Examples of the the word, wade , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wade ), is the 7242 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And even covering signs to the most direct entrances so that visitors need to, wade ,through labyrinths of vendors to find an entrance. Maintenance issues have
  2. Thus unsuitable for the Spanish galleons to get close to shore. His crew had to, wade ,through the surf to make a landing and the ship was too far to support them
  3. Violence against the students, and encouraged the police, who were outside, to, wade , in also. The supporters of the occupiers asserted it was a 'pre-planned and
  4. Lay, and the sword keeps its promise to cut off the feet of anyone who dares, wade ,in the brook. Unfortunately the Levied had forgotten this promise and his
  5. Reach deep runs where he/she believes salmon lie, the fly angler often needs to, wade ,to the right casting position. He/she therefore requires sure footing and
  6. Macbeth himself recognizes:" I am in blood/Stepp'd in so far that, should I, wade ,no more, /Returning were as tedious as go o'er. " As a tragedy of moral order
  7. Of the name is uncertain. Theories include the Old English words (wet),(, wade ,), watul (wattle, a fence) or with (hunter),Wailing Street, and a
  8. An easier method to gauge the opinion of the community, without having to, wade ,into the internal politics of the community, and polling leaders of each
  9. Algonquian name for the area, Pauquaconsuk, meaning " the place where we, wade ,for thick, round-shelled clams ". " Wading in the River" or Wading River was
  10. And the day, but especially around dawn and dusk. It uses its long legs to, wade ,through shallow water, and spears fish or frogs with its long, sharp bill.
  11. 45 to 90 m) out. Before they could even reach the beach they would have to, wade ,through water sometimes neck deep, and they still had 200 yards (180 m) or
  12. That" resonated deeply as it highlighted what can befall respected experts who, wade ,into controversial wiki-waters ". The paper stated that Connolly did" not
  13. Relatively calm, they can be extremely dangerous places to boat, swim,or, wade ,as the circulation patterns on the downstream side—typically called "
  14. Vehicle riding and camping, which draw explorers from near and far. Kids still, wade ,in Ten Sleep Creek at the City Park and catch trout anywhere along the stream
  15. Half-horse, half-alligator,a little touched with the snapping turtle; can, wade ,the Mississippi, leap the Ohio, ride upon a streak of lightning, and slip
  16. Bomb exploded. Adolf Hitler suggested Kurt Allege,Heydrich's successor, to `, wade ,through blood ` to find Heydrich's killers. The Germans began a sweeping and
  17. Later, he repeated this imagery and added that the IRA:" ... would have to, wade ,through the blood of the soldiers of the Irish Government, and perhaps through
  18. Prussian advance. The Prussians were slowed, and although the river was easy to, wade , transporting artillery across it was extremely difficult. The Prussian attack
  19. Aid, or mail a letter. Those on the north side of the Platte could usually, wade ,the shallow river if they needed to visit the fort. The Platte River and the
  20. Play characters who are very quick, very manipulative and smart ... I usually, wade ,in dark, sort of treacherous waters. This is a man living one step at a time
  21. Residents and tourists come to the slab to bask in the warm sun and swim or, wade ,in the clear water running over the granite. Demographics As of the census of
  22. Mole onto 42 British destroyers and other large ships, while others had to, wade ,from the beaches toward the ships, waiting for hours to board, shoulder-deep in
  23. A route through a residential estate, where the flood levels were low enough to, wade ,through. Despite the lack of access several businesses remained open, most
  24. Of their LVT's were knocked out in their approach, leaving their occupants to, wade ,ashore through the coral reef in chest-high or deeper water while being raked
  25. The beach master was too busy to grant his request. MacArthur was compelled to, wade ,ashore. In his prepared speech he said: Since Late was out of range of Kenney
  26. Landing on 25 April. Lighters ran aground on sandbars so that the troops had to, wade ,some distance to get ashore. Many units became intermingled and officers were
  27. Investors in the" Orbison Colony" arrived by ship in December they had to, wade ,ashore, only to find that their primitive settlement lacked the homes, stores
  28. Eat up to 32 kg of food per day. Moose are excellent swimmers and are known to, wade ,into water to eat aquatic plants. In non-polar regions this trait serves a
  29. Organs will eventually become completely discharged allowing the collector to, wade ,into the water in comparative safety. An electrophoresis is a capacitive
  30. Capable of sustained bipedalism. Primates that live in tropical areas often, wade ,through water in a bipedal stance. Gorillas, bonobos,proboscis monkeys and
  31. Town of Lourdes, Bernadette is left behind when her companions warn her not to, wade ,through the cold river by the Massabielle caves for fear of taking ill. About
  32. Can either feed by diving into streams to eat larger benthic organisms, or, wade , in shallower parts of streams and pick smaller organisms of the bottom. The
  33. Beneath the horses’ hoofs so that the infantry which followed after had to, wade ,through half an ell of sludge, facing the risk that the ice would break beneath
  34. To change out of their usual clothes, possibly change into swimwear and then, wade ,in the ocean at beaches. Bathing machines were roofed and walled wooden carts
  35. It is possible to believe a Roman author's report that in his time men could, wade ,to the Isle of Wight at low tide. Similarly, it is known that Salsa was once a
  36. At every opportunity, even if they had done so recently. Motorists should, wade ,through water before driving through to verify the depth. The list of
  37. As the champagne is poured around recklessly and sometimes spilled enough to, wade ,in. Spraying champagne is, however,a fairly recent addition to the Champagne
  38. Fomenter by a shallow sandbar, and during low tide, it is possible for one to, wade ,between the two islands. This area is a popular stopping point for those in
  39. Importance and conservation Fishermen have been known to fish from the shore, wade ,into rivers, or use small boats when it is possible. The best lures and baits
  40. O'Connor, fifty miles to the southeast, is renowned for bay,offshore, and, wade , fishing. There are three golf courses located in Victoria: The Victoria Country
  41. Snorkel, essentially a long tube on the commander's hatch that allowed it to, wade ,through four meters of water. The Leopard 2 tank carries a snorkel that is in
  42. After other consonants, for example class (clothes),coal, coat,gape, wade , wait (weak),wait, wale (choose) and game (belly),often written clues
  43. Maintained street crossings at intersections to keep pedestrians from having to, wade ,through a sea of mud between wooden sidewalks. As an experiment, Washington
  44. Boot is also popular among those who work in or near the ocean, as one can, wade ,in and out of shallow, but cold ocean water, while staying dry and warm. In the
  45. The north end of Lake Itasca. This setup allows tourists to, wade ,in shallow water or cross over it by way of the bridge constructed of logs. In
  46. Street to the Sputter Devil Creek because the creek was shallow enough to, wade ,across, thus evading paying the toll. The ferry charter was granted in 1669.
  47. Was ordered to pay a total of $39 million. Their attorneys are still trying to, wade ,through the Luster/Factor investments to determine how much their clients will
  48. The" bridge of the Æsir burns" and the" sacred waters boil," Thor must, wade ,through the rivers Korma and ORT and two rivers named Kerlaugar to go" sit as
  49. Fear and hate water, preferring to face overwhelming odds in battle rather than, wade ,through a stream to escape. Both Thunder and Ariel generally understand the
  50. Which slowed the posse. In the ensuing confusion the Wild Bunch were able to, wade ,downstream and escape without their horses. The outlaws walked to a sheep ranch

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