Examples of the the word, edible , in a Sentence Context

The word ( edible ), is the 12523 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tree. The Nonpareil tree produces large, smooth almonds and offer 60–65 %, edible ,kernel per nut. The Too, on the other hand, has thicker, hairier shells and
  2. Fruit wall is very thin, and is fused to the seed coat, so almost all the, edible ,grain is actually a seed. Therefore, cereal grains, such as corn, wheat and
  3. Near drainpipes. Many species of cacti have commercial uses; some cacti bear, edible ,fruit, such as the prickly pear and Holocaust, which produces dragon fruit or
  4. Hydrocarbons. They are also found in processed fossil fuels, tar and various, edible ,oils. Pass are one of the most widespread organic pollutants. In addition to
  5. Camellia kinesis) from the Theater family. The order also includes some, edible ,fruits, including kiwi fruit (Actinide delicious),persimmon (genus
  6. As the prickly pear and Holocaust, which produces dragon fruit or pita ya. The, edible ,cactus, or Nepal, industry in Mexico is worth $150 million each year and
  7. The protein down therefore this could not currently be administered as an, edible ,protein. However, it might be produced at significantly lower cost than insulin
  8. From marketing research regarding the possibility of children mistaking it for, edible ,confectionery. In the UK during March 2008,Blu-Tack changed color for the
  9. Possibly a form of mimicry, is seen in the eggs of stick insects. They have an, edible ,elaiosome-like structure and are taken into the ant nest where the young hatch.
  10. Abalone * Halitosis tuberculate Linnaeus,1758 – the green former, European, edible , abalone,tube abalone, or tuberculate former – synonyms: Halitosis Maria
  11. Vetches, and lupine. " Bean" can be used as a synonym of" pulse," an, edible ,legume, though the term" pulses" is usually reserved for leguminous crops
  12. And oxidation from damaging the grain. Grain stored in this way can remain, edible ,for five years. Nitrogen gas (N2) at concentrations of 98 % or higher is also
  13. Seas around most of South East Asia. Japan is the largest single consumer of, edible ,jellyfish, importing at first only from China but now from all of South East
  14. Visitor was Sir Francis Drake in 1586,who reported that the Caymans were, edible , but it was the turtles which attracted ships in search of fresh meat for their
  15. Then prime veal, a little stringy, but not too tough or stringy to be agreeably, edible , The roast, from which I cut and ate a central slice, was tender, and in color
  16. The plant; it is initially white, but turns a deep red when fully ripe. It is, edible , with an acidic taste that can overwhelm its sweetness. Cranberries are a major
  17. Is cellulose, with lignin second. Non-food energy crops are more efficient than, edible ,energy crops (which have a large starch component),but still compete with
  18. Style of straw hat originating in East and Southeast Asia *Ice cream cone,an, edible ,container in which ice cream is served, shaped like an inverted cone open at
  19. many uses for various fruits that they do not depend on as being, edible , Many dry fruits are used as decorations or in dried flower arrangements, such
  20. Sweet desserts such as pies, though only the petiole of the rhubarb plant is, edible , In the culinary sense of these words, a fruit is usually any sweet-tasting
  21. Field operation. Abalone (or; from Spanish) are small to very large-sized, edible ,sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Haliotidae and the genus
  22. Getting a yes, he then asks if they are working on a way to make computers, edible , again getting a yes. Some say that this is an homage to Seinfeld's own show
  23. Merged or packed closely together * Accessory fruit – where some or all of the, edible ,part is not generated by the ovary Seedless fruits Heedlessness is an important
  24. The fleshy seed-associated structures of certain plants that are sweet and, edible ,in the raw state, such as apples, oranges,grapes, strawberries,juniper
  25. In the body by enzymes called lipases produced in the pancreas. Examples of, edible ,animal fats are lard, fish oil, butter/ghee and whale blubber. They are
  26. It is called ran den and is used to make soup. There are two species popular as, edible ,vegetable in Vietnam: den to- amaranths tricolor and den com or den trans-
  27. And parsley are true biennials that are usually grown as annual crops for their, edible ,roots, petioles and leaves, respectively. Tomato, sweet potato and bell pepper
  28. Of the monocot family Place, also known as Grained) cultivated for the, edible ,components of their grain (botanically, a type of fruit called a calypsos)
  29. Over long distances and keeping them could while in transit. And since they are, edible , they will not need syringes, which are not only an additional expense in the
  30. Are the means by which many plants disseminate seeds. Most plants bearing, edible ,fruits, in particular, coevolved with animals in a symbiotic relationship as a
  31. The family is predominantly distributed around the tropics, where those with, edible ,fruits were amongst the earliest cultivated plants in both the Old and New
  32. And, in moderation, are considered a health food, although not all seeds are, edible , Large seeds, such as those from a lemon, pose a choking hazard, while seeds
  33. Same terms are usually used in the fragrance and flavors industry to refer to, edible ,chemicals and extracts that alter the flavor of food and food products through
  34. Worldwide. Other foods not from animal or plant sources include various, edible ,fungi, especially mushrooms. Fungi and ambient bacteria are used in the
  35. Too, on the other hand, has thicker, hairier shells and offers only 32 % of, edible ,kernel per nut. However, there are advantages to having a thick shell. The
  36. Simply being replaced by newer stock is often thrown away despite being still, edible , Many retailers are reluctant to sell this stock at reduced prices due to the
  37. Other; if the Israelites followed the Lord, the sweet almonds would be ripe and, edible , but if they were to forsake the path of the Lord, the bitter almonds would
  38. In the milk and meat, as well as from under the skin, of an animal. Examples of, edible ,plant fats include peanut, soya bean, sunflower,sesame, coconut and olive oils
  39. Marten, the Cretan weasel, the Cretan badger, the long-eared hedgehog,the, edible ,dormouse, and the Cretan shrew, a unique endemic species of mammal in Greece
  40. Tree native to the Middle East and South Asia. Almond is also the name of the, edible ,and widely cultivated seed of this tree. Within the genus Prunes, it is
  41. Root wood of a thick Liana, Dalbergia parviflora),dragon's blood, rattan, edible ,bird's nests and various spices were among the most valuable items from Borneo
  42. Certain vaccines. If future clinical trials prove successful, the advantages of, edible ,vaccines would be enormous, especially for developing countries. The transgenic
  43. Or irradiation. Beads can also be made from chocolate. These types of beads are, edible , and commonly found in Indonesia and central Mexico. The natural organics
  44. Like the outside of a peach pit) called the endear. Inside the shell is the, edible ,seed, commonly called a nut. Generally, one seed is present, but occasionally
  45. Therefore, cereal grains, such as corn, wheat and rice are better considered as, edible ,seeds, although some references do list them as fruits. Edible gymnosperm seeds
  46. Pickling is a method of preserving food in an, edible ,anti-microbial liquid. Pickling can be broadly categorized as chemical pickling
  47. Among taxonomic groups. Botany began with early human efforts to identify, edible , medicinal and poisonous plants, making it one of the oldest sciences. Today
  48. The 5th or 4th century BCE contain regulations for meat eating and lists of, edible ,animals. Medical treatises of the Ayurveda discuss and recommend meat from a
  49. Besides pork, beef,and chicken, Cantonese cuisine incorporates almost all, edible ,meats, including organ meats, chicken feet, duck tongue, snakes,and snails.
  50. Chemical pickling for example, In chemical pickling, the food is placed in an, edible ,liquid that inhibits or kills bacteria and other microorganisms. Typical

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