Examples of the the word, coupling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coupling ), is the 12092 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hydraulic clutch: The driving and driven members are not in physical contact;, coupling ,is hydrodynamic. * Electromagnetic clutch: Typically a clutch that is engaged
  2. A metal catalyses a coupling between two formal radical fragments. Common, coupling ,reactions with earned result in the formation of new carbon-carbon bonds e.g.
  3. N-tier architecture, distributed objects, loose coupling , or tight, coupling , * Client–server: Smart client code contacts the server for data then formats
  4. Unique, in that the final color is controlled by the choice of the diatonic and, coupling ,components. This method of dyeing cotton is declining in importance due to the
  5. Computer security policy is the Bell-LaPadula model. The strategy is based on a, coupling ,of special microprocessor hardware features, often involving the memory
  6. Cation H3CCO+. CO reacts with sodium to give products resulting from C-C, coupling ,such as sodium acetylenediolate 2·. It reacts with molten potassium to give a
  7. Alkene synthesis involves construction of a new carbon-carbon double bond by, coupling ,of a carbonyl compound (such as an aldehyde or ketone) to a Carnation
  8. A very weak hyperfine interaction. The total spin of the atom arising from this, coupling ,is an integer value leading to the bosonic ultra-low temperature behavior of
  9. A new way forward in ecology and conservation by recognizing the irreversible, coupling ,of human and ecological systems at global scales and moving us toward an
  10. Superconductors),this attraction is brought about indirectly by the, coupling ,of electrons to the crystal lattice (as explained above). However, the
  11. Applied to art, aesthetics can also be applied to cultural objects. Aesthetic, coupling ,between art-objects and medical topics was made by speakers working for the US
  12. By using activated acid derivatives (such as benzoyl chloride) or by, coupling ,reagents used in peptide synthesis like DCC and MAP. * The more active Cenozoic
  13. Alkynes can also be coupled to ARL or vinyl halves as in the Sonogashira, coupling , Alkanes in nature and medicine According to Ferdinand Kuhlmann, the first
  14. 3-tier architecture, n-tier architecture, distributed objects, loose, coupling , or tight coupling . * Client–server: Smart client code contacts the server for
  15. The superconducting transition temperature in terms of the electron-phonon, coupling ,potential and the Deb ye cutoff energy:: k_B\, T_c = 1.14E_D\, \, : Here N (0)
  16. With the previously defined wires to reduce the effects of capacitive, coupling ,between neighboring signal wires, reducing crosstalk. Capacitive coupling is
  17. Radical. An example is the nitration of salicylic acid:: Coupling reactions In, coupling ,reactions a metal catalyses a coupling between two formal radical fragments.
  18. Coupling between neighboring signal wires, reducing crosstalk. Capacitive, coupling ,is more of a problem at higher transfer rates, and this change was necessary to
  19. That transfers energy from one electrical circuit to another by inductive, coupling ,without moving parts. The term tickler coil usually refers to a third coil
  20. Occur in a battery even if no external current is flowing. There is usually a, coupling ,coefficient, which may depend on relative rates, which determines what
  21. Salicylic acid:: Coupling reactions In coupling reactions a metal catalyses a, coupling ,between two formal radical fragments. Common coupling reactions with earned
  22. Effected in the Cadiot-Chodkiewicz coupling , Glaser coupling , and the Clinton, coupling ,reactions. Terminal alkanes can also be coupled to ARL or vinyl halves as in
  23. In such a way that one can advance only if the other one also does. The, coupling ,may occasionally be rigid, but it is often flexible and variable. Solutions In
  24. That coordinate many cellular signaling pathways, sometimes, coupling , the signaling to ciliary motility or alternatively to cell division and
  25. In a diamagnetic compound),or they may enhance each other (ferromagnetic, coupling ,). When there is no interaction, the two (or more) individual metal centers
  26. Decide the issue for the experimenter; bystanders would learn nothing. Weak, coupling ,Another speculation is that the separate worlds remain weakly coupled (e.g.
  27. Mach 2.44,he experienced a loss of aerodynamic control due to inertial, coupling ,at approximately., Yeager lost control of the X-1A. With the aircraft out of
  28. Well as an angle input. The angle input varied the ratio (and direction) of, coupling ,between the" motion" input and the outputs according to the sine and cosine
  29. Observe individual atoms as they are removed from the sample surface. Through, coupling ,of this magnification method with time of flight mass spectrometry, ions
  30. Electrical stimulation of the cell plays a major role in excitation-contraction, coupling , Functions The endoplasmic reticulum serves many general functions, including
  31. Did not succeed, since public cellular networks rapidly out-competed DECT by, coupling ,their ubiquitous coverage with large increases in capacity and continuously
  32. Of terminal alkanes to give dialyses is effected in the Cadiot-Chodkiewicz, coupling , Glaser coupling , and the Clinton coupling reactions. Terminal alkanes can
  33. Or within the fiber. This is achieved by treating a fiber with both diatonic and, coupling , With suitable adjustment of dye bath conditions the two components react to
  34. Medical topics was made by speakers working for the US Information Agency This, coupling ,was made to reinforce the learning paradigm when English-language speakers used
  35. It reacts with nitric (III) acid to form diatonic salt, which can undergo, coupling ,reaction to form AZO compound. As azo-compounds are highly colored, they are
  36. Inefficient, in the range of 10–20 % with a max efficiency of 25 % for direct, coupling ,of the output. Inductive coupling of the output can raise their efficiency to a
  37. The two (or more) metal centers, the electrons may couple (antiferromagnetic, coupling , resulting in a diamagnetic compound),or they may enhance each other (
  38. The transport of ions across the membranes of these cellular organelles. The, coupling ,of processes here, and in the previous examples, is often not complete. Gas can
  39. To the theoretical value of 9.72 lb calculated within the simple atomic L-S, coupling ,model. Upon cooling to about 34 K, berkelium undergoes a transition to an
  40. And other constraints, and the distinction between independent processes and, coupling , Contrary to the clear implications of many reference sources, the previous
  41. With a max efficiency of 25 % for direct coupling of the output. Inductive, coupling ,of the output can raise their efficiency to a maximum of 50 %. Drain efficiency
  42. Cases, the individual hydrogen bonds can be observed directly as a small scalar, coupling ,in NMR. There are several lower-resolution methods for assigning general
  43. Physicist Richard Beth in 1936. The torque was greatly enhanced by the resonant, coupling ,of the incident light to plasmonic waves in the gold structure. Cold Chisel are
  44. Of complex interactions between components of the climate system, such as the, coupling ,between the atmosphere and ocean. An example of internal variability is the El
  45. Corridors. This is due to the Federal Railway Administration setting higher, coupling ,strength requirements than European regulators, effectively prohibiting the use
  46. In general, the potential energy surfaces are coupled via the ironic, coupling ,terms. The most popular methods for propagating the wave packet associated to
  47. To give dialyses is effected in the Cadiot-Chodkiewicz coupling , Glaser, coupling , and the Clinton coupling reactions. Terminal alkanes can also be coupled to
  48. That some display a fine structure splitting. This occurs because of spin-orbit, coupling , which is an interaction between the spin and motion of the outermost electron.
  49. An alkene. Symmetrical alkenes can be prepared from a single aldehyde or ketone, coupling ,with itself, using Ti metal reduction (the McMurray reaction). If two
  50. A diesel-hydraulic multiple unit, a hydraulic torque converter, a type of fluid, coupling , acts as the transmission medium for the motive power of the diesel engine to

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