Examples of the the word, rendition , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rendition ), is the 12525 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Death, a writer would say he gained“ considerable notoriety by his ludicrous, rendition ,of 'Casey at the Bat,' with which he concluded his ` turn’ act at each
  2. 12th century as Algorithm de number Inform, where Algorithm, the translator's, rendition ,of the author's name, gave rise to the word algorithm (Latin algorithms,"
  3. High-quality CDs. Blues guitarist and vocalist Key' Mo' performed his blues, rendition ,of" America, the Beautiful" in 2006 to close out the final season of the
  4. To reflected light, shadows,and highlights can result in a very realistic, rendition ,of the image. Blending uses an implement to soften or spread the original
  5. Best Music" by Italian sch lager singer Caterina Valente and Elvis Presley's, rendition ,of" Jailhouse Rock "; this smorgasbord of different kinds of music was to
  6. Jonathan as overtly homoerotic, but was ultimately panned by critics as a bland, rendition ,of the title character. * In Thomas Burnett Swann's Biblical fantasy novel How
  7. Displays are lost to the RGB stripe filter. Most LCD's also have poorer color, rendition ,and can change color with viewing angle, though modern PVA and IPS LCD's have
  8. Orioles fans, carried out the" O! " Tradition during Tony Gwynn's daughter's, rendition ,of" The Star-Spangled Banner ". Additionally, a faint but audible" O! " Could
  9. Seriously; no one did so in antiquity ". The Times remained known in a Latin, rendition ,by Calcifies through the Middle Ages, and the allegorical aspect of Atlantis
  10. Tunes of the Fighting' Texas Aggie Band. In film The song is heard in a choral, rendition ,by Ken Darby in the 1968 John Wayne film, The Green Berets, based on Moore's
  11. Currently the most common flat screen technology, have generally inferior color, rendition ,(despite having greater overall brightness) due to the fluorescent lights
  12. Successful album in 1975,Frida ENSAM, which included the original Swedish, rendition ,of" Fernando ", a hit in Scandinavia before the English version was recorded.
  13. While blocking in the drawing is an important step in producing a realistic, rendition ,of the subject. Tools such as a compass can be used to measure the angles of
  14. Year. The first recording by an African American singer was Mamie Smith's 1920, rendition , of Perry Bradford's" Crazy Blues ". But the origins of the blues date back to
  15. Lava was pronounced“ Look” ( 羅斛),from which Marco Polo took his, rendition ,of the name. In the German cursive script,“ Local” and“ Beach” look
  16. Folk classic," Mountains of Mourn" and Buddy Holly’s" Every day ", a live, rendition ,of which returned McLean to the UK Singles Chart. McLean said," The last album
  17. ABBA by inviting Bjorn Slaves and Benny Andersson to join them on stage for a, rendition ,of" Dancing Queen ", playing guitar and keyboards. September 1992 saw the
  18. Transcribed a love song called Madonna Mia while in prison. In May 2009,his, rendition ,of the song was recorded for the first time in history. *He is referenced in a
  19. In the Apple Annie role; Frank Sinatra recorded the upbeat title song (his, rendition ,is not used in the film). The film received Oscar nominations for composers
  20. Em see you, son. " During the performance, Presley abruptly halted an uptempo, rendition ,of" Hound Dog" with a wave of his arm and launched into a slow, grinding
  21. Appears on Emerson, Lake & Palmer's album Brain Salad Surgery, with a live, rendition ,included on their Welcome Back My Friends to the Show That Never Ends ...
  22. Captain Beef heart covered" Daddy Was Daddy" in 1966. * Buddy Holly's, rendition ,of" BO Diddle" ( recorded in 1957) was a posthumous top-10 hit in the UK
  23. The fourth verse. Ray Charles is credited with the song's most well known, rendition ,in current times (although Elvis Presley had success with it in the 1970s).
  24. For transport of prisoners involved in the controversial extraordinary, rendition ,program, an allegation formally reported to the Council of Europe in June 2007.
