Examples of the the word, countdown , in a Sentence Context
The word ( countdown ), is the 12536 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Vocal range, Carey was ranked first in MTV and Blender magazine's 2003, countdown , of the 22 Greatest Voices in Music, and was placed second in Cove magazine's
- After the episode with the tram crash was aired on ITV 2. On 7 and 9 December a, countdown ,on the greatest Corrie moments, Coronation Street: 50 Years,50 Moments, the
- Fifty An annual tradition of Peel's Radio 1 show was the Festive Fifty—a, countdown ,of the best tracks of the year as voted for by the listeners. Despite Peel's
- Space Center. Because of a technical failure in the launch sequencer during the, countdown , the launch was delayed two hours and forty minutes. This was the only launch
- Symbol, a Blue moon and a ring of fire The numbers for the New Year's Eve, countdown ,also appear on the eastern pylons of the bridge. Quotations Prophetic
- The year-end boundary. On the day of a launch, after the final hold in the, countdown ,at T-minus 9 minutes, the Shuttle went through its final preparations for
- As the camera (implicitly Cabot) moved through the opening doorway,a, countdown ,of hatches, decorated with unusual artifacts and numbered" 6" through" 2" (
- Spoken by John Lack, and played over footage of the first Space Shuttle launch, countdown ,of Columbia (which took place earlier that year) and of the launch of Apollo
- The months of April and May 2008. Despite its cancellation on MTV, a weekly, countdown ,of hip-hop videos known as Sucker Free still airs on MTV2. By the beginning of
- In the world of the Tamers saga and its characters. In 2011,Banzai posted a, countdown ,on a teaser site. Once the countdown was finished, it revealed a reboot of the
- Launch STS-51-F's first launch attempt on 12 July 1985 was halted with the, countdown ,at T-3 seconds after main engine ignition, when a malfunction of the number two
- Was voted number 38 in 1999 when MTV aired its" Top 100 Videos of All Time ", countdown , and was featured in the network's 25th Anniversary edition of ADD Video
- Part of the channel's presentation since launch has been the top of the hour, countdown ,sequence, since there is no presentation system with continuity announcers so
- As the Tony Blackburn Show). The first words on Radio 1 – after a ", countdown ," by the Controller of Radios 1 and 2,Robin Scott, and a jingle, recorded at
- Fall of 1999,a live studio audience was added to the show. By spring 2000,the, countdown ,reached its peak, becoming a recognizable icon of popular culture in its first
- Be maintained at 80 percent of the operating pressure as late in the launch, countdown ,as possible, and the launch pad will be cleared of all but essential personnel
- Muppets also appeared on Dick Clark's New Year's Rocking' Eve for the 2008, countdown , on December 31, 2007. Kermit, Rizzo and others welcomed in the new year with a
- Station. ) Another popular feature of his shows was the annual Festive Fifty, countdown ,of his listeners' favorite records of the year. Peel appeared frequently on
- David Lowe's own after a remix on 16 May 2006. An international version of the, countdown ,was launched on BBC World News on 5 September 2005 featuring more international
- Now Crow, Servo and Gypsy) joined Joel in the theater, and a new doorway, countdown ,sequence between the host segments and the theater segments was shot. The back
- On January 27, 1971. The stack was returned after repairs well before the final, countdown ,had initiated. A malfunction in a backup yaw gimbals servo loop in the main
- Series Ever ". Also, in the 100 Greatest Kids' TV shows (a Channel 4, countdown , in 2001),the 1963–1989 run was placed at number eight. The revived series has
- A data stream moving in towards the camera. A full three-minute version of the, countdown ,music was made available on BBC News Online and David Lowe's own after a remix
- Sabbath's" Iron Man" the number one song on their 40 Greatest Metal Songs, countdown , Allmusic's William Kuhlmann said: Influence and innovation Metallica's Lars
- Person of the second millennium on their" Biographies of the Millennium ", countdown , In 1997,Time–Life magazine picked Gutenberg's invention as the most
