Examples of the the word, taliban , in a Sentence Context

The word ( taliban ), is the 5959 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Decided to launch a military operation against the Islamic extremists and, taliban , terrorists. In July 2007,one of SSG battalion was assigned to a mission to
  2. Of Fielding's work as a comic author. " Notes Yes DIL Aashiqanaa (, after the, taliban , regime. Synopsis It's the story of Karen (Karen Path) and Pooja, who are
  3. Has accused NATO of doing the same. But now with Pakistan deciding to fight the, taliban , And with the help of local tribesman the Taliban have been pushed back. List of
  4. To capture and take absolute control of Red Mosque from Islamic extremists and, taliban , militants. To achieve this task, the Pakistan Army assigned this task to 7th
  5. One of the first films to have been made immediately after the collapse of the, taliban , and was shot extensively all Afghanistan from December 2001 to March 2002. (
  6. Pakistan deciding to fight the Taliban. And with the help of local tribesman the, taliban , have been pushed back. List of historical examples Successful guerrilla
  7. And scientists to strengthen our cause. " This is also being noticed now that, taliban , have begun to target Pakistani scientists and engineers of the strategic
  8. Commanders-turned-warlords. Rabbi and about thirty other religious students (, taliban , ) decided to take the warlords on, first in the border town of Spin Bold and
  9. A senior al-Qaeda or Taliban official. On February 14,the CIA drone killed 27,Taliban, and al-Qaeda fighters in a missile strike in south Tajikistan, a militant
  10. Civilians were killed in the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar, after,Taliban, militants fired a rocket into a residential area. Witnesses claim that a
  11. Of Pakistan the word Taliban is often used when referring to more than one, taliban , The spelling 'Taliban' has come to predominate over 'Taliban' in English.
  12. Killing them. In an outrage, local civilians and tribesmen track and kill the 7,Taliban, insurgents. 20 September. At least 8 Taliban insurgents were killed and 7
  13. Retreated after the Siege of Kunduz by American and Afghan military forces. The, taliban , laid down their weapons a few miles from the city of Mazar-i-Sharif. They
  14. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in Pakistan, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the number two, taliban , commander and the highest level Taliban commander apprehended in the Afghan War
  15. Abdul Ghani Baradar, the number two Taliban commander and the highest level, taliban , commander apprehended in the Afghan War. Prior to the beginning of the" War on
  16. No Pakistani Army officer could be given an Islamic burial if died fighting the, taliban , The plot on which Law Masjid was built was allotted by CDA. With the passage of
  17. Other villages. The village had a police station which is recently destroyed by, taliban , Most of the people of anagram defended on forming or working outside of the
  18. Blast had occurred in the Khyber tribal region of Pakistan, in an area where the, taliban , are known to have a strong presence. The bomb had reportedly detonated near a
  19. Which Iran never recognized, this strained relations with Pakistan, as the, taliban , were seen as Pakistan's key allies. In the Balochistan region in the southeast
  20. Civilians were killed in the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar, after,Taliban, militants fired a rocket into a residential area. Witnesses claim that a
  21. Were linked to Al-Qaeda, Turkey deployed troops to Afghanistan to fight, taliban , forces and Al-Qaeda operatives, with the hopes of dismantling both groups.
  22. Blast had occurred in the Khyber tribal region of Pakistan, in an area where the, taliban , are known to have a strong presence. The bomb had reportedly detonated near a

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