Examples of the the word, sorrow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sorrow ), is the 7241 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, nor, sorrow , nor crying; and there will be no more pain, for the former things have passed
  2. Chain of causation purports to show that the cessation of decay, death,and, sorrow ,is indirectly dependent on the cessation of craving. Asserted a direct
  3. Of Ministers of the USSR and the Union of Soviet Film Makers expressed their, sorrow ,that Tchaikovsky had to spend the last years of his life in exile. Posthumously
  4. End-stopped:: A glooming peace this morning with it brings.: The sun for, sorrow ,will not show his head.: Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things.: Some
  5. 病因辩证 (," disease-cause pattern discrimination" ). ) - joy, anger,brooding, sorrow , fear, fright and grief. # non-external-non-internal causes: dietary
  6. Is a unity between the Greek people's struggles for freedom, their joys and, sorrow ,and attitudes towards love and death. The Second World War, German occupation
  7. Black-haired human, speaks in stiff tones of voice, smiles warmly even when in, sorrow ,or fear. As Harris explains to Jason, Mathesar is incredibly naïve to the truth
  8. Doon other mo: That wedded been. '::::: 'Weeping and wailing, care and other, sorrow ,: I know enough, in the evening and in the morning,': said the Merchant,'and
  9. Cause humans to experience bizarre feelings in a room, such as anxiety, extreme, sorrow , a feeling of being watched, or even the chills. Carbon monoxide poisoning
  10. Instances they work their feelings up to an ostentatious, frenzy-like degree of, sorrow , The revelry may be heightened by the use of alcohol, of which drummers
  11. The body natural and the body politic: My lords, the law of nature moves me to, sorrow ,for my sister; the burden that is fallen upon me makes me amazed, and yet
  12. That practice FGM call it one of the" three feminine sorrow s ": the first, sorrow ,is the procedure itself, followed by the wedding night when a woman with Type
  13. 27 June. Next day the National Assembly issued a decree expressing their great, sorrow ,on account of his death; and the public funeral on 7 July was one of the most
  14. Ashoka - the Emperor of Emperors Ashoka. His name" " means" painless, without, sorrow ," in Sanskrit (the privatized and soda" pain, distress "). In his edicts
  15. Harbour, and Nansen and his comrades prepared to depart. " It was not without, sorrow ,that we left this place and these people, among whom we had enjoyed ourselves
  16. Telegram was seen as being someone important except for those that transmitted, sorrow ,in the form of death notices. Messengers on bicycles delivered telegrams and
  17. Is a transformative power that is applicable ...: the transformation of sin and, sorrow ,into grace, of suffering into beauty, of alienation into empathy and connection
  18. Death or otherwise crossed him, as Sisyphus and Spirituous found out to their, sorrow , Besides Heracles, the only other living people who ventured to the Underworld
  19. The Alan hold a somber funeral procession and burial with intense displays of, sorrow , Other funerals in Ghana are held with the deceased put in elaborate" fantasy
  20. Sub sole' in the Latin Vulgate) and" he who increase knowledge, increaseth, sorrow , " American 20th-century novelist Thomas Wolfe wrote:“ For of all I have ever
  21. Work of a survivor (or survivors) of the nation’s destruction who poured out, sorrow , anger and dismay after the city’s traumatic defeat and occupation by the
  22. For enjoying bliss, is an epic of alternating rest and struggle, joy and, sorrow , love and hate, until,in the perfected man, God balances the pairs of
  23. To him, he helped save a young fan from making choices that had brought too much, sorrow ,and sadness to Irish and British alike. Who knows? Perhaps it was his best save
  24. Of Pessoa-himself's poetry rests in his ability to suggest a sense of loss; of, sorrow ,for what can never be. A constant theme in Pessoa's poetry is Radio, or Tedium
  25. Autumn Song" ) is likewise characterized by strong, painful feelings of, sorrow , Keats' To Autumn, written in September 1819,echoes this sense of melancholic
