Examples of the the word, wrapper , in a Sentence Context
The word ( wrapper ), is the 12520 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Tobacco leaves found throughout the country of Cuba. The filler, binder,and, wrapper ,may come from different portions of the island. All cigar production in Cuba is
- Regardless of shape, will have a cap which is one or more small pieces of a, wrapper ,pasted on to one end of the cigar with either a natural tobacco paste or with a
- Dll) designed specifically for 3dfx's hardware. This driver acts as a, wrapper ,for the proprietary Glide API, and thus is only compatible with 3dfx hardware.
- Encapsulation lib compressed data is typically written with a GZIP, wrapper ,or a lib wrapper . The wrapper encapsulates the raw DEFLATE data by adding a
- Macintoshes. Instead of being an end-user product, Cider (like Wine lib) is a, wrapper ,allowing developers to adapt their games to run natively on Intel Mac OS X
- Installed by default though not enabled. Debian provides an optional hardening, wrapper ,but does not compile their packages by default using GCC features such as PIE
- This permits the makers to use more delicate and attractive leaves as a, wrapper , These high-quality cigars almost always blend varieties of tobacco. Even Cuban
- Class VisitorDemo Note: A more flexible approach to this pattern is to create a, wrapper ,class implementing the interface defining the accept method. The wrapper
- 1992,and 57 million in 1993,the decline attributed to a loss of much of the, wrapper ,crop in a hurricane. United States embargo against Cuba On February 7,1962
- Design SDL itself is very simple; it merely acts as a thin, cross-platform, wrapper , providing support for 2D pixel operations, sound,file access, event handling
- Input devices. SDL has the word" layer" in its title because it is actually a, wrapper ,around operating-system-specific functions. The main purpose of SDL is to
- Variety of tobacco leaf, called a" binder," between the filler and the outer, wrapper , This permits the makers to use more delicate and attractive leaves as a
- Leaf. Once the leaves have aged properly, they are sorted for use as filler or, wrapper ,based upon their appearance and overall quality. During this process, the
- The taste. Flavor Each brand and type of cigar tastes different. While the, wrapper ,does not entirely determine the flavor of the cigar, darker wrapper s tend to
- Enables programmers to proceed as if primitive types were instances of their, wrapper ,class. Java contains multiple types of garbage collectors. By default, HotSpot
- Identical, cigars per day. The rollers keep the tobacco moist — especially the, wrapper ,— and use specially designed crescent-shaped knives, called chalets, to form
- Mandrill Linux uses a package manager called rpm, which functions as a, wrapper ,to the RPM package management system. It is similar to apt-get or Yellow dog
- Functions and subroutines written in the C programming language or FORTRAN. A, wrapper ,function is created allowing MATLAB data types to be passed and returned. The
- The risk of condom failure. Use Male condoms are usually packaged inside a foil, wrapper , in a rolled-up form, and are designed to be applied to the tip of the penis
- Premium brands, use different varieties of tobacco for the filler and the, wrapper , Long filler cigars are a far higher quality of cigar, using long leaves
- But this project dissolved. 1-2-3 for Windows is still simply a graphical, wrapper ,around the original product. Additionally, several versions of 1-2-3 had
- And long leaves or a type of" paper" made from tobacco pulp is used for the, wrapper ,which binds the cigar together. This alters the burning characteristics of the
- A wrapper class implementing the interface defining the accept method. The, wrapper ,contains a reference pointing to the Cajolement which could be initialized
- Fans to buy a bottle of Coca-Cola Zero or Coca-Cola and submit the code on the, wrapper ,on the Coca-Cola website. This code could then earn anything from 50p to
- Long outer leaf. If a cigar is completely constructed (filler, binder and, wrapper ,) of tobacco from only one country, it is referred to in the cigar industry as
- In many areas of the United States the album was sold in an opaque plastic, wrapper ,because retailers refused to display the cover. Later, an alternative cover
- Zlib compressed data is typically written with a GZIP wrapper or a lib, wrapper , The wrapper encapsulates the raw DEFLATE data by adding a header and trailer.
- Dragonfly Mail Agent - A lightweight mail transport agent * msmtp-mta (a, wrapper ,around SMTP providing a Sendmail executable) The present day Madras () (
- An open source Wine GUI configuration manager for Mac OS X. Wine skin creates a, wrapper ,around Wine in the form of a normal Mac Application. The wrapper can also be
- Of a cigar is made up of fillers, wrapped-up bunches of leaves inside the, wrapper , Fillers of various strengths are usually blended to produce desired cigar
- Cards due to Stamp Act 1765. The packs were also sealed with a government duty, wrapper , Though specific design elements of the court cards are rarely used in game
- Creates a wrapper around Wine in the form of a normal Mac Application. The, wrapper ,can also be used to make a distributable“ port” of software. * Odin, a
- To the primitive data type int by using a utility function in the primitive, wrapper ,class Integer. Special classes Applet Java applets are programs that are
- Compressed data is typically written with a GZIP wrapper or a lib wrapper . The, wrapper ,encapsulates the raw DEFLATE data by adding a header and trailer. This provides
- Of the Intel CPU such as little-endian byte order. The RIFF format acts as a ", wrapper ," for various audio compression codecs. Though a WAV file can hold compressed
- At that period of my life, I had no personal defenses. I felt like a cellophane, wrapper ,on a pack of cigarettes. I felt like I had absolutely no secrets from the world
- With their trademarked red hut printed on the side of a Mylar dehydrated pizza, wrapper ,in the Fly family dinner scene, and appear on a storefront in Hill Valley in
- For the various platforms, packages,Windows IDE, Windows API libraries, a GTK+, wrapper ,for Linux, graphics libraries (DOS, OpenGL,etc.). *
- A full reprint of the series that included a cover card featuring the original, wrapper ,art. In 1988,Tops collaborated with Pocket Comics to create a 54-chapter
- And into the 1970s in the United States, mailed issues using the" plain brown, wrapper ," did not indicate the Playboy name or logo. The magazine could thus be slid in
- Designed crescent-shaped knives, called chalets, to form the filler and, wrapper ,leaves quickly and accurately. Once rolled, the cigars are stored in wooden
- Unix development tools, including make, yacc, lex and a cc command which acts a, wrapper ,around a supported C compiler. SFU also includes the GCC compiler. Ming is a
- In the PostScript language, TrueType outlines are handled with a PostScript, wrapper ,as Type 42 for name-keyed, or Type 11 for CID-keyed fonts. The
- Snack, Turrón, where ripe plantains are sliced and then wrapped in Lucia, wrapper ,(a thin rice paper) and deep-fried. Turn is then finished off with a brown
- Littleutils are another open-source package, containing a, wrapper ,script called opting that uses crush and a variant of
- Is to place a reactive substance in with the gasoline, and treat the label or, wrapper ,paper with another chemical; when the bottle ruptures, the two chemicals mix
- 1912. The release of the Fuente Opus in 1995 heralded the first quality, wrapper ,grown in the Dominican Republic. The oldest Dominican Republic cigar maker is
- As an API which can be incorporated into other software. GPG ME is an API, wrapper ,around GnuPG which parses the output of GnuPG, and various graphical front-ends
- The Playboy name or logo. The magazine could thus be slid in and out of the, wrapper ,for viewing, as opposed to the modern sealed plastic bags, which was much to
- There were also gimmicks, like the" sex issue ", sold in a clear plastic, wrapper , The Space girls, a series attempting to cash in on the popularity of the Spice
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