Examples of the the word, sleeper , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sleeper ), is the 12515 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of dog-like creatures dubbed" Tines ". The ship is revealed to be a, sleeper ,ship, carrying most of High Lab's children in" cold sleep boxes ". The boxes
  2. Prime. However, Davros had previously recruited one of the Spider Dales as a, sleeper ,agent for just such an eventuality, and even he was not certain in the end if
  3. Units are used to provide climate control and electrical power for the truck's, sleeper ,cab and engine block heater during downtime on the road as mandated by
  4. Film company Mira max decided to promote the film in the US where it became a, sleeper ,hit, earning $62 million at the box office. A memorable advertising campaign
  5. This is a pearl of a horror picture which exhibits all the earmarks of a, sleeper , " While Roger Ebert criticized the matinée screening, he admitted that he "
  6. In contact with their case officer in order to file intelligence reports. A, sleeper ,agent will not be in contact with anyone until activated. *Illegal agent: This
  7. Horse with a broken back but no ears or tail, and a cat that would sit upon a, sleeper ,'s chest and grow steadily heavier until the victim suffocated. The drug
  8. Carter, and is similar to a device sold in Japan that is used to ensure the, sleeper ,awakens on time by inflating a pillow under their normal pillow and rolling the
  9. Locomotive-hauled trains were abandoned apart from a few, sleeper ,trains. There are also a number of independent railway lines that operate DMS.
  10. University was described as follows:“ The University of Tulsa is one of the, sleeper ,gems of the Great Plains, a private school large enough to house numerous
  11. Semi-trailers. Cab The cab is an enclosed space where the driver is seated. A, sleeper ,is a compartment attached to the cab where the driver can rest while not
  12. MI is tasked with counter-insurgency operations, identifying and eliminating, sleeper ,cells, foreign agents and other anti-Pakistani elements within Pakistan.
  13. The long-haul tractors used in interstate travel are often equipped with a ", sleeper ," behind the driver's cab, which can be anything from a small bunk to a rather
  14. Where a rig would be too difficult to maneuver. Sleeper cabs (trucks with, sleeper ,units) usually don't have single axles, but both day cabs and trucks with
  15. Longer" arm up to equalize his circulation. He was described as a" champion, sleeper ,", even falling asleep with food in his mouth occasionally. A paper delivered
  16. Common vernacular. Concepts such as" calling someone out "," body slam ",", sleeper ,hold" and" tag team" are used even by those who do not watch professional
  17. But is now a priority of the government of Ethiopia. *In 2008 a concrete, sleeper ,plant was constructed in Dire Data. *In September 2009 ERC signed a deal with
  18. Entire system cycling between apnea and hypopnea, even during wakefulness. The, sleeper ,stops breathing and then starts again. There is no effort made to breathe
  19. Began to pour in. The sleeping cars proved successful despite the fact that the, sleeper ,cost more than five times the price of a regular railway car. They were
  20. Show up suddenly at one of Chicago's train depots and buy up an entire Pullman, sleeper ,car on night trains to places like Cleveland, Omaha,Kansas City, Little Rock
  21. Navajo Sandstone, a geologic formation in the Glen Canyon Group * The Navajo (, sleeper ,car),a sleeping car on the Super Chief passenger train * Navajo (train)
  22. Sharks such as Greenland Shark, Somniosus microcephalies, and Pacific, sleeper ,shark, Somniosus pacific us, are also known to rival these sharks in length. The
  23. Longer-distance services are mostly on semi-cama (reclining seat) or came (, sleeper ,) buses, often double-deck. Santiago began its public bus system Transacting
  24. Human employee of Relay's owners, the wealthy Trinity Organization – trace the, sleeper ,ship's signal to the Tines world. Old One designs a vessel, the Out-of-Band II
  25. Grossed ten times its budget of ¥3 million. Likewise, the 2006 Crazy Stone,a, sleeper ,hit, was made for just 3 million HKD/US$400,000. In 2009-11,Feng's Aftershock
  26. With the condition that Amtrak would reduce (but not eliminate) food and, sleeper ,service losses. Thus, dining service was simplified and now requires two fewer
  27. Of manipulation by the time-traveling dictator King the Conqueror. Stark, as a, sleeper ,agent in Kang's thrall, kills Marilla, the nanny of Crystal and Quicksilver's
  28. Tractor unit 2. Semi-trailer (detachable) 3. Engine compartment 4. Cabin 5., sleeper ,(not present in all trucks) 6. Air dam 7. Fuel tanks 8. Fifth wheel coupling
  29. While neither is currently practical, they offer the possibility of, sleeper ,ships in which the passengers lie inert for the long years of the voyage.
