Examples of the the word, salespeople , in a Sentence Context
The word ( salespeople ), is the 12532 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- It offered excellent opportunities for writers, photographers,and advertising, salespeople ,to acquire valuable experience and to extend their interest into activities
- As Computer Associates International, Inc.) was able to expand, hiring more, salespeople ,and programmers and acquiring many smaller software companies in the following
- Six figure incomes. * (Lower) middle class: Semi-professionals, non-retail, salespeople , and craftsmen who may have some college education. Out-sourcing tends to be a
- Sell, enable selling, and develop sales capabilities. Selling also involves, salespeople ,who possess specific set of sales skills and knowledge are required to
- PC's 83 and was" not suitable for serious long-term typing ". And even IBM, salespeople ,advised customers to buy a replacement keyboard. After missing the Christmas
- A coupé with no rear seat or a removable rear seat intended for traveling, salespeople ,and other vendors who would be carrying their wares with them.; Opera coupé: A
- One of their stores. These cards also served as generic business cards for the, salespeople ,in the 1980s; the" battery club" card was still used until the company-wide
- These mechanisms are used in the context of different types of employment:, salespeople ,often receive some or all of their remuneration as commission, production
- Without taking any exam. In some states, such as Colorado, there are no ", salespeople ,", as all licensees are brokers. A Realtor is a real estate professional
- Individual consumers. Before disintermediation, supply chain middlemen acted as, salespeople ,for the producers. Without them, the producer itself would have to handle
- Objections, gaining commitment, and following up. Prospecting is the step where, salespeople ,determine leads or prospects. After they figure out potential customers, they
- Is composed of residential and commercial real estate brokers, real estate, salespeople , immovable property managers, appraisers,counselors, and others engaged in all
- Influence peddling and political corruption. Business Employees, managers,or, salespeople ,of a business may offer money or gifts to a potential client in exchange for
- The Chief is Columbia Internet's CEO. He is the leader for the techies and, salespeople , Iliad based the character on a former boss: The Chief bears a superficial
- It will pay off in the future for the sales department. Smartphones appeal to, salespeople , a part of a company's department that is extremely resistant to new
- Factors. Even though Dr. Wang wanted to compete with IBM, too many Wang, salespeople ,were incompletely trained on the significant DP capabilities of the VS. In many
- Were sold only to people engaged in defense work. From a company with fifteen, salespeople , two plants, and almost no business east of the Mississippi in 1946,the
- Therefore only certain groups of employees will communicate with one another (, salespeople ,with salespeople , production workers with production workers, etc.). This
- There are many other classes of workers who may be exempt including outside, salespeople , certain agricultural employees, certain live-in employees, and certain
- Is generally created by advertising, publicity,or the efforts of outside, salespeople , Procedure Telemarketing may be done from a company office, from a call center
- Customers liked to have Dahl coffee mugs visible in their offices when IBM, salespeople ,came to visit. While winning about 8 % of the mainframe business worldwide
- From becoming direct sales agents for the company and, unlike in the U. S., salespeople ,in China are ineligible to receive commissions from sales made by the
- To some homes and businesses throughout New Zealand. *Meadow Fresh route trade, salespeople ,distribute the company's products via a network of chiller trucks. Production
- Industries, is of questionable ethical nature. A spiff can sometimes encourage, salespeople ,to push a less satisfactory product upon a customer, or allow manufacturers to
- Selling is executed correctly it can offer advantages such as: 1. By having two, salespeople ,approach an account allows for“ continuous learning ”. Before, after,and
- Nuts. He blows off steam by playing visceral games and doing bad things to the, salespeople , He's not a bad sort, but his grip on his sanity hovers somewhere between weak
- Bureau of Prisons * Ben Feldman (1912–1993) - one of the most prolific, salespeople ,in world history * Lou Holt - author, television commentator, motivational
- S Witnesses, poll takers, and even commercial enterprises such as door-to-door, salespeople , Purposes of canvassing The above qualification notwithstanding, canvassing may
- Of time.; Technobabble: Since cryptography is a complicated subject, snake oil, salespeople ,may use" technobabble" to sell their product.;" Unbreakable ": Claims of a
- To their sales pitch to entice the customer. 2. When a small company uses two, salespeople ,to call on a client together it helps the image of the company appear to be
- With consumers (especially first-time computer buyers) and even some, salespeople ,erroneously associating the company with others of similar name, such as
- Bergen, New Jersey. His parents, Dorothy and Edward Brooks, were both Jewish, salespeople ,(his mother sold children's clothes; his father furniture). Brooks' father
- Can dramatically improve their results, efficiency,profitability, and allow, salespeople ,to provide a drastically higher level of customer service and satisfaction
- Sales engineering" Person was talking about engineering the processes that, salespeople ,use—not about sales engineering in the way that we use that term today. This
- Who uses team selling because if they have a concern or problem they have two, salespeople ,they can contact to accomplish their concern or problem. 4. Team selling also
- Sale of products by face-to-face contact with the customer, either by having, salespeople ,approach potential customers in person, or through indirect means such as
- Richard D. Zanuck's daughter-in-law, Marisa,are among Hilton & Hyland's 106, salespeople , Erich Neumann (; January 23, 1905 – November 5,1960),was a psychologist
- Of an ordinary message into a viral one: market mavens, social hubs, and, salespeople , Market mavens are individuals who are continuously ‘ on the pulse’ of things
- Sell their personality with a" smile on their faces ", referring to insurance, salespeople ,like his own father. Blue collar can refer to: *Blue-collar worker, a
- Aspects of the production process are done by freelancers. Dedicated in-house, salespeople ,are sometimes replaced by companies who specialize in sales to bookshops
- Product and warranty coverage to sell a complete solution. Non-commissioned, salespeople ,(such as those in the Entertainment department) are referred to as" Sales
- They are also very nice which once got on Corneil's nerves. They work as, salespeople ,and they sometimes welcome celebrities into their home. Uncle Rico: Uncle Rico
- Groups of employees will communicate with one another ( salespeople with, salespeople , production workers with production workers, etc.). This reduced communication
- Their relationships with customers will often rely on intermediaries, such as, salespeople , agents, and dealers, and the number of transactions per customer may be small.
- And to gain their trust and confidence. It is a very powerful tool that veteran, salespeople ,naturally employ, which allows them to close more deals with less effort.
- Trends,company's R&D department, competitors,focus groups, employees, salespeople , corporate spies, trade shows, or Ethnographic discovery methods (searching
- For most contemporaneous designs, but this was not clearly stated to Chevrolet, salespeople ,and Corsair owners. According to the standards laid down by the relevant
- Jumble sales are traditionally held in the streets of some city centers; the, salespeople , including children, often wear orange clothes. The Queen and her family visit
- Usually has better information than the buyer are numerous but include used-car, salespeople , mortgage brokers and loan originators, stockbrokers,Realtors, and real estate
- Sales and marketing to change forever. Petersen goes on to highlight that, salespeople ,spend approximately 40 percent of their time preparing customer-facing
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