Examples of the the word, kirke , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Priest Colbert Mortensen Arneb erg. From 1690 Ramps was a priest in Norberto, kirke , in Lingerie, in Busker County. Ramps became a magistrate in 1698. In 1680
  2. Fact that Death Church served a very large area led to the creation of many ", kirke , roads ", roads that form right-of-way even today. This church was replaced by
  3. Gallery Churches widths" 100px" heights "/NP"> 100px"> File: Singer, kirke , sommer. JPG | Singer church File: Barnes church, Drammen. JPG | Barnes
  4. Areas in Larval that were said to be inhabited by ultra. Churches Image: Hem, kirke , JPG|Hem church Image: Stroll Kirk TRS. JPG|Stroll church Image: Started
  5. Barnes church File: TRS 070724 017. JPG|Strømsgodset church File: Cornered, kirke , JPG | Cornered church File: Fell Kirk Dram men. JPG | Fell church Tunnels
  6. Gift from Norwegian emigrants in the United States and Canada. Image: St. Olaf., kirke , JPG|St. Olaf Kirk in Craighill Gap, Texas. Image: Our. Savior. JPG|Our Savior
  7. Gallery Image: Royal alter. JPG|Altar in Randal church Image: Real, kirke ,1. JPG|Statue of St Olav Image: Real Kirk 2. JPG|Statue of Madonna and
  8. 7,2005,the city raised a monolith in its city park to his memory. Sites *Land, kirke , the local church, is approximately 200 years old and built in the traditional
  9. Of Australia, Brandval, Grue,Of, Åsnes, and Paler. Brand val church (Brand val, kirke , ) is a neo-Gothic, cruciform church dating from 1651. The church was built of
  10. With straw roofs remained after the bombardment. The largest church, Vor free, kirke , was destroyed by the sea artillery. The battle is considered the first terror
  11. Filmed in the town of FAANG during 2003. FAANG stave church (FAANG, kirke , ) was built after the Reformation, for the most part of using materials from
  12. JPG|Strømsgodset church File: Cornered Kirk. JPG | Cornered church File: Fell, kirke , Drammen. JPG | Fell church Tunnels widths" 100px" heights "/NP"> 100px">
  13. 480px. JPG|Canal Bridge File: Mossekanalen 01 480px. JPG|Moss Canal File: Jelly, kirke , JPG|Jelly Church Rosario Marin (born April 4,1958),was the 41st Treasurer
  14. See also Norwegian Church (disambiguation) The Church of Norway (Den Norse, kirke , in Bokmål or Den Norse Kyra in Honors) is the state church of Norway
  15. It shows a canting of a cilia/linden tree. Lindås Church (Linda, kirke , ) was consecrated 20 September 1865. The church was built just west of where
  16. Existence during the 13th century, and Saint Katharina Church (Set. Katharina, kirke , ) is also from that time. The town received privileged status as a merchant
  17. Gallery File: Under Kirk alter 08.07.07. JPG|Alter Under Church File: Under, kirke , dopefont ny08.07.07. JPG|Baptismal font Under Church File: Under Kirk
  18. Kirke Koestler 009. JPG|North wall of the choir Under Church File: Under, kirke , prekestol 025. JPG|Pulpit Under Church File: Lunder- kirke -int-tb. JPG|Interior
  19. Von her Adlerstrasse. JPG|View of the village of Garage File: Garage, kirke , JPG|Garage Church File: Geirangerfjord with ship. JPG|Cruise ship at
  20. River running through it. Another attraction is the city's church: Manual, kirke , It is the largest wooden church in Norway, with 1,800 seats and a pulpit on
  21. Nærøyfjorden. JPG|View of Hakka File: Village in Norway. JPG|Hakka File: Hakka, kirke , JPG|Hakka Church File: Hakka Burke. JPG|Village and church Sade Ghotbzadeh
  22. Was made in connection with the 800-year anniversary of the Lade Church (Lade, kirke , ) in 1989 and repeated two years later. In 1995, Primary sources Source basis
  23. These churches belong to the Diocese of Tuns berg. Picture gallery File: Under, kirke , alter 08.07.07. JPG|Alter Under Church File: Under Kirk dope font ny08.07.07.
