Examples of the the word, crafts , in a Sentence Context

The word ( crafts ), is the 12538 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. More than 50 vendors selling items such as produce, cooked foods, baked goods, crafts , and flowers. The Dayton area hosts several arenas and venues. South of Dayton
  2. Hospital and displays Danish design as well as international design and, crafts , Other museums include: * Thorvaldsens Museum is a single-artist museum
  3. The cultural artisans that reside and create unique Alberta western heritage, crafts , The Ban ff Center hosts a range of festivals and other events including the
  4. People evangelized in their own language, he worked to introduce many of the, crafts ,still practiced today. While still a majority, only fifty-eight percent of
  5. Years. The recession of post-2008 has also seen renewal of interest in home, crafts , Retailers such as John Lewis experienced a 17 % rise in sales of haberdashery
  6. North of Poland. The main industries on the island include fishing, arts and, crafts ,like glassmaking and pottery using locally worked clay, and dairy farming.
  7. Their needs like food, clothing,and all the items of daily use. So all their, crafts ,initially stemmed from necessity but later on they started exporting their
  8. Carving, and mask making. Ivory and woodcarving were and are prevalent, crafts ,for Aleut men to create, too. 19th century crafts men were famed for their
  9. Decides to become a professional dominatrix to earn money. The play carefully, crafts ,a playful and frivolous picture of the field of professional dominatrices. Film
  10. Has been since the ancient times known as a center of a large variety of, crafts , The archeological dig on the territory of Azerbaijan testifies to the well
  11. The early intention was for the Bauhaus to be a combined architecture school, crafts ,school, and academy of the arts. In 1919 Swiss painter Johannes Kitten
  12. Festival attracts more than 30,000 people yearly and has Irish dancing, food, crafts , and performers such at Gaelic Storm. Other festivals held in the city of
  13. Nights of winter they huddle indoor and engage themselves in various arts and, crafts ,such as textiles, weaving,leather work, and pottery. Local crafts As mentioned
  14. It will be considered commercial art instead of fine art. On the other hand, crafts ,and design are sometimes considered applied art. Some art followers have argued
  15. Of Mexico's hydroelectric energy. One commercial reason is the market for, crafts ,provided by the tourism industry. Another is that most indigenous communities
  16. As a creative hobby to create jewelry, purses,coasters, and dozens of other, crafts , Beads are available in many designs, sizes,colors, and materials
  17. Expedition. His suggestion that people with experience in farming, building and, crafts ,be included was rejected. Most of the 772 convicts (of whom 732 survived the
  18. Are also produced there. The area is famous for its Baden rugs. Landmarks and, crafts ,Baden historical monuments include Emirate Kola Faring, Tymcheh Saroyan and
  19. It provides language and guide training,woman's studies and arts and, crafts ,displays, and training. Bethlehem has four museums located within its municipal
  20. Larger towns where they may be bought from street vendors. Traditional arts and, crafts ,are practiced throughout the country for commercial, decorative,and religious
  21. And zydeco, blues and jazz, and Country music. In addition, there are arts and, crafts ,booths for local artists to sell their wares. In the Children's Village
  22. Di-u-ja or di-wi-ja): divine Athena also was a weaver and the deity of, crafts ,(see dyes). In his dialogue Craters, the Greek philosopher Plato,428/427
  23. Their frontiers. The rulers were the great patrons of art, and the various, crafts ,underwent a simultaneous and parallel development, influencing each other.
  24. The term" utility knife" may also refer to small fixed-blade knives used for, crafts , model making and other artisanal projects. These small knives feature
  25. Courage, inspiration,civilization, warfare,strength, strategy,female arts, crafts , justice and skill. Minerva,Athena's Roman incarnation, embodies similar
  26. Island Reservation in Old Town and take part in games, Native American arts and, crafts , powwows, cook-outs,etc. Other August events * The first full weekend in
  27. Arts – bring thousands of people to the city to browse and purchase original, crafts , The Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, which performs at Learns Music Hall, is
  28. The commoner class. Commoners farmed, fished and exercised the simpler, crafts , They labored not only for themselves and their families, but to support the
  29. In order to make him seem more well-adjusted. In another strip, he carefully, crafts ,an" artist's statement," claiming that such essays convey more messages than
  30. Teacher Saroyan and Have tomb, located in the Kiowa mountains. Baden, crafts ,can be embroidered in cotton. The town also produces Baden rugs.
  31. Beads that were sold around the globe. Agates have long been used in arts and, crafts , The sanctuary of a Presbyterian church in Yachts, Oregon,has six windows
  32. Greece during the late 5th century BC. She was the patroness of various, crafts , especially weaving, as Athena Engine; the metalwork of weapons also fell under
  33. And Crafts and the Weimar Academy of Fine Art. Its roots lay in the arts and, crafts ,school founded by the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach in 1906 and directed
  34. The need to generate outside income has led to many indigenous women producing, crafts ,communally, which has not only had economic benefits, it has also involved
  35. Their wares. In the Children's Village, children can participate in arts and, crafts , listen to storytellers, play games with clowns, or watch a play. The festival
  36. Wood-turning and making fire, holds events to celebrate wild cooking and, crafts , and hosts yearly Midsummer, Lughnasadh and Samoan festivals. Types and
  37. Oktoberfest's celebration that features authentic German food, beer,music, and, crafts , Columbus also hosts many conventions in the Greater Columbus Convention Center
  38. Romania's Carpathian Mountains, an area known for its rich tradition of folk, crafts , particularly woodcarving. Geometric patterns of the region are seen in his
  39. Webster Street in Alameda has long been the host of many arts, crafts ,and holiday festivals. During these festivals the city of Alameda will block of
  40. Rural Christian, the countryside maintains a strong Shriek community. Arts and, crafts ,In a harsh and barren land where rainfall is very sparse and unreliable
  41. Arts and crafts such as textiles, weaving,leather work, and pottery. Local, crafts ,As mentioned above, the Indus Valley has always been occupied by the wandering
  42. Materials. Ethylene-vinyl acetate based hot-melts are particularly popular for, crafts ,because of their ease of use and the wide range of common materials they can
  43. Of program 3000 million kunas. * Overhaul of existing 2 King class fast attack, crafts , including new engines. Cost of program - 40 million kunas. * Upgrading RBS-15
  44. The guidance of older carvers. AIU, in particular, has a strong tradition of, crafts ,both in carving and local fiber arts such as tape. Mangier is the source of
  45. Ruined by development. She was also an authority on the traditional Lakeland, crafts , period furniture and stonework. She restored and preserved the farms that she
  46. Here include Carnival, the feast of San Isidro Labrador on 15 May and a, crafts ,and livestock fair called the Na ode China in November. The main reason
  47. I., commonly known simply as Bauhaus, was a school in Germany that combined, crafts ,and the fine arts, and was famous for the approach to design that it publicized
  48. The late 40s until the early 60s,there was a resurgence in interest in home, crafts , particularly in the United States, with many new and imaginative crochet
  49. Textiles, and hurried carpets. In addition to agriculture, textiles,arts and, crafts , remittances have played a major role in the economy of Azad Kashmir. One
  50. Three aging vessels which were donated from the United States, around 25 patrol, crafts ,and interceptor boats and two helicopters. The Dominican Republic's military

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