Examples of the the word, commercialization , in a Sentence Context
The word ( commercialization ), is the 12537 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Hydrothermal deposits within Japan’s exclusive economic zone and calls for the, commercialization ,of these resources within the next 10 years. Reporting on these developments in
- Support, are driving increasing renewable energy legislation, incentives and, commercialization , New government spending, regulation and policies helped the industry weather
- Sanctioned purposes in virtually all parts of the world. Although it's free, commercialization ,is illegal and has been severely penalized in virtually all countries, its use
- To him, the integrity of the strip and its artist would be undermined by, commercialization , which he saw as a major negative influence in the world of cartoon art.
- Energy and associated transportation programs. Clean Edge suggests that the, commercialization ,of clean energy will help countries around the world pull out of the current
- Have claimed in the past that a working cold fusion energy generator is near to, commercialization , yet so far no working machine is available on the market. In January 2011
- Support, are driving increasing renewable energy legislation, incentives and, commercialization , Name "/NP"> NEP"/> New government spending, regulation and policies helped
- Outside NASA preparing for feasibility tests to begin by summer 2011. Claims of, commercialization ,Several entrepreneurs have claimed in the past that a working cold fusion
- Tripe. With professional expertise they have taken certain measures: first,the, commercialization ,of the so-called ‘ protest music ’; second, the creation of ‘ idols’ of
- And how artists gain inspiration from all different genres of music. The, commercialization ,of Punjabi folk and the way it has traveled around the world speaks to the
- Months). Add-ons Numerous add-ons have been made for Monopoly, both before its, commercialization ,and after. Three such official add-ons are discussed below. Stock Exchange The
- Of the value-chain: research, development,innovation, pre- commercialization or, commercialization ,Implementation The Nagoya Protocol’s success will require effective
- First became an identifiable occupation in the late nineteenth century after, commercialization ,of the electric telegraph and electrical power supply. It now covers a range of
- Captured by the dominating/penetrating power. This occurs largely through the, commercialization ,of broadcasting. " Tom McPhail defined" Electronic colonialism as the
- Evaluated the device, under the control of Rossi. As the target is immediate, commercialization , the inventors say that details of the invention will not be published yet. The
- To reduce the chance an insect would become resistant to a BT crop,the, commercialization ,of transgenic cotton and maize in 1996 was accompanied by a management
- The very different looking limestone pebbles and rocks. The Sahara and rising, commercialization ,In 1986-87,a German team installing a network of seismic stations while
- Gang, who came aboard as members of the Board of Management. Gang worked in the, commercialization ,department, which is somewhat similar to marketing in contemporary corporations
- And Upstate New York Region. For example, Buffalo BioSciences is a technology, commercialization ,partner to the New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics & Life
- Technology and product relies on databases and DBMS's for its development and, commercialization , or even may have such embedded in it. Also, organizations and companies, from
- Marking the start of an all-India public life. The rush of technology and the, commercialization ,of agriculture in the second half of the 19th century was marked by economic
- In South Africa and Kenya. Much less successful has been the discovery and, commercialization ,of substances of wild organism for pharmaceutical purposes. Services derived
- An increased role of recreation are affluence, population trends, and increased, commercialization ,of recreational offerings. While one perception is that leisure is just" spare
- Of new networking technologies, and the merger of many networks. The, commercialization ,of what was by the 1990s an international network resulted in its
- To Viceroyalty of New Spain for two and a half centuries. Evangelization and, commercialization ,constituted the core of intercontinental ties between Asia and America that
- Any herbal medicinal infusion would elsewhere in the world. The free and legal, commercialization ,of dried coca leaves under the form of filtration bags to be used as" coca tea
- Of the doubling cube. Backgammon is sometimes available in casinos. Before the, commercialization ,of neural network programs, proposition bets on specific positions were very
- Line between producer and consumer against concerns that game copyrights limit, commercialization ,and growth of machining. Comparatively, machinimists using pre-made virtual
- At the Leuven University in Belgium both wheels are still in the process of, commercialization , Braille dots are put on the edge of a spinning wheel, which allows the user to
- Rays and Shelly Krieger. New Documentary Movement Two decades of reform and, commercialization ,have brought dramatic social changes in mainland China, reflected not only in
- By Parker Brothers (owned by Hasbro) by the name of Royal Hearts is a, commercialization ,of the basic Hearts game. The deck can be used to play the classic Hearts game
- Human factor "," glasnost ", and " expansion of the khozraschyot" (, commercialization ,). During the initial period (1985–1987) of Mikhail Gorbachev's time in
- Pancakes). Reach dissociated himself from the parade in 2006 because of the, commercialization ,of the event. The parade was held on the Berlin Kurfürstendamm (avenue) until
- Composition of genetic resources, as well as subsequent applications and, commercialization , Sharing is subject to mutually agreed terms. Benefits may be monetary or
- Albums, peaking at number eleven with 2010s This Addiction. The effect of, commercialization ,on the music became an increasingly contentious issue. As observed by scholar
- On Emerging Nanotechnologies David Reject, have testified that successful, commercialization ,depends on adequate oversight, risk research strategy, and public engagement.
- Character of the community eventually contributed to its gentrification and, commercialization , The name of the village is Anglicized from the Dutch name Greenwich, meaning
- One of the most popular subjects of liquid crystal research. The next step to, commercialization ,of liquid crystal displays was the synthesis of further chemically stable
- Energy. Some 8000 MW of capacity is operational in total. Renewable energy, commercialization ,Growth of renewables During the five-years from the end of 2004 through 2009
- Revolution with larger agricultural estates, new crops and farming tools and a, commercialization ,of farming, and a protoindustrialisation, with small industries being
- Western society but are now being undermined by rapid Informatization and the, commercialization ,of the University and its functions. The shift of authority from the presence
- Levels. These technologies are not yet widely demonstrated or have limited, commercialization , Many are on the horizon and may have potential comparable to other renewable
- To protect their identities and reputation by remaining anonymous. With the, commercialization ,of graffiti (and hip hop in general),in most cases, even with legally
- In the U. S. as an ongoing challenge to Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle, commercialization , In 2006,a study for the IEEE showed that for hydrogen produced via
- Subsequently built on, resulting in possible increased exposure to radon. Radon, commercialization ,is regulated, but it is available in small quantities for the calibration of
- Technological development; Overall trends Japan hopes to have full-scale, commercialization ,of service robots by 2025. Much technological research in Japan is led by
- Introduced. * In February 2002,concerns over the risk of future censorship and, commercialization ,by Bombs Inc (Wikipedia's original host) combined with a lack of guarantees
- Zachary Levi. Variants Because Monopoly evolved in the public domain before its, commercialization , Monopoly has seen many variant games. Most of these are exact copies of the
- Technology and product relies on databases and DBMS's for its development and, commercialization , or even may have such embedded in it. Also, organizations and companies, from
- Culture With the popularity and legitimization of graffiti has come a level of, commercialization , In 2001,computer giant IBM launched an advertising campaign in Chicago and
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