  25. Parallel month in the Jewish calendar. * In Irish, August is known as, a modern, rendition ,of Lughnasadh, from the god Hugh. * In Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, the
  26. Has no memory of Daisy. Donald goes on becoming a well-known crooner and his, rendition ,of When You Wish upon a Star becomes a hit. He is surrounded by female fans in
  27. Album in 2006 and her own single version of Money M. is" Sunny ". In 2007 her, rendition ,of 'Daddy Cool' with Melody hit the number one spot in the Latvian (LMK)
  28. Liszt proceeded to sightread (including the orchestral arrangement). Liszt's, rendition ,greatly impressed his audience, although Grieg gently pointed out to him that
  29. Encouraged to enter a singing contest after impressing his schoolteacher with a, rendition ,of Red Foley's country song" Old She" during morning prayers. The contest
  30. Spanish Ambassador to the United Kingdom attended. During the 2010 service a, rendition ,of Catherine of Aragon's speech before the negative court was read by Jane
  31. It as a catharsis for her opposition to the Vietnam War, two years after her, rendition , the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, senior Scottish regiment of the British Army
  32. 2007. For the 2011 season, the Bills unveiled a new uniform design, an updated, rendition ,of the 1975–83 design. This change includes a return to the white helmets with
  33. Had his first number one hit with the Whitman orchestra, a jazz-influenced, rendition ,of" Ol' Man River ". However,Crosby's reported taste for alcohol and his
  34. 17, 2007,while defending the Bush administration's program of extraordinary, rendition , During a House hearing on transatlantic relations, Rohrabacher stated that
  35. Stars, Billy Joel and Don McLean, who brought down the house with an acoustic, rendition ,of 'American Pie '. " Two years later, Brooks repaid the favor by appearing as
  36. Lynch remarked in an interview. The third idea was Bobby Vinton's classic, rendition ,of the song Blue Velvet and" the mood that came with that song a mood, a time
  37. Out. Symbolically, Marian Anderson (a noted opera singer of her day) sang a, rendition ,of America the Beautiful on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1939 after
  38. Because it was taken from spoken rather than written Chinese. The Wade–Giles, rendition ,Kongo, on the other hand, tends to be pronounced (the OED gives" Guangzhou "
  39. As extraordinary rendition by the CIA. Information on unusual movements of, rendition ,aircraft provided data which led first to news reports and then to a number of
  40. Of documentary films for PBS called The Blues. He also participated in the, rendition ,of compilations of major blues artists in a series of high-quality CDs. Blues
  41. After Clarke heard him perform at a local scout hut jam session, singing to a, rendition ,of David Bowie's" Heroes ", and Depeche Mode were born. When explaining the
  42. 21, 1997,the Steve Goodman song mentioned above, and a newly-recorded, rendition ,of" Talking' Baseball" ( subtitled" Baseball and the Cubs" ) by Terry
  43. Police if they believe something they see or hear is suspicious. Extraordinary, rendition ,Following the events of 9/11 information collected by plane spotters helped
  44. High refers to his second film, The Most Beautiful, as a" dark and gloomy, rendition ,of the standard formulas of the home front genre. " Another controversy centers
  45. Western Front" ( written by Elton and Bernie Tau pin). The song is a sorrowful, rendition ,of the novel's story (" It's gone all quiet on the Western Front / Male
  46. British Foreign Secretary David Miliband admitted that two US extraordinary, rendition ,flights refueled on Diego Garcia in 2002. No reference was made to whether
  47. Collected by plane spotters helped uncover what is known as extraordinary, rendition ,by the CIA. Information on unusual movements of rendition aircraft provided
  48. Convention on Human Rights. Dick Marty's reports on secret CIA detentions and, rendition ,flights in Europe became quite famous in 2007. Other Assembly rapporteurs were
  49. With Swede Viktoria Tolstoy. Andersson and Slaves both did an a cappella, rendition ,of the first verse of" Fernando" as they accepted their Ivor Novella award in
  50. Yorkshire folk song" On Ilkla Moor Baht'at" in the style of Joe Cocker's hit, rendition ,of the Beatles' " With a Little Help from My Friends" ( released on John Peel

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