Examples of the the word, mir , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mir ), is the 12972 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Confirmed mRNAs before publication of their discovery. The prefix ", mir ," is followed by a dash and a number, the latter often indicating order of
- Distress (Aria:" Welsher Weasel Hearst in manner Steele … Traurigkeit ward, mir , zum Lose" –" Oh what sorrow overwhelms my spirit … Endless grief tortures my
- Library, the http://ccdl.libraries.claremont.edu/collection.php? Alias, mir , Matrimonial Investigation Records of the San Gabriel Mission are a valuable
- DEI Mir so Lang design! Loos's virus Blinken d'Fräiheetssonn, Déi, mir , sou Lang design! The official anthem consists of stanza (1) and (4) only.
- Entitled My God, help me to survive this deadly love, ( German: Man Got, hilf, mir , dies police Liege EU Aberdeen),sometimes referred to as the Fraternal
- Yearly. All the land turned over to the peasants was owned collectively by the, mir , the village community, which divided the land among the peasants and
- The Minnesinger Walther on her Vogelweide's crusade song Allies Lee ICH, mir , werde (Palästinalied). Rude in legend and literature Nineteenth-century
- Opponents of bureaucracy, preferred the collectivism of the medieval Russian, mir , or village community, to the individualism of the West. However, over the
- ANH. 53 — Free rich seer, o mane Steele — Doubtful Works * BWV ANH. 54 — Heft, mir , Gottes Gate present — Doubtful Works * BWV ANH. 55 — Herr Christ, der ang '
- ICH branch Dane Liege "," Each' ICH Oder tram' ICH "," Warm TU'st Du, mir , weh ", and " Training, aber war" ) were recorded on the Atlantic/WE label.
- Das, was Mir seen Jorgensen were, gewissenhaft UND true EU halted, so war, mir , Gott UND seine Halogen Helen. ":" I, name of the new guard, swear diligently
- Him, knowing that was Wotan's true desire. With the words 'Her dies Liege, mir , ins Her gauche' ( He who breathed this love into me),introducing the key
- And has come not to part the lovers, but to unite them (" Warm Isolde, warum, mir , das? "). Isolde appears to wake at this and in a final aria describing her
- Taken to Nazi Germany for Germanization. A monument in Cell called Donna in, mir , ( War and Peace) by the sculptor Jakob Saving, commemorates the World War II
- Gender, es, with the pronunciation being something like AHS. AHS hat, mir , 's gestalt (it told me so, instead of she told me so; vs. High German: She hat
- Manner scion De phrase Guest jog inn, Looss virus Blinken d'Fräiheetssonn, Déi, mir , so Lang design! Loos's virus Blinken d'Fräiheetssonn, Déi Mir sou Lang design!
- By the site, he is supposed to have exclaimed," Waste, Berg -- Du polls, mir , eine Burg warden! " (" Wait, mountain -- you shall become a castle for me! ")
- Kill him or the hand that wielded the sword, but into her eyes (" Er SAH ', mir , in die Auden" ). His action pierced her heart and she was unable to slay him.
