 % zinc brass , cheap and standard for cold working. *DZR brass is
  13. Content. Silicon is an alternative to lead; however, when silicon is used in a, brass ,alloy, the scrap must never be mixed with leaded brass scrap because of
  14. Albert us is recorded as having made a mechanical automaton in the form of a, brass ,head that would answer questions put to it. Such a feat was also attributed to
  15. 100 ppm. Anhydrous ammonia corrodes copper- and zinc-containing alloys, and so, brass ,fittings should not be used for handling the gas. Liquid ammonia can also
  16. Of copper in an alloy increases, is proof that copper is the ingredient in, brass ,and other copper alloys that kills the microbes. The mechanisms of
  17. Representing a female figure. Choke peoples, Angola,early 20th century. Wood, brass ,tacks, glass beads, plant fiber, oil patina. File: Black Stones Pun go Along.
  18. Antimicrobial properties of copper, Copper alloys in aquaculture The copper in, brass ,makes brass germicidal. Depending upon the type and concentration of pathogens
  19. Within a few minutes to eight hours of contact. The bactericidal properties of, brass ,have been observed for centuries and were confirmed in the laboratory in 1983.
  20. With other metals are not affected by the settlement, and may continue to use, brass ,alloys with higher percentage of lead content. Also in California, lead-free
  21. And is often used as decoration and for coins. In antiquity, polished, brass , was often used as a mirror. Lead content To enhance the machinability of brass
  22. Upon the type and concentration of pathogens and the medium they are in, brass ,kills these microorganisms within a few minutes to eight hours of contact. The
  23. Silicon is used in a brass alloy, the scrap must never be mixed with leaded, brass ,scrap because of contamination and safety problems. In October 1999 the
  24. Problem is sometimes known as season cracking after it was first discovered in, brass ,cartridge cases used for rifle ammunition during the 1920s in the Indian Army.
  25. Generation. Research is being conducted at this time to determine whether, brass , copper, and other copper alloys can help to reduce cross contamination in
  26. An arrangement made during his absence. Agnes was the daughter of a prominent, brass ,worker (and amateur harpist) in the city. However, no children resulted from
  27. Valves, called pallets, to open, which allow air to flow across strips of, brass ,or steel, called reeds, that vibrate to produce sound inside the body. The
  28. A. Bentley. The Bentley enjoyed its heyday during the 1940s and 50s,when top, brass ,military officials like General Dwight D. Eisenhower enjoyed their
  29. Structure. *Prince's metal or Prince Rupert's metal is a type of alpha, brass ,containing 75 % copper and 25 % zinc. Due to its beautiful yellow color, it is
  30. Britain. In the Middle East, people began alloying copper with zinc to form, brass , Ancient civilizations took into account the mixture and the various properties
  31. On One Little Indian records in 1999. * Abergavenny is home to an award-winning, brass ,band. Formed in Abergavenny prior to 1884 the band became joint National Welsh
  32. For the modern euphonium. Sax also developed the saxotromba family, valved, brass , instruments with narrower bore than the sax horns, in 1845,though they survived
  33. Brass with good cold working properties. Used for ammunition cases. *Common, brass , or rivet brass , is a 37 % zinc brass , cheap and standard for cold working.
  34. Used in zippers. Because it is softer than most other metals in general use, brass ,is often used in situations where it is important that sparks not be struck, as
  35. Or rivet brass , is a 37 % zinc brass , cheap and standard for cold working. *DR, brass ,is denitrification resistant brass with a small percentage of arsenic. *Gilding
  36. Today. The advances made by Adolphe Sax were soon followed by the British, brass ,band movement which exclusively adopted the sax horn range. The Jed forest
  37. 2 %. Since lead has a lower melting point than the other constituents of the, brass , it tends to migrate towards the grain boundaries in the form of globules as it
  38. Over lead content. In laboratory tests, state researchers found the average, brass ,key, new or old, exceeded the California Proposition 65 limits by an average
  39. Of MRSA as well as two strains of epidemic MRSA (EMRSA-1 and EMRSA-16) on, brass ,(C24000 with 80 % Cu) at room temperature (22 degrees Celsius) within three
  40. Cheap and standard for cold working. *DZR brass is denitrification resistant, brass ,with a small percentage of arsenic. *Gilding metal is the softest type of brass
  41. And stronger than α. Alpha-beta brass es are usually worked hot. *Aluminum, brass ,contains aluminum, which improves its corrosion resistance. It is used for
  42. Grounding is discouraged, as it accelerates lead corrosion. Corrosion-resistant, brass ,for harsh environments systems. This brass alloy must be produced with great
  43. Properties of copper, Copper alloys in aquaculture The copper in brass makes, brass ,germicidal. Depending upon the type and concentration of pathogens and the
  44. Be worked hot, and are harder, stronger,and suitable for casting. *Cartridge, brass ,is a 30 % zinc brass with good cold working properties. Used for ammunition
  45. The mechanisms of antimicrobial action by copper and its alloys, including, brass , is a subject of intense and ongoing investigation. It is believed that the
  46. Is used for seawater service and also in Euro coins (Nordic gold). *Arsenal, brass ,contains an addition of arsenic and frequently aluminum and is used for boiler
  47. Brass was often used as a mirror. Lead content To enhance the machinability of, brass , lead is often added in concentrations of around 2 %. Since lead has a lower
  48. As it cools from casting. The pattern the globules form on the surface of the, brass ,increases the available lead surface area which in turn affects the degree of
  49. Used for ammunition cases. *Common brass , or rivet brass , is a 37 % zinc, brass , cheap and standard for cold working. *DZR brass is denitrification resistant
  50. Its strong structural and corrosion-resistant benefits for marine environments, brass ,alloy netting cages are currently being deployed in commercial-scale

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