Examples of the the word, miriam , in a Sentence Context

The word ( miriam ), is the 12527 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. Data type. ** Data type and identifier can be combined in a single URI: urn:, miriam , : OBO. Go: GO%3A0006915,urn: Miriam: Dnipro: P62158,... ** Qualifiers (
  2. Also in November 2002. Most recently, with his Duke colleague and spouse, dr., miriam , cooke of Asian and African Languages and Literatures, he has co-edited Muslim
  3. Can be combined in a single URI: urn: Miriam: OBO. Go: GO%3A0006915,urn:, miriam , : Dnipro: P62158,... ** Qualifiers (optional) should refine the link between
  4. Curated the" Reel Evil: Films from the Axis of Evil" film festival with, miriam , cooke in 2003 and created Brain quake with Goldberg Bash in response to
  5. Research. The current writers include Jon Anderson, Magnus Bernhardsson, miriam , cooke, El Stayed El Assad, George exchange, McGuire Gibson, Amir Hussain, Bruce
  6. URN form. For instance the URI representing the enzyme classification is: urn:, miriam , : encode. Resources A set of resources have been developed. They are freely

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