Examples of the the word, startup , in a Sentence Context

The word ( startup ), is the 7245 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The company's fortunes and plan for the future. It did so by buying a small, startup ,company called Amiga Corporation in August 1984,for $25 million ($12.8
  2. On a set of unis elector switches and loaded into the low words of memory at, startup , By May 1949,the initial orders provided a primitive relocating assembler
  3. Turned off for extended periods (more than an hour) in cold weather to reduce, startup ,time and engine wear. Block heaters are also used for emergency power standby
  4. By limited memory resources. Of the 32 KB RAM,3½ KB was allocated to the OS at, startup ,and at least 10 KB was taken up by the display buffer in contiguous display
  5. Heads of some safety matches and in nuclear reactors together with beryllium as, startup ,neutron sources. Antimony sulfides have been shown to help stabilize the
  6. Access to loans and capital for both foreign multinational and domestic, startup ,tech based firms; and a very large pool of highly skilled, educated labor
  7. Left when it was clear he could not pursue his vision there. He then formed a, startup , Digital Techniques, to commercialize some of his doctorate research on storage
  8. By the area's universities, Chicago is also home to a growing number of web, startup ,companies like CareerBuilder, Orbitz,37signals,Groupon, and Feed burner. Late
  9. Files, even though a message is displayed concerning the injunction during the, startup ,process of the software. Likewise versions 5.5.11 and newer feature an
  10. Decision to move to Intel's IA-64 architecture. A high-performance computing, startup ,called Cortex, Inc. introduced a massively parallel MIPS based supercomputer
  11. Client named chat. The Happy Mac which had appeared during the macOS, startup ,sequence for almost 18 years was replaced with a large gray Apple logo with the
  12. Colorado's entrepreneurs turn great ideas into great businesses. They connect, startup ,businesses with the resources they need to turn their innovations into
  13. 5.1) was introduced with the Mac Plus, officially implementing HFS,800K, startup , drives,support for several new technologies including SCSI and AppleS hare, and
  14. Cycle accurate),and random number generation. **2 KB on-board BIOS for system, startup ,and interrupt routing. **32 KB ROM window for standard game cartridges
  15. By loading scripts too early or attempting to combine Bash startup with the, startup ,scripts for other shells in various ways). Portability Shell scripts written
  16. Failed) projects. He devotes his time to seeking venture capital for the, startup ,company. Ethan's personality is diametrically opposed to the other characters
  17. As dangerous in Bulgaria, Russia,and Slovakia. After heated debates over, startup ,continued through 1993,French and Russian nuclear consultants declared
  18. Hydrodynamic lubrication,e.g. protecting the valve train in a car engine at, startup , Transfer heat Both gas and liquid lubricants can transfer heat. However
  19. Are chosen. This implies a lower Lawson criterion, and therefore less, startup ,effort. Another concern is the production of neutrons, which activate the
  20. By a monolithic UNIX kernel. The necessary servers are started at system, startup ,and provide services, such as file, network,and device access, to ordinary
  21. Extracting and producing oil. The Institute meanwhile has spawned about a dozen, startup ,and spinoff companies in grid software, geospatial information fusion, machine
  22. One local deal collapsed when the Bank of California called a loan for, startup ,costs, and another bid was turned down out of concern it would devalue the
  23. Cartridges also caused the system to display" GIG POWER PRO-GEAR SPEC" upon, startup , indicating this enhancement. Image: Negev_100megashock. PNG|The 100Mega Shock
  24. Working for Microsoft. Michael's decision to leave Microsoft and found a, startup ,company is the impetus for the change in lives of the other characters. Michael
  25. Of money will be set aside for the bootstrap process. * See Startup company,a, startup ,company can grow by reinvesting profits in its own growth, if it's bootstrapping
  26. The sliders to survive 50,000 contact cycles before the chance of damage on, startup ,rises above 50 %. However, the decay rate is not linear: when a disk is younger
  27. 60 Emerging Startups. Expansions In 2008,Intel spun off-key assets of a solar, startup ,business effort to form an independent company, SpetraWatt Inc. However, as of
  28. Mt. Sinai Medical Center, creating a research campus to stimulate biotech, startup ,companies that can be spun off from research conducted in the city. City
  29. Users (called nodes),each of whom have Nutella client software. On initial, startup , the client software must bootstrap and find at least one other node. Various
  30. The arcade version of the game by inputting a special code. ROM sizes and, startup ,screens Specification for ROM size was up to 330 megabits, hence the system
  31. Only came online in April 1996,a decade after its December 1985 predicted, startup , Further loans were arranged for completion of the second reactor, which went
  32. Electroluminescent Option gauges, SmartAccess, a smart key entry and, startup ,system, other models have featured touchscreen controls (through the 2009
  33. In the world. Mumbai was ranked among the fastest cities in India for business, startup ,in 2009. State and central government employees make up a large percentage of
  34. Marcus Riemann ported essential parts of glib; namely, getting the process, startup ,code working, allowing programs to run, thus allowing the first user programs (
  35. To start the computer. Hence, non-volatile primary storage containing a small, startup ,program (BIOS) is used to bootstrap the computer, that is, to read a larger
  36. Store. Went bankrupt in May 2000. * Startups. Com was the" ultimate dot-com, startup , " Went out of business in 2002. * e. Digital Corporation (DIG): Long term
  37. Evaluation kit chip set and used the MIKING ROM Software. Sphere was a small, startup ,company and had difficulties delivering all the products they announced.
  38. S grandson) joins his old Dungeons and Dragons companion AVI Galaxy in a new, startup , providing Picograms to migrant Filipinos via new fiber-optic cables. The
  39. At 0 V, and both capacitors charged backwards to −0.6 V. This can occur at, startup ,without external intervention, if R and C are both very small. Frequency
  40. Sports car in 2010,it will be in direct competition with two North American, startup ,companies: Tesla Motors and Fisher Automotive. Chrysler's ENVY division, which
  41. Script load order (by loading scripts too early or attempting to combine Bash, startup ,with the startup scripts for other shells in various ways). Portability Shell
  42. Has had fewer start-stop cycles, it has a better chance of surviving the next, startup ,than an older, higher-mileage disk (as the head literally drags along the disk
  43. In 2007 Atkinson began working as an outside developer with Momenta,a, startup ,working on computer intelligence. On his work there Atkinson said," what
  44. Large two-stroke engines have a piston pump, or electrical driven turbo at, startup , Smaller two-stroke engines (for example, Detroit 71 series) are fitted with
  45. 330 megabits, hence the system displaying" MAX 330 MEGA PRO-GEAR SPEC" upon, startup , While no technical advances were required to achieve it, some games over 100
  46. Executed iterations as an entry to a look-up color palette table initialized at, startup , If the color table has, for instance,500 entries, then you can use n mod 500
  47. Towards more commercial forms of spaceflight. A number of non-governmental, startup ,companies have sprung up in recent years, hoping to create a space tourism
  48. Much later, although at least IBM was aware of it as it financed his post-war, startup ,company in 1946 in return for an option on Zuse's patents. Colossus During
  49. Was specifically to support the Hard Disk 20 and only implemented HFS in RAM, startup ,and most floppy disks remained MFS 400 K volumes. System 3.0 (Finder 5.1) was
  50. For the Apple II as designated by the" if" graphic that was displayed on, startup , Their titles included the Prisoner and Empire series (Empire I: World

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