  24. Rondahaugen - with views over the city and out towards Stranger *Saudi, kirke , Sombrero APELL, Hellandsbygd APELL and Saudasjøen APELL - local churches
  25. In Copenhagen. Career In the 1680s Ramps became the personal curate in Serum, kirke , in Homelike under the priest Colbert Mortensen Arneb erg. From 1690 Ramps was
  26. Was a:" free main eland, foure male large, inhabit and manumit, with parole, kirke , in it, guid for core, fishing and grassing, with a falcon nest in it, pertines
  27. In and around the community, who were mostly Lutheran, built St. Olaf Kirk (, kirke , is Norwegian for" Church" ) in a rural area just outside of Craighill Gap.
  28. Geavdnjajávri is located just south of Altevatnet. Photo gallery File: Bard, kirke , ( 2). JPG|Bard church File: Bard. JPG|The Bard valley and river seen from
  29. See also coat-of-arms of Krogstad) HOL Old Church HOL Old Church (HOL game, kirke , ) has a presumed origin in the 1200s,but the exact dating is unknown. The
  30. JPG|Hem church Image: Stroll Kirk TRS. JPG|Stroll church Image: Started, kirke , JPG|Started church A geosynchronous transfer orbit or geostationary transfer
  31. Of Norwegian history - the time of the Union with Denmark. Image: Rosendo, kirke , JPG|Kvinnherad Church in Rosendo Image: Rosendo castle west. PNG|The Barony
  32. 74,Nord-Trøndelag. JPG|County road from Wrong to Sweden File: Gløshaug, kirke , JPG|The old Gløshaug church in Garland Hollander is a village and a
  33. Kirke) was consecrated on 26 March 1926 as Priest's Church (Presents, kirke , ) when it was built for the funds collected among Norwegian clergymen. Oslo
  34. Oslo Cathedral (Oslo Dunkirk) — formerly Our Savior's Church (Var Fielders, kirke , ) — is the main church for the Oslo bishopric of the Church of Norway, as well
  35. And the mountain Gluggarnir are visible north of the village Image: Famine, kirke , JPG|The Church of Famine Image: Famine. Flag. JPG|The prototype of the Faeroese
  36. On 19 February 1982). It shows the outline of the local church, Rennebu, kirke , ( erected 1669),which is one of the oldest (and very few) churches in
  37. St Olav Image: Real Kirk 2. JPG|Statue of Madonna and child Image: Real, kirke ,3. JPG|Statue of Archangel Michael William Barrett Washburn (January 31, 1820
  38. Some significant buildings in the town are St. Nikolai Church (St. Nikolai, kirke , ) from the time of King Waldemar with construction beginning ca. 1250.
  39. 17 km to the west of Dram men. Local attractions *Hang Church (Hang, kirke , ),originally built in 1152,is a Medieval stone church consisted of the west
  40. A long history in Falsely File: Hegelian. JPG|Hegelian in Falsely File: Falsely, kirke , ( 2). JPG|Memorial for those killed during WW2 in Falsely File: Divided.
  41. Conflict see > Akerselva) Majorstuen Church (Majorities, kirke , ) was consecrated on 26 March 1926 as Priest's Church (Presents Kirk) when
  42. Dates from the 12th century. The original stone Hole Church (Norwegian: Hole, kirke , ) was largely destroyed by fire in 1736. The church was rebuilt in 1737.
  43. Kirke Koestler 008. JPG|South wall of the choir Under Church File: Under, kirke , korstoler 009. JPG|North wall of the choir Under Church File: Under Kirk
  44. Under Kirk dope font ny08.07.07. JPG|Baptismal font Under Church File: Under, kirke , korstoler 008. JPG|South wall of the choir Under Church File: Under Kirk
  45. Back to Norway and buried in the cemetery of St. Jacob's Church (Sank Jakob, kirke , ) in Bergen. Honors Dahl had the both the Orders of Vast and St. Olav bestowed
  46. Background: #834; color: #fff; text-align: center;Analyses/NHS"> font-size:120%">Analyses, kirke ,
  47. In Randal church Image: Real Kirk 1. JPG|Statue of St Olav Image: Real, kirke ,2. JPG|Statue of Madonna and child Image: Real Kirk 3. JPG|Statue of
  48. In the year 1191,located near the current Ginsberg Library. *SEM Church (SEM, kirke , ) - Vestfold's oldest stone church built before 1100 in the Romanesque style
  49. In the cathedral Image: Cyborg - design mod Andre Songs Kirk. JPG|Sortebrødre, kirke , ( former church of the Dominican priory) and the hospital In popular culture
  50. Inhabited by ultra. Churches Image: Hem Kirk. JPG|Hem church Image: Stroll, kirke , TRS. JPG|Stroll church Image: Started Kirk. JPG|Started church A

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