Examples of the the word, dealing , in a Sentence Context
The word ( dealing ), is the 12529 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Was executed. However, when,at some point later, Alexander was on the Jaxartes, dealing ,with an incursion by a horse nomad army, Spitamenes raised Indiana in revolt.
- Many articles in the most prestigious linguistic journals, many of them, dealing ,with the ways in which he saw that different linguistic systems affected the
- Entity called al-Qaeda in our minds, but that is not the reality we are, dealing ,with. " This view mirrors the account given by Osama bin Laden in his October
- To mixed reviews. It is a relatively uncomplicated and sentimental love story, dealing ,with an impoverished postwar couple trying to enjoy, within the devastation of
- To Mathematical, one should replace the second argument to its square, see;, dealing ,with complex values, this may cause problems. * Exponential integral, page 228
- Task of keeping Alex on the straight and narrow. He seemingly has no clue about, dealing ,with young people, and is devoid of empathy or understanding for his
- The time of Muhammad. Diabetes Al-Baghdadi was also the author of a major book, dealing ,with diabetes. Notes ABD Brahman I, or,his full name by
- Of schemes, stacks and generalizations has proved to be a valuable way of, dealing ,with geometric concepts and became cornerstones of modern algebraic geometry.
- Style difficult to comprehend, poured his energies into restaging rather than, dealing ,with the crux of the problem. Also hampering the production was the fact that
- Relationship, or a potential or actual closeness between two entities. Articles, dealing ,with various usages of the word: affinity include: Commerce and law * Affinity
- Or in various parts of the body. *Metabolomics - similar to proteomics, but, dealing , with metabolites. *Metabolomics - similar to proteomics and metabolomics, but
- Ak denotes the corresponding annihilation operators. Of course, since we are, dealing ,with fermions, we have to have the operators satisfy canonical anti-commutation
- The center is constant. Constant angular momentum is extremely useful when, dealing ,with the orbits of planets and satellites, and also when analyzing the Bohr
- With metabolites. *Metabolomics - similar to proteomics and metabolomics, but, dealing , with metal concentrations and especially with their binding to proteins and
- Were allowed to name their spacecraft. This came about to avoid confusion when, dealing ,with two separate craft flying at the same time. The crew dubbed the lunar
- Qaryatayn and Hawaii after the battles of Qaryatayn and Hawaii. After, dealing ,with all these cities, Khalid moved towards Damascus, passing though a mountain
- Examples are metatheorems of our theory of mathematical logic since we are, dealing ,with the very concept of proof itself. Aside from this, we can also have
- The past. It may mean: * Alternate history, a subgenre of speculative fiction, dealing ,with divergences from the world's actual history * Counterfactual history, a
- Paralysis were described in-depth. The Canon of Medicine was the first book, dealing ,with experimental medicine, evidence-based medicine, randomized controlled
- Affordability and dangers of illegal abortions. The emotional impact of, dealing ,with an unwanted pregnancy alone is the focus of Things You Can Tell Just By
- A-, without +, evidence-based inquiry. In recent years, scientific literature, dealing ,with neuroscience and psychology has used the word to mean" not knowable ". In
- During a recruitment meeting and had an outstanding arrest warrant for drug, dealing , Allegations include resemblance to a Big Brother organization with paranoid
- Isles. The British planned to re-subjugate the rebellious colonies after, dealing ,with the Americans' European allies. Widening of the naval war When the war
- Of Herman, with the Latin version, in 1860. He published numerous papers, dealing ,with the geography of Ethiopia, Ethiopian coins and ancient inscriptions. Under
- Elaborate on what these powers might be. A wide range of Pseudo-Albertine works, dealing ,with alchemy exist, though,showing the belief developed in the generations
- Theatrical run. Today, it is considered by many to be among the finest films, dealing ,with the psychological effects of the global nuclear stalemate. Kurosawa's
- Systems. With a growing economy, Alberta has several financial institutions, dealing ,with civil and private funds. Energy Oil and gas Since the early 1940s,Alberta
- Hypothesised to include computer vision, natural language understanding, and, dealing , with unexpected circumstances while solving any real world problem. With
- Which can lead to numerical instability as well as to arithmetic overflow when, dealing ,with large values. Naïve algorithm A formula for calculating the variance of an
- Hijacking as well as guidelines for what is expected of governments when, dealing ,with hijackings. The convention does not apply to customs, law enforcement or
- Piece of writing, and does not do justice to the system with which he is, dealing , " What Regarded had removed was Crowley's" Preface to Refer Sephiroth "
- Of Counter Narcotics which is supported by the international community is, dealing ,with this problem. Notes Albania (, Gheg Albanian: Shania/Shania)
- Systems. With a growing economy, Alberta has several financial institutions, dealing ,with civil and private funds. Agriculture and forestry Agriculture has a
- Justin II was moving away from the foreign policy of Justinian, and believed in, dealing ,more strictly with bordering states and peoples. Attempts to mollify Justin II
- Of the Continental Army, and allowed the states to present a unified front when, dealing ,with the European powers. As a tool to build a centralized war-making
- Is Other Arose. The Has her Culture her Welt presents various exhibitions, dealing ,with intercultural issues and stages world music and conferences. Cuisine
- And through reason and logic. Avicenna wrote a number of treatises, dealing ,with Islamic theology. These included treatises on the Islamic prophets, whom
- We live near to the university); AME avoids the preposition in most usages, dealing ,with literal, physical proximity (we live near the university),although the
- Is legally married to the other person. * Close-in-age—while most legislation, dealing ,with age of consent sets a single age under which sexual relations are illegal
- Executions and banishment although a few leaders did exercise moderation in, dealing ,with the Anabaptists. Zwickau's prophets and the Peasants' War On December 27
- An article that questioned the EFF's adopting a confrontational posture when, dealing ,with private companies. Lee's article cited a series of discussions on Declan
- outside its original problem context begin to appear. When human beings are, dealing ,with new situations in the world, they are helped immensely by the fact that
- As Braided Lives (1997) by Marge Percy emphasize the struggles women had in, dealing ,with unsafe abortion in various circumstances prior to legalization. Physician
- Ravaged by cholera or devastated by earthquake in 1885. His capacity for, dealing ,with men was considerable, and he never allowed himself to become the
- Like Integer BASIC before it, did not come with any built-in commands for, dealing ,with files or disks, other than a feature to save programs to, and load
- AWAY as he conceived it, namely interpreting every phenomenon as a particular, dealing ,of" God" with his soul. He began to see various women he met as officers in
- Indian and the Russian empires, and the skill with which he held the balance in, dealing ,with them, combined to make him a prominent figure in contemporary Asian
- Aesthetics (also spelled æsthetics or aesthetics) is a branch of philosophy, dealing ,with the nature of beauty, art,and taste, and with the creation and
- Good reason for the assault. This can have important consequences when, dealing ,with issues such as consensual sadomasochistic sexual activity, the most
- 1904 James Joyce attempted to publish A Portrait of the Artist, an essay-story, dealing ,with aesthetics, only to have it rejected from the free-thinking magazine Dana.
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