Examples of the the word, vigorous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vigorous ), is the 6916 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nature. However, Nobel rules of the time allowed only living recipients, but a, vigorous ,debate continues on who should receive credit for the discovery. In an
  2. Crossing the strait and claimed Asia as his own. Abyss is celebrated for the, vigorous ,resistance it made against Philip V of Macedon in 200 BC, and is famed in myth
  3. Sensitivity. The evidence for benefits from antioxidant supplementation in, vigorous ,exercise is mixed. There is strong evidence that one of the adaptations
  4. Was famous for his public building program in Córdoba where he died in 852. A, vigorous ,and effective frontier warrior, he was also well known as a patron of the arts.
  5. Total ban on advertisement for war toys ". In Europe and elsewhere, there is a, vigorous ,debate on whether (or how much) advertising to children should be regulated.
  6. The exact cause for the formation of the Bosporus remains the subject of, vigorous ,debate among geologists. Thousands of years ago, the Black Sea became
  7. Have lived to be more than 14 years of age. Dogs that are physically fit and, vigorous ,in their youth through middle age are more vigorous and healthy as elderly dogs
  8. Their vigorous reactions with water, and these reactions become increasingly, vigorous ,when going down their column in the periodic table towards the heaviest alkali
  9. S Office for Civil Rights protect college students from antisemitism through, vigorous ,enforcement of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and further recommended
  10. USA, was trying to keep his gym class active on a rainy day. He sought a, vigorous ,indoor game to keep his students occupied and at proper levels of fitness
  11. Oktoberfest, and similarly are tourist attractions. However, the presence of a, vigorous ,population of Celtic lineage, principally of Irish origin, has supported the
  12. Man who survived a blood alcohol concentration of 1,500 mg/100ml blood after, vigorous ,medical intervention. In 1982,a 24-year-old woman was admitted to the UCLA
  13. They always form M+ cations. All the alkali metals are notable for their, vigorous ,reactions with water, and these reactions become increasingly vigorous when
  14. Barcelona and Valencia and was acclaimed everywhere (1875). In 1876,a, vigorous ,campaign against the Car lists, in which the young king took part, resulted in
  15. With a mission to equip young people with the skills and values to be, vigorous ,citizens who improve their communities and environment. Collectively, MCC crews
  16. And pioneer of medical X-ray treatments in Britain, was a particularly, vigorous ,critic: Conan Doyle used the later photographs in 1921 to illustrate a second
  17. And 1970s. Furylfuramide in fact had previously passed animal test, but more, vigorous ,tests after its identification in Ames test showed it to be carcinogenic. Their
  18. The Greeks and Romans. The origin of their constellations remains a matter of, vigorous ,and occasionally fractious debate. Displays of power By including celestial
  19. Be now regarded as disrespectful and justly rejected. But in those young and, vigorous ,times, faith and austerity could be more indulgent" ( II,440). On the other
  20. III suspended a number of bishops in Occitanian; in 1205 he appointed a new and, vigorous ,bishop of Toulouse, the former troubadour Foul ques. In 1206 Diego of Osman and
  21. Habit of a Dominican tertiary from the friars of the Order, however,only after, vigorous ,protests from the Bestiaries themselves, who up to that point had been only
  22. Page 385: Exercises The exercises themselves are divided into 'strenuous, mild, vigorous , and brisk '. On pages 379-381; In Sing states the types of exercises under
  23. Claims different practitioners make, alternative medicine has been a source of, vigorous ,debate, even over the definition of alternative medicine. Dietary supplements
  24. Holds 7,000 of his drawings and prints, in chalk and charcoal, and thirteen, vigorous ,dry points. He also produced a single lithograph. Portraiture was an important
  25. Syndrome, which involves tearing of the esophagus, usually a consequence of, vigorous ,vomiting. He notoriously described in 1724 the case of Baron Jan von Passenger
  26. Tithing would result in the people being" scattered. " As a result of Snow's, vigorous ,campaign, tithing payment increased dramatically from 18.4 % in 1898 to an
  27. To him:" Your flours Du MAL shine and dazzle like stars ... I applaud your, vigorous ,spirit with all my might ". Baudelaire did not appeal the judgment but his fine
  28. No particular identity of its own ". Croydon is currently going through a, vigorous ,regeneration plan, called Croydon Vision 2020. This will change the urban
  29. However, ATP levels do not change more than 10 % in vivo between rest and, vigorous ,exercise. There is no known allosteric mechanism that can account for large
  30. To care for sick people when others have given up. Alcoa has published a, vigorous ,Christian defense of cryonics, including excerpts of a sermon by Lutheran
  31. But he eventually gave this idea up. At university, he also maintained a, vigorous ,sex life, which was largely conducted with prostitutes and girls he picked up
  32. A path away from the army's. This arguably led to Lee's surprise at Hooker's, vigorous ,pursuit; the meeting engagement on July 1 that escalated into the full battle
  33. In New Guinea pea berry) or discarded. When grown in the tropics, coffee is a, vigorous ,bush or small tree that usually grows to a height of 3–3.5 m (10–12 feet).
  34. Female figures flank his sarcophagus. However, in Bernini's tomb,the, vigorous ,upraised arm and posture of the pope is counterbalanced by an active drama
  35. Speech were imposed. The guerrilla war against the U. S. forces was met with a, vigorous , often brutal response. The Trujillo Era In February 1930,when Vásquez
  36. It is alleged, too,that at a time when the influence of Ambrose required, vigorous ,support, he was admonished in a dream to search for, and found under the
  37. And politically relevant documentary and feature films. Canada has developed a, vigorous ,film industry that has produced a variety of well-known films, actors,and
  38. The boiling point by a few Celsius degrees. Upon return to the boil kettle,a, vigorous ,vaporization occurs. The higher temperature due to increased vaporisation can
  39. Chinese art, literature,music, film,fashion and architecture have seen a, vigorous ,revival, and folk and variety art in particular have sparked interest
  40. Exposition of the Creed as it was then received in the Church of Jerusalem are, vigorous ,polemics against pagan, Jewish,and heretical errors. They are of great
  41. Acetyl chloride with a sodium salt of salicylic acid (sodium salicylate). A, vigorous ,reaction ensued, and the resulting melt soon solidified. Since no structural
  42. In premodern China. At around the same time in the medieval Islamic world,a, vigorous ,monetary economy was created during the 7th–12th centuries on the basis of the
  43. Boil kettles are direct-fired, with a burner underneath. These can produce a, vigorous ,and favorable boil, but are also apt to scorch the wort where the flame
  44. That are physically fit and vigorous in their youth through middle age are more, vigorous ,and healthy as elderly dogs, all other factors being equal. In the UK various
  45. Decadent nation with its aging population can be overrun by a more youthful and, vigorous ,nation. Gini's organicist theories of nations and fatality are believed to
  46. Such as Amaranths Caucasus (love-lies-bleeding),a native of India and a, vigorous , hardy annual with dark purplish flowers crowded in handsome drooping spikes.
  47. Gaps in understanding between genetics and evolutionary Darwinism led to, vigorous ,debate between cliometricians such as Walter Weldon and Karl Pearson and
  48. Each year, a practice which continued until the nineteenth century, when, vigorous , controversy regarding its statement about 'eternal damnation' saw its use
  49. Well received during his lifetime, it later declined in popularity until its, vigorous ,revival in the first half of the 20th century. Today, Vivaldi ranks among the
  50. On the other side of the equation, several non-endangered languages in, vigorous ,use demonstrate click loss. For example, the East Kalahari languages have lost

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