Examples of the the word, earmark , in a Sentence Context

The word ( earmark ), is the 12533 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Palavra antacid 16249. Or, as Maynard himself says in the book's, earmark ," Lula is mine. Only I can call him ignorant and authoritarian" ). Due to his
  2. S economy is based on farming, manufacturing,and tourism. A $95,000, earmark , was included in the federal FY2009 Omnibus Appropriations Bill to fund "
  3. 10 million earmark s. Young's staff acknowledged that aides" corrected" the, earmark ,just before it went to the White House for President Bush's signature
  4. 16 km²) along the road helped raise $40,000 for Young shortly before the, earmark ,was inserted. Young's spokeswoman Meredith Kenny initially said that the local
  5. But overall it will recover. " Coconut Road In 2006,Young added a $10 million, earmark ,to a transportation bill for the construction of an interstate interchange for
  6. Space Launch System, also known as the Senate Launch System, the single largest, earmark ,in the Federal budget and possibly the single large earmark in US history. The
  7. Secure funding and delay demolition of the remaining structure. A $3.8 million, earmark ,was included in a proposed spending bill sent to Congress by U. S. Senator Carl
  8. As his earmark blasts fell silent about his own state delegation's, earmark ,requests. Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009 The Federal Reserve Sunshine Act
  9. Was for widening of and improvements to Interstate 75. The language within the, earmark ,was changed during a process called" bill enrollment ", when technical
  10. The single largest earmark in the Federal budget and possibly the single large, earmark ,in US history. Shelby took a leading role in the resistance to bailing out the
  11. The SLS earmark . Because of its high cost, the SLS is the single largest, earmark ,in the Federal budget and possibly the single large earmark in US history.
  12. The holds were over earmark s., then ignored the Republican Party moratorium on, earmark ,funding. He is a leading backer of the Space Launch System, more commonly known
  13. The federal budget. Pence, however,has in the past secured several of his own, earmark ,projects. Pence earmark ed $500,000 for the“ Transit Acquisition and Intermodal
  14. And Democrats were enlisted for assistance. The replacement projector, earmark ,was not approved. Image gallery Image:20071029 Adler Planetarium. JPG|External
  15. Home, their choice of language combined with their lack of Swiss citizenship, earmark ,them as" Second ", a term used to indicate people of foreign descent born in
  16. Facilities out of its own pocket anyway, or the cable TV operator must pay for, earmark ,projects of the local municipality that are not related to television). Asia
  17. Procurement policies. " These policies are either" set-asides," which, earmark ,a certain amount of spending solely towards recycled products, or " price
  18. Neither favors' competition for core elements of the rocket, however. The SLS, earmark ,has been opposed by fiscal conservative groups, including the Tea Party., as
  19. Proposes. " Citizens Against Government Waste has consistently opposed the SLS, earmark ,as well. According to CAGE," The private sector should be relied upon to
  20. Near Fort Myers, Florida. Some puzzled why a congressman from Alaska would, earmark ,for a little road in Florida that the local community opposed. A June 2007
  21. The single largest earmark in the Federal budget and possibly the single large, earmark ,in US history. The SLS earmark has been opposed by fiscal conservative groups
  22. Be amended. Involvement of staffers and aides Less than two months after a key, earmark ,by Burns in October 2003,Burns's chief of staff, Will Brooke, went to work
  23. S motives were called into question by more than one publication, as his, earmark ,blasts fell silent about his own state delegation's earmark requests. Federal
  24. Of 2008,John McCain was critical of Barack Obama's support for a $3 million, earmark ,which would have bought a new projector for the planetarium. The current Mass
  25. For Pence’s confirmed the projects, stating,“ Mr. Pence stands by his, earmark ,requests. " Evolution During a 2009 appearance on Chris Matthews' show
  26. Moynihan had once" slugged Bond on the Senate floor after Bond denounced an, earmark ,Moynihan had slipped into a highway appropriations bill. Some months later
  27. Has asked the Government Accountability Office to investigate the SLS, earmark , Ironically, the SLS earmark primarily benefits the Marshall Space Flight
  28. Asking the Justice Department for a criminal investigation of the $10 million, earmark , Young's staff acknowledged that aides" corrected" the earmark just before
  29. For lawns and gardens; reserve large areas for football, hockey and parks;, earmark ,areas for Hindu temples, Mohammedan mosques and Christian churches. " Messes
  30. President Bush signed the bill. The original language for the $10 million, earmark ,specified it was for widening of and improvements to Interstate 75. The
  31. Concentration of effort is a fighting force's edge. Once an aim is identified, earmark ,enough resources to achieve it and focus them on the task. * Exploiting
  32. S reelection campaign days before she proposed his reading program in the, earmark , Best and his company's top associates were among those who donated to
  33. Interchange project. Young said that the project was entirely worthy of an, earmark ,and that he welcomed any inquiry, a spokeswoman said. Young's office said that
  34. Who detailed in a 305-page report that" Simply because a member sponsors an, earmark ,for an entity that also happens to be a campaign contributor does not, on these
  35. To use the title of engineer or to practice engineering professionally. Another, earmark ,that distinguishes a licensed professional engineer is the authority to take
  36. Accountability Office to investigate the SLS earmark . Ironically, the SLS, earmark ,primarily benefits the Marshall Space Flight Center, which is not located in
  37. An anti-affirmative-action stance. Earmarks Pence was a supporter of, earmark ,reform. He voted against the $139.7 billion Transportation-Treasury spending
  38. 2005,the New Jersey Department of Transportation was given $800,000 USD in an, earmark ,to give Route 82 roadway and intersection improvements. Major intersections
  39. Passed. Some government watchdogs, including Public Citizen, commented that the, earmark ,probably didn't violate ethics rules. Additionally,Coburn's motives were
  40. Bill, Burns inserted a paragraph at the request of the Michigan Senators — an, earmark ,— in the bill's conference report. It lifted previous restrictions and
  41. Johnson Ferry Road and Glen ridge Drive improvements from Abernathy to Hammond (, earmark ,) * T-0012 - Roswell Road streets cape/sidewalks from Johnson Ferry to Abernathy
  42. Has asked the Government Accountability Office to investigate the SLS, earmark , Because of its high cost, the SLS is the single largest earmark in the Federal
  43. The real problem, and one that was unfortunately not addressed in the 2007's, earmark ,dispute, is the size of the federal government and the amount of money we are
  44. Supplemental spending bill for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan that included an, earmark ,of $3 million specifically for funding for programs for the remediation of
  45. The Federal budget and possibly the single large earmark in US history. The SLS, earmark ,has been opposed by fiscal conservative groups, including the Tea Party., as
  46. In new bills by sending the bill back to Congress minus the line-item vetoed, earmark , Congress would then vote on the line-item vetoed bill with a majority vote
  47. Flake Hour," a tradition at the end of spending bill debates in which he asks, earmark ,sponsors to come to the house floor and justify why taxpayers should pay for
  48. Pet projects. " He is credited with prompting House rule changes to require, earmark ,sponsors to identify themselves. Until September 2010,Flake issued a press
  49. Palestinian factions were also present. Each of these movements was expected to, earmark ,10 percent of its forces for service under the new command. As of April 1987
  50. Not vest within the time permitted; the rule" limits the testator's power to, earmark ,gifts for remote descendants ". In essence, the rule prevents a person from

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