- Daytime. Weekends, especially Sundays, often carry different programming. The, countdown ,show, ranking the top songs of the previous week, has been a staple of weekend
- Which became especially apparent at the time of their 1997 kidnapping and, countdown ,assassination of Miguel Ángel Blanco. Their loss of sympathizers has been
- Has won Gold Award from Electronic Gaming Monthly. In Nintendo Powers Top 200, countdown , in 2004,Ocarina of Time took first place, and seven other Zelda games placed
- Pie" number 37 in their 2008 Top 1,043 Songs Of All Time listener-generated, countdown , Discography Albums *Chain Lightning also peaked at #3 on the RPM Country
- Unconscious. Unfortunately, the city is faced with a greater threat when the, countdown ,ends and the Russian missile is launched from the satellite, leaving the
- Artifacts and numbered" 6" through" 2" ( in the style of a film leader, countdown ,), moves out of its way, finally opening on the theater and the film. The
- Order, and the Backstreet Boys. The band has been featured on a number of VH1, countdown , shows," Dr. Feelgood" was ranked the #7 Greatest Air Guitar Song," Live Wire
- Are shown transmitting and receiving red" data streams ". In production of the, countdown ,sequence, Clive Norman filmed images around the United Kingdom, Richard Jonson
- Or tries to deactivate it, depending on the film version),which is set for a, countdown , before succumbing to his injuries. Godzilla then proceeds towards Tokyo's
- Program (LSP) is responsible for NASA oversight of launch operations and, countdown ,management for unmanned NASA launches at Cape Canaveral. Weather Florida's
- And radio throughout the state of Ohio, and conducted a dramatic one-year, countdown ,celebration that incorporated the first live Internet broadcast in NFL history.
- During 2007 and finished as the #11 hit of the year on the PMC Top10's annual, countdown , Vega joined the 10th annual Independent Music Awards judging panel to assist
- Of the 1990s,the channel debuted Dial MTV, a daily top ten music video, countdown ,show for which viewers could call the toll-free telephone number 1-800-DIAL-MTV
- Later, in 1998,MTV merged Total Request and MTV Live into a live daily top ten, countdown ,show, Total Request Live, which would become known as TRL and secure its place
- Spanish-language video to peak at number one on MTV's Total Request Live daily, countdown , The second single released is called" Me Races Malta" and the third is" POR
- The Dirtand Ozzy Osbourne's and Nikki Sixx's pee. All featured in the, countdown , Motley True has also been one of the many bands featured on VH1's Behind the
- 9 minutes, the Shuttle went through its final preparations for launch, and the, countdown ,was automatically controlled by the Ground Launch Sequencer (GLS),software
- Has been a staple of weekend radio programming since 1970; current hosts of, countdown ,shows in various formats include Rick Dee's, Ryan Sea crest, Jeff Fox worthy, Kix
- The rail of a ship, aircraft or torpedo tube) which starts an automatic timer, countdown ,before the arming process is complete. Typically, the automatic safety-arming
- Questions became moot when the strike was finally settled. The Ripen, countdown ,resumed once the season began. Ripen finally broke Lou Gehrig's consecutive
- And at the end, as well as the fonts used for the time. The conclusion of the, countdown ,was altered in 2008 to feature the new presentation style, rather than a data
- Topics of the week. MTV's website describes the program as," a half-hour, countdown ,of the top 10 most texted and talked about young celebs at the moment. Their
- Its characters. In 2011,Banzai posted a countdown on a teaser site. Once the, countdown ,was finished, it revealed a reboot of the Digimon World series titled Digimon
- Time have varied. From 15 March 1992 through 2 February 2003,the format was a, countdown ,of all the top 40 selling singles in the UK for that week, from 40 to 1. Since
- Since there is no presentation system with continuity announcers so the, countdown ,provides a link to the beginning of the next hour. A similar musical device is
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