Examples of the the word, failing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( failing ), is the 12534 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Death of American tourist Lauren Faille. The government has been criticized for, failing ,to inform tourists of the crocodile sanctuary and danger, while simultaneously
  2. Capabilities are not present, it will present the text-based version instead of, failing , Determination of X Window System capabilities is typically performed by
  3. S research and Carlson's experiment. Astrology has been criticized for, failing ,to provide a physical mechanism that links the movements of celestial bodies to
  4. For deciding to try to catch it or play it on the bounce and for succeeding or, failing , The statistical precision of baseball is both facilitated by this isolation
  5. Of his colleagues in the ALP and trade union movement opposed it. After, failing ,to gain majority support for conscription in two national plebiscites which
  6. Itself have to be a set, thus lying somewhere within the hierarchy and thus, failing ,to contain every set. A standard solution to this problem is found in Carmelo
  7. Churchill resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom amid indications of, failing ,health. *1956 – Fidel Castro declares himself at war with the President of Cuba
  8. In ruling elite. Most are also undergoing severe urbanization stresses as the, failing ,rural economies drive poverty-stricken landless peasants to the cities. The
  9. In the face of the Reformation, separated from the Roman Church after, failing ,to secure a divorce from the Pope. His response was to place the King of
  10. Battute (" rhythm of four bars" ). Beethoven had been criticized before for, failing ,to adhere to standard form for his compositions. He used this movement to
  11. Renamed the Chekhov Gymnasium, where he was kept down for a year at fifteen for, failing ,a Greek exam. He sang at the Greek Orthodox monastery in Tagalog and in his
  12. Of property, while the others were charged with parading without a permit, or, failing , to obey police orders to disperse. At least 17 reporters were in the round-up.
  13. Afforestation committees as the basis for workload allocation. Moreover, those, failing , to do their duty are expected to make up planting requirements, provide funds
  14. Alcott offered his own hand for an offending student to strike, saying that any, failing ,was the teacher's responsibility. The shame and guilt this method induced, he
  15. Violated the Americans with Disabilities Act in its $226-million renovation by, failing ,to add enough seats for disabled fans or accommodate the needs for disabled
  16. The uneasiness, apprehension,or nervousness felt by students who had a fear of, failing ,an exam. Students who have test anxiety may experience any of the following:
  17. He was regarded as 'serving' the people. As such, he could be regarded as, failing ,in his duty and be punished for it. There were two methods of selecting people
  18. As a solution to water-based adhesives commonly used in packaging at that time, failing ,in humid climates, causing packages to open. Reactive adhesives Multi-part
  19. The eldest son of the Raja of Jodhpur ran amok at the court of Shah Japan, failing ,in his attack on the emperor, but killing five of his officials. During the
  20. Is bird, Felix’s clue is Aristophanes because of his play The Birds. After, failing ,to guess it, Oscar says that the clue is ridiculous, and then when it's
  21. It is noteworthy that Socrates (Plato, Phaedo,98 B) accuses Anaxagoras of, failing ,to differentiate between nous and psyche, while Aristotle (" Metaphysics, Book
  22. Least as many tricks as were contracted for and penalties were introduced for, failing ,to do so. The modern game of contract bridge was the result of innovations to
  23. Deserted him, but the new king, Louis the German, came to his aid; after, failing ,to recover Turnout for him, in 847 he awarded him the vacant diocese of Bremen
  24. Of the order of creation. Self-centeredness made Adam and Eve eat of it, thus, failing , to acknowledge and respect the world as it was created by God, with its
  25. That the freedom given to people leaves the human in a constant fear of, failing ,his/her responsibilities to God. Kierkegaard's concept of angst is considered
  26. Managed to escape shortly afterwards. Nevertheless, the king whose health was, failing , wanted to secure the ascension of his young son, Ladislaus, who had been
  27. Senator Ted Stevens. Stevens had been convicted on seven felony counts of, failing ,to report gifts on Senate financial disclosed forms one week before the
  28. He tried to prove that the substance was iodine monochloride (ICL),but after, failing ,to do so he was sure that he had found a new element and named it Murine
  29. Disease failed to persuade Hogan to sell him the WWF World Championship. After, failing ,to defeat Hogan in a subsequent series of matches, DiBiase turned to André to
  30. Building. The symptoms of Roy's limited life worsen, and his right hand begins, failing ,; he jabs a nail through it to regain control. Roy forces Declared to the roof
  31. The same experience with regard to their career or profession. The fear of, failing ,at a task and being negatively evaluated for failure can have a similarly
  32. The rules of any particular game are generally posted on or near the table, failing ,which there is an expectation that casino staff will provide them on request.
  33. The sacrifice fly is credited even if another runner is put out on appeal for, failing ,to tag up, so long as a run scores prior to the third out. In the case of a fly
  34. The Atari 7800 hardware. As a result, the Flashback has been criticized for, failing ,to properly replicate the actual Atari gaming experience. Legacy Engineering
  35. By their Mayor () Willy Brandt, who strongly criticized the United States for, failing ,to respond. Allied intelligence agencies had hypothesized about a wall to stop
  36. However, another randomized controlled trial found primary closure led to 35 %, failing ,to heal primarily and primary closure longer median number of days to closure (
  37. Most of High Lab's children in" cold sleep boxes ". The boxes are rapidly, failing ,and the surviving adults begin unloading them, but are killed when two rival
  38. Unpleasant truths in his work. Halo was academically gifted, but soon after, failing ,to secure a place in Tokyo's foremost high school, he began to detach himself
  39. Allow the gun to endure large amounts of foreign matter and fouling without, failing ,to cycle. This reliability comes at the cost of accuracy, as the looser
  40. Setup (Madeline Khan) at her own game. Lamar is furious that his plans keep, failing ,and decides to destroy Rock Ridge with a newly recruited and diverse army of
  41. Exaggerated ". Tax vindication The Swedish Tax Board accused Bjorn Slaves of, failing ,to pay 90 million kronor (US$12.8 million) in back taxes for eight years
  42. Of a famine caused, during the author's residence in Egypt, by the Nile, failing ,to overflow its banks. He also wrote detailed descriptions on ancient Egyptian
  43. Criticized the National Science Foundation and contractor Raytheon for, failing ,to co-operate with the investigation. South Africa South African law applies to
  44. Doing an impersonation of Jackie Mason. It depicts the Aardvark attempting, and, failing , to catch and eat his antagonist, the Ant, also voiced by Boner impersonating
  45. Tasmanian Electoral Commission had deregistered that division of the party for, failing ,to provide a list containing the required number of members to be registered
  46. Led to hundreds of papers dropping his comic strip, and Camp, already in, failing ,health, withdrew from public speaking. Years later, on Inside the Actor's
  47. First Byte Joystick Interface As a games' machine the Electron shared the same, failing ,as the Sinclair Spectrum in not having a joystick port. This was quickly
  48. Be more biased than a jury. The adversarial system has also been attacked for, failing ,to accurately resolve complex technical issues such as science, technology,or
  49. His beloved sugar),and he also recounted being chastised by his father after, failing ,to greet a local priest with proper respect. Salary responded to the reprimand
  50. For his departure, it could have been a combination of reasons, including a, failing ,marriage with Julia. After the early deaths of both Lucius and Gains in AD 2

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