  26. Weeping and lamentation, and,wondering, sent to know the cause of so much, sorrow , The musicians redoubled their outcry and their tears, fancying the king would
  27. Odin will be consumed by Henri at Ragnarök:: Then is fulfilled Hlín's: second, sorrow ,: when Owing goes: to fight with the wolf, : and Beli's slayer, : bright
  28. Psychoneurosis. From him, I inherited the seeds of madness. The angels of fear, sorrow , and death stood by my side since the day I was born. ” Christian reprimanded
  29. Of the realm of Hades, and their symbolic meanings, are Acheson (the river of, sorrow , or woe),Cactus (lamentation),Phaethon (fire),Lethe (oblivion)
  30. Dead, he is shown the place where the wrongly convicted reside, the fields of, sorrow ,where those who committed suicide and now regret it reside, including Aeneas '
  31. English including suffering, pain,discontent, unsatisfactoriness, unhappiness, sorrow , affliction, social alienation, anxiety,dissatisfaction, discomfort,anguish
  32. Causes harm to another, and then feels guilt and demonstrates regret and, sorrow , the person harmed is likely to forgive. Thus, guilt makes it possible to
  33. Disaster, and in 1695 Ahmed II died at Edible Palace, worn out by disease and, sorrow , Ahmed III (Ottoman Turkish: احمد ثالث Ahmedi sales) (
  34. Hitler was furious and confided that Paulus" could have freed himself from all, sorrow ,and ascended into eternity and national immortality, but he prefers to go to
  35. Father Isaac died shortly afterwards, his death variously attributed to fright, sorrow , or foul play. Alexios V Donkeys was crowned in early February 1204. After his
  36. Whom a relationship is likely to result, or has already resulted, in pain and, sorrow ,.; Fullerton:" little leaf of paper ": a periodical, or part of a periodical
  37. That the Greek philosophers had written about overcoming grief," but my, sorrow ,defeats all consolation. " Caesar and Brutus as well as Series Suspicious Rufus
  38. A year, the younger sister named Giovanna also died. While tormented with, sorrow , sixteen-year-old Catherine was now faced with her parents' wish that she
  39. S death in 1948,he wandered aimlessly through the streets of Tokyo. His, sorrow ,was magnified rather than diminished when he suddenly heard the cheerful, vapid
  40. Entire family, is dispersed in a series of separate and disconnected figures of, sorrow , In 1894,he enlarged the spectrum of motifs by adding Anxiety, Ashes,Madonna
  41. In a large envelope, on which he wrote the Polish words" Mona Baidu" (" My, sorrow ,"). After Chopin's matrimonial plans ended, Polish countess Delphine Stock
  42. At ease while others live in fear, cannot be satisfied while others are in, sorrow ,", and continued," We all feel, regardless of the source of our philosophy
  43. Test of experience, but in ecclesiastico-political matters he witnessed with, sorrow ,the gradual decline of Catholicism and the spread of Lutheranism within his
  44. Said," O Abu Bakr, do you not get sick? Are you never tested by distress and, sorrow , " Abu Bakr said," No doubt, all this does happen. " Then he said," There
  45. Whereat the wicked faction of Rome laughed for joy while the godly weep for, sorrow , Oxford's company of boy players was also still in existence. On 27 December
  46. Reality, asserts that all phenomenal existence is transitory. In his opinion, sorrow ,is conquered" by finding an object of knowledge which is not transient, not
  47. Ended, and she bore a son. It is from her exclamation" I am now without, sorrow ,", that Ashoka got his name. The Divyāvadāna tells a similar story, but gives
  48. Three spears, followed by a group of swordsmen, an act that caused David great, sorrow , Memorial to Absalom Another monument near Jerusalem (not the modern" Absalom
  49. Years following Gibbon's completion of The History were filled largely with, sorrow ,and increasing physical discomfort. He had returned to London in late 1787 to
  50. Unconquered," and furious, falls upon his own sword," conquered by his own, sorrow ,". In Sophocles' play Ajax, a famous retelling of Ajax's demise takes place -

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