Examples of the the word, prune , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prune ), is the 7244 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Components analysis (PCA). Feature selection algorithms, attempt to directly, prune ,out redundant or irrelevant features. The distinction between the two is that
  2. Or ice on the branches. Overview To obtain a better understanding of how to, prune ,plants properly, it is useful to have some underlying knowledge of how pruning
  3. The Online Etymology Dictionary presents the customary derivations of plum and, prune ,from Latin plenum, the plum fruit. The tree is prune s; however, Pliny also uses
  4. In which the principal ingredient is diced or sliced carrots; in the Nordic, prune ,Kiel, eaten with rice oatmeal in the Christmas dinner; and in the traditional
  5. Etc. In the north-western Romania, are prepared so-called courage, gomboţi cu, prune , pan cove, plăcinte Crete, while in the north-eastern Romania, the traditional
  6. To make soup. Fruits change character completely when dried: the plum becomes a, prune , the grape a raisin; figs and dates are also transformed in new, different
  7. Stanford and Beaching clashed on matters related to the latter's proposals to, prune ,the rail infrastructure. In spite of questions in Parliament, Sir Ivan's
  8. An ingredient in Dr Pepper. * Work, from Star Trek: The Next Generation enjoys, prune ,juice, proclaiming it" a warrior's drink ". * Prunes and prune juice are
  9. Urine. In young children, frequent urinary tract infections often herald, prune ,belly syndrome, as they are normally uncommon. If a problem is suspected
  10. In fruit salads. In Asia, fresh guava slices are often dipped in preserved, prune ,powder or salt. In India, it is often sprinkled with red rock salt, which is
  11. In all plant foods, including: * some fruits and fruit juices (including, prune ,juice, plums,berries, bananas,and the insides of apples and pears) * certain
  12. Owners of healthy trees should be vigilant about the companies they hire to, prune ,healthy trees. Blades need to be disinfected between use to remove dead trees
  13. Used to resolve host names and addresses. IPv4 only. * select () is used to, prune ,a provided list of sockets for those that are ready to read, ready to write, or
  14. In the body. In popular culture * There has long been an urban myth that, prune ,juice is an ingredient in Dr Pepper. * Work, from Star Trek: The Next
  15. Is the" Santa Rosa" prune . A plum is larger, rounder,and more reddish than a, prune , Source: L. Burbank fruit tree catalog and prior prune orchards. Geography
  16. Enjoys prune juice, proclaiming it" a warrior's drink ". * Prunes and, prune ,juice are recurring elements in Frank Zappa's album, Absolutely Free. John
  17. A count of elementary stress-reversals for use in fatigue analysis * Sweep and, prune ,: a broad phase algorithm used during collision detection to limit the number of
  18. all the land within Cupertino's present-day boundaries was covered by, prune , plum, apricot,and cherry orchards. A winery on Montebello Ridge overlooking
  19. Industry included growing grain and alfalfa; apple, cherry,pear, and, prune , orchards; and peas, beans,and sugar beets. Beginning in 1886 Joseph Alas tor
  20. Suitable for wine grapes and sunny valley floor in Asia once covered with, prune ,and apricot orchards, now with suburban homes, schools and churches.
  21. Diet coming from the consumption of coffee range from twenty to forty percent;, prune ,juice has a high concentration of acrylamide, though adults consume it in far
  22. Distasteful joking, many of today's distributors have stopped using the word ", prune ," on packaging labels. Their preference is to state" dried plums ". Uses
  23. Chlorogenic acids) and sorbitol. Faster results are obtained by heating the, prune ,juice. Prunes also contain dietary fiber (about 6 %, or 0.06 g per gram of
  24. A common algorithm for collision detection of bounding boxes is sweep and, prune , We observe that two such boxes, I_1 \times I_2 \times I_3 and J_1 \times J_2
  25. Out, cut into circles, and traditionally filled with a sweet poppy seed or, prune ,filling, then wrapped up into a triangular shape with the filling either hidden
  26. Juice. Prunes also contain dietary fiber (about 6 %, or 0.06 g per gram of, prune ,). Prunes and prune juice are thus common home remedies for constipation.
  27. Improved overwintering habitat or refuge for a key grape pest parasitic. The, prune ,trees harbor an alternate host for the parasitic, which could previously
  28. And specialty stores worldwide. They tend to be much drier than the standard, prune , Cream, ginsing, spicy,and salty are among the common varieties. Licorice is
  29. Contain dietary fiber (about 6 %, or 0.06 g per gram of prune ). Prunes and, prune ,juice are thus common home remedies for constipation. Prunes also have a high
  30. Limited formative pruning is now required. Shorten leaders by one third and, prune ,laterals not required to extend the framework to four buds. Five year and
  31. From Washington and Idaho states. The most common type is the" Santa Rosa ", prune , A plum is larger, rounder,and more reddish than a prune . Source: L. Burbank
  32. Are grown for drying. The main cultivar grown in the US is the Improved French, prune , Other varieties include Sutter, Tulare Giant, Moyer, Imperial,Italian, and
  33. About prune s because dried plums are often called prune s. The fruit of a, prune ,tree is smaller than a plum. Blueish purple and shipped as fresh fruit
  34. Of French fried potatoes, the woman can drink 86 kg (~86 L, or 23 US gal) of, prune ,juice, and the man can eat of oven-baked potatoes, and each of them will have
  35. Fruity" compounds resembling apple, pear,pineapple, banana,plum, or, prune , among others. Before the introduction of hops into England from the
  36. Settlers established fruit orchards and built fruit packing businesses and, prune ,dryers along the railroad tracks. Local orchards produced many varieties of
  37. To cut away ", from Bambi- (" about "," around" ) and put are (" to, prune ,"). The Latin word has never been recorded in a surgical context, being
  38. A little boy who does drawings in the bath and complains about having ", prune ,hands" ( the theme song for this segment was a slightly modified version of
  39. And negative qualities, the latter of which parents should" weed out" or ", prune ," into an appropriate shape. *Rewards and punishments – a method of discipline
  40. It is double distilled from fermented apples. *Amassing is a, prune ,(the fruit of the Damassinier tree) brandy from the Jury Mountains of
  41. Married werewolf Remus Lupin. However, Voldemort gives Bellatrix a chance to ", prune ," her family tree during the Death Eaters' attempt to capture Harry as the boy
  42. And more reddish than a prune . Source: L. Burbank fruit tree catalog and prior, prune ,orchards. Geography Prune dale is located at. Demographics 2010 The 2010
  43. The same vein that makes this script so outrageous. They must take it away and, prune , Before they take it away, however,I think the President of the BBFC should
  44. Referring to that which" falls off in pruning ", from " put ", meaning " to, prune ,". It is pronounced put'men. Until recently, very few studies were conducted
  45. Should be removed flush with the stem. Two year Remove any lower shoots and, prune ,between three and five of the best placed shoots by half to an upwards or
  46. Defense costs (including winding down the Vietnam War),Laird worked hard to, prune ,budgetary requests before they went to Congress, and acceded to additional cuts
  47. A former team which combined with Wairarapa to form the above side Vessels A, prune ,is any of various plum cultivars, mostly Prunes domestic or European Plum
  48. Blades need to be disinfected between use to remove dead trees and use to, prune ,healthy trees. Resistant trees Research to select resistant cultivars and
  49. Of two to six or sometimes more on racemes. The fruit is a fleshy drupe (a ", prune ,") with a single relatively large hard-coated seed (a" stone" ). Within the
  50. Bloom. Biological control experts in California have demonstrated that planting, prune ,trees in grape vineyards provides an improved overwintering habitat or refuge

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