Examples of the the word, stair , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stair ), is the 5960 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Swell Church - this has a short tower dating to the 13th century. The pretty, stair ,projection found in the west side of the church is not medieval as it appears.
  2. To withdraw from the company in the hall, is accessible from an exterior timber, stair ,sheltered by its own roof and contains Elizabethan oak paneling and a
  3. The Redemption are represented. In the East gallery, you find the splendid main, stair ,case with a fresco-decorated vaulted ceiling depicting The glory of the Spanish
  4. With the slope of the ground. From 5 to 13 meters on the west side a double, stair , gently slopes to the top. To create the level terrace, depressions were filled
  5. And ended in four sharp peaks. Its only entrance was at the top of a high, stair , and above that was a small window and balcony. Orphan housed one of the
  6. Been replaced, and it is possible that when first constructed there was a spiral, stair ,here to allow access to the upper floors. This tower is similar to the keep
  7. For Death came flying through the air: And stopped his flight at the dugout, stair ,: Touched his prey and left them there, : Clay to clay.: He hid their bodies
  8. Almost as if the camera is part of her body. As she pulls herself up the last, stair , the top of the stair s leads her to a window in her bedroom, which completely
  9. Of the banking room and on each side of the vault, are the paymaster’s room, stair ,hall, locker room, lavatory,and coupon booths. "" In the center of the rear
  10. For a never constructed Manly to Mona Vale line. From the top of the northern, stair ,to platform 10 at Red fern Station it is possible to view the unfinished
  11. False hair and a painted chair are decorations of the mundane. The winding, stair ,is obstructive concealment of meaning. Herbert is criticizing the overuse of
  12. A narrow tower - just big enough for a monk to climb to the top by an internal, stair ,and stand guard over Oswald's Arm 24 hours a day, every day of the year. The
  13. Tower has an octagonal upper section, which was copied for a second, later, stair , tower on the same building. In 1855,the north end of the building burned down
  14. A verse? Is there in truth no beauties?: Is all good structure in a winding, stair ,?: May no lines passé, except they do their duties: Not to a true, but painted
  15. Entrance to the building, this involved inserting a great arch with a grand, stair ,case at the southern end of Westminster Hall, this leads to the first floor
  16. Has a blocked gateway and to the right of the gateway is a slightly projecting, stair ,turret. Internally, the first floor consists of a crypt, and the first floor
  17. To 2009 W. 4th Avenue. The building still exists, and the office is up the, stair ,at the“ 2009” door. First campaigns after Kamchatka After the nuclear tests at
  18. Of the Inca civilization, Crux is known as" Havana ", which means literally ", stair ," (Dhaka, bridge,link; Hanna, high,above),but carries a deep symbolism
  19. first floor. As most people are right-handed, and the defender higher up,the, stair ,was constructed as a left-handed helix, forcing the assailant to fight with his
  20. Full disabled access via a lift for each of the two platforms and as well as, stair ,access. This dates from an extensive refurbishment of the station's
  21. Episode in episode 33,Mr. Nevis, but slightly altered. However, the door and, stair ,railings remain the same. " A Nice Place to Visit" is an episode of the
  22. To fight with his sword hand close to the central pillar, the newel of the, stair , thereby limiting his capacity for sword play, while the defender could more
  23. Such as: extensive twisting with lifting, single-leg stance postures, stair ,climbing, and repetitive motions at or near the end-ranges of back or hip
  24. Massive bowl shaped cap at the North Pole, with three massive 8-kilometre long, stair ,systems dubbed Alpha, Beta,and Gamma by the crew leading to the plain. The
  25. Kitchen, which is staffed by a head chef and various support staff, the main, stair ,hall, the prime minister's library, and a sun room. The second floor is mostly
  26. Almost in the dark, in city squares or streets. The most typical venues are the, stair ,steps of the Santa Cruz Monastery and the Old Cathedral of Cobra. It is also
  27. Norman-worked stones, which were later reassembled for safekeeping in the roof, stair ,space. Probably all the Norman doors and archways were demolished when the
  28. El. ), one of a series of low, wide ridges in the area that present as ", stair ,steps" from the Cumberland Plateau to the Highland Rim. Algood is centered
  29. For some rock formations shaped like steps, derived from the Dutch word for, stair , * Deep-level trap, a crystalline defect in a semiconductor material. * Ink
  30. If patronizing the nearby Garden center. Built on two levels with a spiral, stair , The outer doorway (about 1630) is part of the architecture of the original
  31. Estates that created a DNA-inspired stair case and designed a space-saving, stair ,solution that fits into a tiny 3-foot-by-3-foot space.
  32. Funds. Shorenstein had bought the building in 1998 for $220 million. An annual, stair ,climb race up the 94 floors from the Michigan Avenue level to the observation
  33. Of Salisbury Cathedral. The West Front The west front is composed of two, stair ,turrets at each extremity, with two niched buttresses nearer the center line
  34. Century. While Lock port today has two large steel locks, half of the old twin, stair ,acts as a spillway and can still be seen (without lock gates). These terms
  35. Caved doors,stained-glass windows, tile mosaics, friezes, stair wells, stair ,rails, and balustrades. For sheer complexity and sophistication in the
  36. Dangerous pass. It is passable only in one direction because of a treacherous, stair ,step section. On the eastern side of town, there are two impressive waterfalls
  37. Fluff from clothing, and both human and rat hair; records showed the under, stair ,tracks had not been cleaned since the escalator was constructed in the 1940s. A
  38. Stairs leading to the Araceli, Michelangelo devised a monumental wide-ramped, stair ,(the corporate),gradually ascending the hill to reach the high piazza, so
  39. Heavy projecting concrete canopy which leads to a monumental entrance hall. The, stair ,to this hall ascends in cantilevered straight flights to the left and right.
  40. Around. It is very effective as the salmon are forced to make their way up the, stair ,construction, due to the current below the falls. Ulster is a municipality in
  41. Tread alternately hollowed in the right and left, like an alternating tread, stair ,: it allows that the stair s be steep enough to fit the little room available in
  42. Side. Access to the fortress from within the Deep was made possible by a long, stair ,which led to the Hornburg's rear gate. In the Two Towers, the fortress
  43. Throughout the rest of the life delays bone degeneration. Jogging, walking,or, stair ,climbing at 70-90 % of maximum effort three times per week, along with 1,500 mg
  44. Including two bowls going as deep as 7 feet (2.1 m),a snake run, two hips,a, stair ,set with handrail, many smaller quarter pipes and a variety of grind boxes.
  45. Bench seating w/ 12 hydrotherapy back jets, lighted spray features, ramp and, stair ,entry, water current channel for water walking & therapy, open water area for
  46. The reputation of the Forty Lumen Mongols My dear City of Died, the iron, stair ,has been broken. My reputation! My precious Died, from where I surveyed and
  47. Of knee implant rub against each other during daily activity such as walking or, stair ,climbing. If the performance of tibial component needs to be analyzed, the
  48. To the west, although the interiors have been much altered. The projecting, stair ,tower has an octagonal upper section, which was copied for a second, later
  49. The flight attendant situated nearest to him in a jump seat attached to the aft, stair ,door. Cooper leaned toward her and whispered," Miss,you'd better look at
  50. Nearer the center line supporting the large central triple window. The, stair ,turrets are topped with spire lets and the central section is topped by a gable

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