  30. Boeroe. It goes forth during sleep, and all that it sees it whispers into the, sleeper ,'s ear, and then he dreams. According to another account, the banana is the
  31. And valets all rolled into one person. Pullman believed that if his, sleeper ,cars were to be successful, he needed to provide a wide variety of services to
  32. Hannibal Kimball. He then developed a railroad sleeping car, the Pullman, sleeper , or" palace car. " These were designed after the packet boats that traveled
  33. A transformation into a Psi Corps secret agent, having been revealed as a ", sleeper ," whose true personality was buried subconsciously, and who acted as a spy
  34. The buzz surrounding the Brewers greatly increased. They were dubbed a ", sleeper ,team" and" contenders in the NL" by numerous sports analysts and magazines.
  35. Railways also connected city centers, in such a way that the traveler went by, sleeper , railway hotel, to the cities. Crossing the country by train took four or five
  36. Guilds made a second attempt and after almost 4 hours, successfully killed the, sleeper , " Perform The Awakened" appears in the expansion Secrets of Fayer as part
  37. Russia and Riga in Latvia. The Go Rail company operates a daily international, sleeper ,train service between Tallinn-Moscow. Tallinn also has a commuter rail service
  38. To SNCF for TGV services in northern France. An international Night star, sleeper ,train was also planned; this would have travelled the same routes as Regional
  39. Hit manga and anime such as Dragon Ball series led to the game becoming a, sleeper ,hit in 1993 selling in excess of 800,000 copies. The game was also voted as the
  40. That could gain the upper hand in the Tine war. A distress signal from the, sleeper ,ship eventually reaches" Relay ", a major node in the galactic communications
  41. Time is only a little more than 16 minutes. The Silence of the Lambs was a, sleeper ,hit that gradually gained widespread success. The film ultimately received
  42. Passenger trains for use in conurbations. Double-deck high speed and, sleeper ,trains are becoming more common in mainland Europe. Sometimes extreme
  43. Raiders in the Silesia Confederacy. Related terms The term" Q-car" ( or ", sleeper ,") has subsequently been used to describe cars that have much higher than
  44. Class. " In 1867 he introduced his first hotel on wheels, the President,a, sleeper ,with an attached kitchen and dining car. The food rivaled the best restaurants
  45. Multiple-unit train sets will be imported for use on the line. Construction of, sleeper ,plant for the far north line was also initiated in 2008. Service pending These
  46. To discredit the operations of the target in an operation. *Sleeper agent: A, sleeper ,agent is a person who is recruited to an intelligence service to wake up and
  47. Bond series with Sean Connery in the leading role. The first film Dr. Now was a, sleeper ,hit in the UK in 1962 (see 1962 in film),and the second, From Russia with
  48. Of President Abraham Lincoln carried from Washington’D. C. to Springfield on a, sleeper , he received national attention and the orders began to pour in. The sleeping
  49. Disorder (PLMD),which occurs during sleep and can cause carousals that the, sleeper ,is unaware of. *Pain An injury or condition that causes pain can preclude an
  50. Sentinels - by Bastion and without their knowledge at Prospero Clinic, used as, sleeper ,agents until activated by attack or presence of a mutant. * Omega Prime

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