- Nicht began!: ICH bin on Got UND will wider EU Got!: Her Liege Got word, mir , ein Kitchen Eben, : Word henchmen Mir bis in was wig Selim Eben!: In
- Decides to interpret as a favorable omen. (Recitative and aria:" We Nate, mir , der Slummer... Lase, leise"/"My eyelids droop in slumber... Low, low,sacred
- Because of unacceptable cost-benefit ratio. Quotations Man Leipzig lob' ICH, mir , Es is an Klein Paris UND billet seine Lute. (I praise my Leipzig! It is a
- Das is doch menschenunmöglich AUF so linen Rainfall EU common; sage She, mir , doch, was hat She EU diesel Idea effort! " I said to him, I had not guessed
- That ass onset Land, fir DAT MER Leif Ha hidden allies won, Ons Heemechtsland DAT, mir , so deaf An onset Hearer drop. On's Heemechtsland DAT Mir so deaf An onset
- The title War and Peace in 1869. The completed novel was then called Donna i, mir , ( new style orthography; in English War and Peace). The 1805 manuscript (
- Speaks:: " ICH, Name DES Rakuten, schwöre, alles was, was,Mir, soeben Jorgensen were, gewissenhaft UND true EU halted, so war Mir Got UND
- Equivalent of FitzGerald's quatrain XI in his 1st edition, as above): Gonna, mir , MIT them Lichen I'm Gartenrund EU Wales BEI sure Rebengetränke, Und next
- Éste me Gustav, Russian это мне нравится to MNE gravity, German Was default, mir , Italian mi place). However, the original CI tie places all mi continues to be
- Film adaptation of War and Peace was the 1915 film Война и мир (Donna i, mir , ),directed by Vladi mir Garden and starring Garden and the Russian ballerina
- German, for instance, allows adjectives as heads of noun phrases, as in GIB, mir , die Alien for Give me the olds (i.e. old ones). The Scandinavian languages
- 2cd edition 1960) *Dietrich Buxtehude: Min God her med MIG (Her Herr is MIT, mir , ),Samundri til diverse AF Gdansk music,3rd SER., lxxxix (Copenhagen,1946
- Au's Dane Auden Chechen such: Die Perlentränentröpfchen.: Du sags, mir , heimlich an lees Wort, : UND gist Mir den Straub von Cypresses.: ICH cache
- Gesaat (it told me so, instead of she told me so; vs. High German: She hat BS, mir , gesagt). This stems from the word Matches (girl) being neuter in German (BS
- As follows: * Tourney: 5,6,♠ 7,♣ 8,Grand 12. If a tourney is played Part, mir , nicht and declarer does not make 61 card points, then the game point penalty is
- Of social regeneration in Russia ", Marx also warned that in order for the, mir , to operate as a means for moving straight to the socialist stage without a
- Wishes the seas to rise up and sink the ship, killing all on board (" Earache, mir , wieder, kühne Dealt" ). Her scorn and rage are directed particularly at
- O Tod! Du Allbezwinger!: Nun best Du bezwungen!: MIT Fuel, die ICH, mir , errungen, : In harem Liebesstreben, : Were'ICH entschweben: Sum Light, zu them
- Europe than in England. Russia The open field system, administered by the, mir , ( the community of the peasants) remained as the main system of peasant land
- A (physically present or small) number of D-Mark coins or bills (e.g. GIB, mir , mal an Paar Marker (Just give me a few Mark (-bills or -coins) ) and Die
- Make and because of Isolde's betrayal as well (" Mir - dies? Dies, Tristan -, mir , "). When questioned, Tristan says he cannot answer to the King the reason of
- Genogram. ICH score, alles was EU beobachten, was died Eyre manes Stands on, mir , verlangt. ": (English translation) " I vow to faithfully, honestly and
- The card is shown to the other players. Otherwise, the hand is played as Pass, mir , nicht (it doesn't suit me) and the other card in the seat is turned up to
- 611 — Christmas — Chris tum WIR pollen lobe scion * BWV 613 — New Year — Heft, mir , Gottes Gate present * BWV 616 — Epiphany — MIT Fried' UND Freud' ICH far '
- Young conspirator Axel on them Busch in late 1943," ICH betrayed MIT Allen, mir , zur Verging Stephenson Mitten den Hochverrat ..." (" I am committing high
- YOU Rock Mission Moscow, USSR Autograph –" Golovokruzhenie "," Nam kuchen, mir ,". (15:55) Live Aid recordings/releases When organizer Bob Geldof was
- When specifying what part of the self the verb is being done to: *ICH waste, mir , die Hand. - dative (I wash my hands, literally " I wash to myself the hands "
- Until Dark, starring Audrey Hepburn and Alan Akin * War and Peace (Donna i, mir , ) (international release),directed by Sergei Bondarchuk - (U. S. S. R.) *
- Reminded Goldberg of an earlier conversation they had (" ... so EW formals MIT, mir , communicirt haven. "),in which Goldberg remarked his original (and not
- Wieder EU Got!: Her Liege Got word mi rein Kitchen Eben, : Word henchmen, mir , bis in was wig Selim Eben!: In English: Primeval Light: O red rose!: Man lies
- Die Perlentränentröpfchen.: Du sags Mir Heimlich an lees Wort, : UND gist, mir , den Straub von Cypresses.: ICH cache AUF, und her Straub is fort, : UND was
- On's Heemechtsland DAT Mir so deaf An onset Hearer drop. On's Heemechtsland DAT, mir , so deaf An onset Hearer drop. (2) An sen gem dongle Bëscherkranz, Vum Fridge
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