Examples of the the word, yankees , in a Sentence Context

The word ( yankees ), is the 12091 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. After the 1919 season. Henry sold them to his friend Ban Johnson, owner of the, yankees , so he could get him out of debt. Then, he left the Red Sox in bankruptcy while
  2. Then into REDNECK ZOMBIES! Now they're ready to invite a group of wayward, yankees , to a down-home feast of southern-fried gore and mayhem that will turn your
  3. Flaunted imported $10 gewgaws and $50 hats as patriotic proof that the" damn, yankees ," had failed to isolate them from the outer world. The government in Richmond
  4. Michael A Cunningham, ( 1980-present) minor league baseball player New York, yankees , ( 1999-2000),musician/producer (2001- present) *Owen Cunningham, Australian
  5. League West title with a 9-1 pasting of the Dodgers. *September 25 - The, yankees , put an end to a 6-game losing streak with a 10-6 win over the Tigers to wrap up
  6. Are saved just in time by the conductor, who was tricked into searching for ", yankees , " * Geyser Gulch - Two large buildings for the young at heart. Kids run
  7. Captain Andrew Wells for the Hokes and right-handed Jeff Karsten for the, yankees , With Yankees manager Joe Girard sitting in the stands with Virginia Tech
  8. It is Ruth's 37th of the season, but he trails Lou Gehrig, who has 38. The, yankees , win the game,8-1. **The New York Yankees are shut out for the only time all
  9. Of war who had sworn allegiance to the Union (over 200 so-called" Galvanized, yankees ,"). The company (Delaware's only heavy artillery company during the war)
  10. Of Maine's first substantial Irish-Catholic community. Competition with, yankees , for jobs would cause a riot and resulting fire in 1833. 1849-50: The Second
  11. Being moved to State of the Yankees, which is released every Wednesday on, yankees , Com. Recently, he has returned to five for the live 2006 All Star Game
  12. Against Lefty Grove of the Athletics. It is Ruth's 57th of the season. The, yankees , win,7-4. *September 29 - Babe Ruth of the New York Yankees hit two home runs

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