Examples of the the word, nylon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nylon ), is the 12521 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Common synthetic fibers include acrylics, polyesters such as Dacron and Inge, nylon ,and other polyamides, and ole fins such as polypropylene. Of these types, wool
  2. Each bead circle is made. Peyote stitch is stitched using only one end of the, nylon ,thread. The other end of the string is left dangling at the beginning of the
  3. The silk trains' trip faster. At the end of World War II, the invention of, nylon ,made silk less valuable, so the silk trains died out. Funeral trains Funeral
  4. Climbers frequently connect two non-locking carabiners with a short length of, nylon ,web to create a quick draw. Three gate types are common: *Straight gate: The
  5. To repair necks. This is more of a problem with steel string guitars than with, nylon ,strings, which have about half the string tension. This is why nylon string
  6. Stitches are done using either fishing line (most popular brand: fire line) or, nylon ,thread (most popular brand: YMO). Fishing line lends itself better to right
  7. Nitriles are produced on a large scale, e. g., adiponitrile is a precursor to, nylon , Such compounds are often generated by combining hydrogen cyanide and alkenes
  8. As" Double Engender" and" Honey Child ". With new materials like latex and, nylon , by 1934 the swimsuit started hugging the body and had shoulder straps to lower
  9. In their main chains. Among the synthetic polymers, the best known example is, nylon , where hydrogen bonds occur in the repeat unit and play a major role in
  10. Steel or bronze-phosphor alloy. Some players may string their banjos with, nylon ,or gut strings to achieve a more mellow, old-time tone. Open-back and resonator
  11. Na2SO4). Direct dyes are used on cotton, paper,leather, wool,silk and, nylon , They are also used as pH indicators and as biological stains. Mordant dyes
  12. Guitars have seven or more strings. *All six strings are made from nylon , or, nylon , wrapped with metal, as opposed to the metal strings found on other acoustic
  13. Is greatest between the 3rd string (G - pure nylon ) and the 4th string (D -, nylon ,wound with thin metal). This, however also poses a difficulty in producing a
  14. Tonal effects: The difference is greatest between the 3rd string (G - pure, nylon ,) and the 4th string (D - nylon wound with thin metal). This, however also
  15. The crew expressed concern about the amount of flammable material (mainly, nylon ,netting and Velcro) in the cabin, which the technicians found convenient for
  16. The double bass, piano,harpsichord, and the guitar, replacing former gut and, nylon ,strings. Bronze strings are commonly reserved on pianoforte for the lower pitch
  17. Of differing sizes, is used to clean holds. Brushes are typically made with, nylon ,bristles, but sometimes use coarse animal hair, and may be mounted on a
  18. Of the Dale command hierarchy. Movement Early versions of the Dales rolled on, nylon ,casters, propelled by the operator's feet. Although casters were adequate for
  19. Other weapons. Protective clothing Fencing outfits are made of tough cotton or, nylon , Kevlar was added to top level uniform pieces (jacket, breeches,underarm
  20. First meet. The classical guitar — (also called the" Spanish guitar" or ", nylon ,string guitar" ) — is a 6-stringed plucked string instrument from the family
  21. Classical guitars have seven or more strings. *All six strings are made from, nylon , or nylon wrapped with metal, as opposed to the metal strings found on other
  22. In synch with engine RPM. It is fairly often a high-pitched whine, like set of, nylon ,gears not quite meshing correctly. Discharge cavitation
  23. The approximate energy of static discharges caused by a test crew dressed in, nylon ,flight pressure suits and reclining on the nylon flight seats. The MIT
  24. Then with nylon strings, which have about half the string tension. This is why, nylon ,string guitars often don't include a truss rod either. Body The body of the
  25. Also have a much lower tension than steel strings, as do the predecessors to, nylon ,strings, gut strings (made from ox or sheep gut). The lower three strings (
  26. Use of non-magnetic pickups allows bassists to use non-ferrous strings such as, nylon , brass or even silicone rubber, which create different tones. * Piezoelectric
  27. Used gut strings, but these have been superseded by polymer materials, such as, nylon ,and fluorocarbon. Modern guitar strings are constructed of metal, polymers,or
  28. And a freely ionized -H on either end (such as a hydrogen from the -NH2 in, nylon ,or proteins). Normally, two or more different monomers are used in the
  29. Own equipment, leading to technical innovation. The scaling-pole (1940), nylon , ropes (1942),use of explosives in caves (1947) and mechanical
  30. The most commonly known condensation polymers are proteins, fabrics such as, nylon , silk, or polyester. Colorado Springs is a Home Rule Municipality that is the
  31. Lap or while it stands on a table, or on the floor. Harp strings may be made of, nylon , gut, wire or silk. On smaller harps, like the folk harp, the core string
  32. Arrangement and does not easily break when tugged upon. On the other hand, nylon ,thread is more suited to peyote stitch because it is softer and more pliable
  33. By a test crew dressed in nylon flight pressure suits and reclining on the, nylon ,flight seats. The MIT investigators found sufficient energy for ignition
  34. Declaration of Independence. *1935 – DuPont scientist Wallace Car others invents, nylon , *1939 – The erroneous word" word" is discovered in the Webster's New
  35. A powder. Their main use is to dye polyester, but they can also be used to dye, nylon , cellulose acetate, and acrylic fibers. In some cases, a dyeing temperature
  36. ATS). Scientists developed the ATS, which are shallow,100-foot raceways of, nylon ,netting where algae colonies can form, and studied its efficacy for three years
  37. Cake" inside the hole. Classical guitars: These are typically strung with, nylon ,strings, plucked with the fingers, played in a seated position and are used to
  38. A much smaller type of rolling friction. Many thermoplastic materials such as, nylon , HDPE and PTFE are commonly used in low friction bearings. They are especially
  39. Strung with gut with the thinnest melody string made of stainless steel. Today, nylon ,strings are usually used in place of gut. Technique An important part of
  40. Of various woods and strung with animal gut or, more recently, with either, nylon ,or steel strings. Some modern guitars are made of polycarbonate materials.
  41. Acoustic bass played in mariachi bands. It is fretless with heavy gauge, nylon ,strings, and is usually played by doubling notes at the octave, which is
  42. In Spain. *1937 – Wallace H. Car others receives a United States patent for, nylon , *1940 – World War II: Alt mark Incident: The German tanker Alt mark is boarded
  43. Line lends itself better to right angle weave because it is stiffer than, nylon ,thread, so holds the beads in a tighter arrangement and does not easily break
  44. And pulled backward). Classical guitars do not require truss rods as their, nylon ,strings exert a lower tensile force with lesser potential to cause structural
  45. As well as multiple petticoats, corsets,girdles and/or garter belts with, nylon ,stockings. Social issues Cross-dressers may begin wearing their opposite sex's
  46. A novel enzyme that allows these bacteria to grow on the by-products of, nylon ,manufacturing, and the soil bacterium Sphingobium evolving an entirely new
  47. Are water-soluble anionic dyes that are applied to fibers such as silk, wool, nylon , and modified acrylic fibers using neutral to acid dye baths. Attachment to the
  48. More sensitive than others. Thus, nylon s are more sensitive than armies, and, nylon ,6 more sensitive than nylon -11. Symmetric hydrogen bond A symmetric hydrogen
  49. 3.00 is unusual). Different materials are used for picks, including plastic, nylon , and felt, all of which produce different tones. Felt picks are used to emulate
  50. The phenol can be converted to cyclohexanol, which is a starting material for, nylon ,synthesis. Food preservative Benzoic acid and its salts are used as a food

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