Examples of the the word, familiarize , in a Sentence Context
The word ( familiarize ), is the 12526 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And fathers bereft of meaning. It took some time for the Russian people to, familiarize ,themselves with the anthem's lyrics; athletes were only able to hum along with
- To bring a greater depth of understanding to the Riggs character. To, familiarize ,the actors with the specialized skills and sensibilities acquired by undercover
- Both in scope and classification level. Briefings could then be used to, familiarize ,supported commands with the nature of the multidiscipline threat posed against
- As an air-portable unit and participated in a number of exercises intended to, familiarize ,it with the duties it would perform, including reconnaissance of enemy
- It may be beneficial for general physicians and neuromuscular specialists to, familiarize ,themselves with this uncommon disease and monitor fluoride levels in patients
- Released the adventure module C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan, designed to, familiarize ,players with the Oman race of the Media Jungle. Largely based on Aztec and
- The dialects. Though the influence of cross-culture media has done much to, familiarize ,BRE and AME speakers with each other's regional words and terms, many words
- Film scripts. He contacted EMI Films and asked for one month to visit Texas and, familiarize ,himself with the state before committing to direct, to which the company agreed
- Objective of the exercise is to practice search-and-rescue operations and to, familiarize ,each navy with international partners who also operate in the Mediterranean Sea
- Psifiaki Ella - New program about Technology and the Internet. Its aim is to, familiarize ,people with new technologies that are part of everyday life like computers &
- War I-veterans drafted into service themselves. Often Volkssturm members had to, familiarize ,themselves with their weapons when in actual combat. There was no
- Spotters ". Scouting or examining the rapids before running them is crucial to, familiarize ,oneself with the stream and anticipate the challenges. This is especially
- Extracts nearly all the Agadir material from the Talmud. It was intended to, familiarize ,the public with the ethical parts of the Talmud and to dispute many of the
- Reasons, most prominent or often claimed is to gain more" seat time ", or to, familiarize ,themselves with the track. Examples of this would be the first ever winner of a
- A prototype 'future science,' encouraged several of his most popular writers to, familiarize ,themselves with the general semantics literature. Campbell hoped they would
- The Singapore government emphasized that it was a private visit by Lee to, familiarize ,himself with the latest developments there. When Singapore started building its
- Were already far advanced. He made a great effort in just a few months to, familiarize ,himself with them before they were placed before the University Grants
- Have implemented Grade Five, an entry-level Grade, intended to help bands, familiarize ,themselves with competition and in Australia and New Zealand there is no Novice
- S attitude. In April 1989,the Chili Peppers embarked on a short tour to, familiarize ,Smith and Frustrate with how the band managed live performances. Released on
- Regular use of the new form," so that the faithful, both young and old, can, familiarize , themselves with the old rites and benefit from their perceptible beauty and
- Which allowed the aircraft to be placed into service with BEA on 29 July to, familiarize ,the pilots and ground crew with the new aircraft, flying services between
- Or as complicated as one wishes to make it. Many dedicated beach hunters also, familiarize ,themselves with tide movements and beach erosion. There are two main techniques
- There is" one form of action ". Nevertheless, the prudent litigator should, familiarize ,himself or herself with the availability of writs in the jurisdiction in which
- Study effective methods of natural birth control; doctors should further, familiarize ,themselves with this teaching, in order to be able to give advice to their
- That common wealth, besides the pollucite appointed by Moses? ". His effort to, familiarize ,his fellow countrymen with the" strange and alluring vocabulary of politics "
- Viewed newscaster in Southern California in the 1970s and 1980s who helped to, familiarize ,Californians with the winds, which he referred to by their other common name
- Celebrations, such as World Youth Day, have been encouraged by Rome to, familiarize ,congregants in the Latin chants for the Father and the Credo, specifically
- Safety issues associated with the airport, pilots are strongly encouraged to, familiarize ,themselves with the published information and procedures at the official
- Guidelines as important as the actual rules themselves. New players should, familiarize ,themselves with them before approaching a craps table. Rules related to casino
- Oliver says," This is not to say that a dramatic presentation was needed to, familiarize ,the Arnhemlanders with the stark reality of their monsoon climate, and of its
- Mental aberrations connected with them. The prepare is asked to inspect and, familiarize ,himself with the exact details of his own experience; the auditor may not tell
- In the United States to obtain an LL. M. degree in comparative law, in order to, familiarize ,themselves with U. S. common law and to enable themselves to take the bar exam
- In London and then went to Paris for a year. In France, he had got a chance to, familiarize ,himself with naturalism, a new trend in literature. In the article" Z Garza "
- In areas where strong tensions with Māori existed, and made an attempt to, familiarize ,himself with Māori language and culture. In 1887,Stout's government lost the
- Of 1994 in front of a live audience, who were given a summary of the series to, familiarize ,themselves with the six main characters; Although the producers always wanted
- Waterfall model) new team members or even entirely new teams should be able to, familiarize ,themselves by reading the documents. As well as the above, some prefer the
- Whatever benefits them the most. First-time dog owners would be well advised to, familiarize ,themselves with the breed prior to purchase. Shippers require training and a
- Attending conventions and collectibles shows is another way for a collector to, familiarize ,him or herself with the possibilities. These shows will often include seminars
- That quatrains can supply a shortcut for pure mathematicians who wish to, familiarize ,themselves with certain aspects of theoretical physics. " Sums of four squares
- Questions uniquely pertinent to the particular trial. These questions are to, familiarize ,the judge and attorneys with the jurors and glean biases, experiences,or
- Of Grey hawk to their new vision, TSR planned a trilogy of modules that would, familiarize ,players with events and conditions leading up to the coming war, and then take
- Character in the novelette. Hecht-Hill-Lancaster allowed Kendrick to, familiarize ,himself with New York City before shooting the movie. In Notes on Sweet Smell
- A three-week air defense course taught at Mitchel Field, New York, to, familiarize , him with current concepts of integrating Signal Corps radars, radio
- Her in the details of the life of the former incarnation, so that she could, familiarize ,the child-candidate with the tests which he would have to undergo. Faced with
- The students' bodies, maintain flexibility through their joints, and further, familiarize ,students with the martial application sequences implied by the forms. The major
- XX haiku" (" 20th Century Spy" ), was published in 1971 in Poland to, familiarize ,younger readers with Gorge. Gorge also appears in SAMU Tezuka's Adolf manga.
- Pluggers on staff. Other pluggers were employed by the publishers to travel and, familiarize ,the public with their new publications. Among the ranks of song pluggers was
- Botany, chemistry,mineralogy, and experimental philosophy. They should, familiarize ,themselves with arts and manufactures through visits to sites like
- And keep younger children from wandering about unattended. One may also want to, familiarize ,themselves with how to live and recreate among
- Corrected for ASF, there is an ability to obtain correction factors. Please, familiarize ,yourself with these items, before navigating with LOAN. Also, due to
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