Examples of the the word, res , in a Sentence Context
The word ( res ), is the 12518 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Believed that the highest cognitive functions are carried out by a non-physical, res ,cogitate, but that the majority of behaviors of humans, and all behaviors of
- At the same time, someone was negligent. " In some states, the doctrine of, res ,IPSA sequitur is also used as a method of proving the intent or mens rea
- Federal Indian Reservation. " A slang variant of this term is the shortened, res ,or red. * Ranchers: the res idential area of a First Nation res erve, used in BC
- The doctrine of res IPSA sequitur. Some lawyers prefer to avoid the exp res sion, res ,IPSA sequitur (for example, Hobhouse LA in Radcliff v. Plymouth). But other
- Has had a great influence on Polish. Many Polish words (rzeczpospolita from, res ,public, zdanie for both" opinion" and" sentence ", from sentence) were
- Almost a formality. Examples by jurisdictions Canada In Canada the doctrine of, res ,IPSA sequitur has been largely overturned by the Supreme Court. In case of
- The period of the Roman Empire. The English word commonwealth is a claque, res ,public, and its use in English is closer to how the Romans used the term res
- Evidence to the contrary. England and Wales In English tort law, the effect of, res ,IPSA sequitur is a strong inference in favor of the claimant that negligence
- Of a law or regulation, in place of proof of a duty and a breach) and, res ,IPSA sequitur (an inference of negligence under certain conditions). Strict
- To eliminate nine main characteristics of an epic: # It opens in medias, res , # The setting is vast, covering many nations, the world or the universe. #
- Some scholars have attributed this to the Merovingian's lacking a sense of, res ,public (EGL. Republic for" public matter" ), but other historians have
- Homecoming for a very long time. Structure The Odyssey opens in medias, res ,(in the middle of things),meaning that the plot begins in the middle of the
- Of thought),in contrast to the domain of material things which he called, res ,extent (the realm of extension). He suggested that the interaction between
- On Al, played by | date | URL http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?, res ,F00611F93B540C738DDDA00894DF404482&fta encamp archive:
- Second) of Torts, § 328D describes a two-step process for establishing, res ,IPSA sequitur. The first step is whether the accident is the kind that would
- In Spain). # would obviously not contain this element). # In medias, res ,: narrative opens" in the middle of things ", with the hero at his lowest point
- New York Times, Oct. 24, 1999. **http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?, res ,9D04E3D91E3EF937A35753C1A96F958260n
- Was caused by a flat tire. In this case, the plaintiff could not be assisted by, res ,IPSA sequitur and had to go on to prove that the flat tire was caused by the
- Of the Aces Time magazine (1958) *http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?, res ,9D0CE7DC163DF931A25757C0A967958260&sec son &pagewanted print Obituary by Alan
- Acquit can be combined with a plea of not guilty. Related doctrines include, res ,Tunicata and, in the criminal context, a plea in bar of double jeopardy. In the
- To rebut the prior evidence. In the common law of negligence, the doctrine of, res ,IPSA sequitur (Latin for" the thing speaks for itself" ) states that the
- Ltd. South Africa In South Africa (Roman Dutch Law) there is no doctrine of, res ,IPSA sequitur, although the phrase is used regularly to mean the" facts speak
- Particulars in space and time are real, and that universals exist only post, res , that is,after particular things. However, some versions of nominalism
- States writers, most importantly Leonardo Brunei, adopted the Latin word, res ,public. While Brunei and Machiavelli used the term to describe the states of
- As an exp res s or implied warranty from the manufacturer to the consumer. The, res ,IPSA sequitur doctrine was also stretched to reduce the plaintiff's burden of
- State is not a monarch. The word" republic" is derived from the Latin phrase, res ,public, which can be translated as" a public affair ", and often used to
- External links *http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Byrne+v. +Beadle, res ,IPSA sequitur — definition from The Free Dictionary The Rocky Horror Picture
- Friction. The arch's inscription does say that the Emperor had saved the, res ,public INSTINCT DIVINITIES MANTIS MAGNITUDE (" by greatness of mind and
- And not infamy. Infamy and the censorial verdict was not a judicial or, res ,Tunicata, for its effects were not lasting, but might be removed by the
- Harassment or opp res sion. It is also in harmony with the common law concept of, res ,Tunicata which prevents courts from relitigating issues which have already been
- Not have happened except on the theory of negligence ..." A contention of, res ,IPSA sequitur commonly is made in cases of commercial airplane accidents. It
- Group of people may be held in breach of a duty of care under the rule of, res ,IPSA sequitur. In Ibarra v. Spaniard, a patient undergoing surgery experienced
- Then the date of the occurrence has become the rule in most states, allowing, res , ipsa sequitur to take its rightful place. Forty years later, leaving a medical
- All other parties' time. Res IPSA sequitur Prima facie is often confused with, res ,IPSA sequitur (literally," the thing speaks for itself" ), the common law
- v. British Columbia (Official Administrator) the Court rejected the use of, res ,IPSA sequitur and instead proposed the rule that once the plaintiff has proven
- A handy phrase used by lawyers. United States Most American courts recognize, res ,IPSA sequitur. The Restatement (Second) of Torts, § 328D describes a two-step
- Proposed that consciousness res ides within an immaterial domain he called, res ,cogitate (the realm of thought),in contrast to the domain of material things
- Statuta regalia, res ulting in application of the law of the city where e.g. the, res ,would be located (cf. led REI site). Maritime law was also a great driver of
- Odds against supernatural demons and beasts. The poem also begins in medias, res ,(" into the middle of affairs" ) or simply," in the middle ", which is a
- Forms of realism. Two major forms are Platonic realism (universal ante, res ,) and Aristotelian realism (universal in rebus). Platonic realism is the
- Exclusive control over the instrumentality that caused the accident. If found, res ,IPSA sequitur creates an inference of negligence, although in most cases it
- Kong Hong Kong is one of the common law jurisdictions that uses the doctrine of, res ,IPSA sequitur. Some lawyers prefer to avoid the exp res sion res IPSA sequitur (
- Who did nothing wrong (i.e., no contributory negligence). Upon a proof of, res ,IPSA sequitur, the plaintiff need only establish the remaining two elements of
- Vincent Kalb,1160–1223) used for the first time the original Latin term, res ,public in the context of Poland in his" Chronicles of the Kings and Princes
- Appeal, in Seinfeld Building Contractors Ltd v. Li Kai Cheng). The exp res sion, res ,IPSA sequitur is not a doctrine but a“ mode of inferential reasoning” and
- To describe the states of Northern Italy, which were not monarchies, the term, res ,public has a set of interrelated meanings in the original Latin. The term can
- Res public, and its use in English is closer to how the Romans used the term, res ,public. Today the term republic still most commonly means a system of
- From being the defendant in a civil suit relating to the same incident (though, res ,Tunicata operates within the civil court system). For example, O. J. Simpson
- Fact that animals lack language to be an indication that they lack access to, res ,cogitate, the realm of thought. Others have reached similar conclusions, though
- Important in the United States) **http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?, res ,9B07E5D61330F937A15753C1A96F958260n
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