Examples of the the word, resurrect , in a Sentence Context

The word ( resurrect ), is the 12517 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The entire issue via a storyline where a rogue group of S. H. I.e. L. D agents, resurrect ,a zombified version of FM Manchu only to discover that" FM Match" was only an
  2. With the Democrats crushed at the 1863 elections in Ohio when they tried to, resurrect ,anti-black sentiment. Slavery The slavery issue addressed not only the
  3. Night to a random page and read about the life of a man not yet born, who would, resurrect ,the Myrkridia and visit horrors on the world without equal in history or myth "
  4. Fighting game Marvel vs Cap com 3: Fate of Two Worlds. She has the ability to, resurrect ,herself as the Dark Phoenix. Marathon (Demotic Greek: Μαραθώνας, Marathónas;
  5. Railway, which had begun under the Burke government, and vowed to, resurrect ,the stalled statehood movement. She also managed to markedly boost the ALP's
  6. Then, continued to work together in what turned out to be a vain attempt to, resurrect ," Frankie" with various singers including Dee Harris from Fashion and Grant
  7. Basis for the dollar. Through the 1860–1871 period, various attempts to, resurrect ,bi-metallic standards were made, including one based on the gold and silver
  8. To the book of Acts. Proceeding the apostolic era, many saints were said to, resurrect ,the dead, as recorded in Orthodox Christian hagiographies. Resurrection of the
  9. A more fundamental challenge to Keynesian orthodoxy. Many monetarists sought to, resurrect ,the pre-Keynesian view that market economies are inherently stable in the
  10. Hopes to extract the architect from the anxiety of a dead profession and, resurrect ,a contemporary interpretation of the sublime, however fleeting it may be. In
  11. As" burning through lies" and deception. As the Phoenix, Jean is also able to, resurrect ,after death. In some depictions, these resurrect ions are immediately after she
  12. Has some attacks related to the Phoenix Force, such as the ability to, resurrect ,another character during game play, and the player can also select for her both
  13. But with her death, the Phoenix Force is purified, and then uses its powers to, resurrect ,Jean, drawing on the combined life-force of the assembled X-Men to bring her
  14. Can't Stop the Music, starring The Village People, was a calamitous attempt to, resurrect ,the old-style musical and was released to audience indifference in 1980. Little
  15. The NFL and others encouraged Jacksonville interests to revisit the issue and, resurrect ,their bid. About a month later negotiations between the city and Touchdown
  16. A cameo appearance. According to Abrams, the production team considered ways to, resurrect ,Shatner's deceased Kirk character, but could not devise a way that was not "
  17. Scottish rule and had close connections both to Fergus of Galloway (who would, resurrect ,the Bishopric of Galloway),and to the Scottish royal family, all of whom
  18. To the bebop influence of the 1940s. In the 1970s,Kansas City attempted to, resurrect ,the glory of the jazz era in a sanitized family friendly atmosphere. In the
  19. Snake back to life. Following this example, Polyidus used the same herb to, resurrect ,Caucus. Minos refused to let Solidus leave Crete until he taught Caucus the
  20. Person and give it to others, heal herself with the same life energy, or even, resurrect ,the dead, since the Phoenix is the sum of all life and death. Being a unique
  21. To face Set, and subsequently, became the pharaoh of Egypt. Magic In order to, resurrect ,Osiris for the purpose of having the child Horus, it was necessary for Isis to
  22. King must perform miracles and signs and create new things in the world or, resurrect ,the dead and so on. The matter is not so: For Rabbi Akita was a great scholar
  23. Lose all memory, or await a competent robotics technician who would be able to, resurrect ,the cat-robot one day. Nikita swore that every day to work hard in school
  24. Hell dimensions from opening. At the beginning of season six,Buffy's friends, resurrect ,her through a powerful spell, believing that they have rescued her from Hell.
  25. Resurrecting Superbly, employed " blood kryptonite" in a preliminary ritual to, resurrect ,Sue Disney. While physically resembling red kryptonite, the " blood" variant
  26. And Genoa. In 1291,he hired 50–60 Genoese ships. Later, in 1320,he tried to, resurrect ,the navy by constructing 20 galleys, but failed. Androids II Palaiologos
  27. Beliefs because the soul is gone, and according to most religions only God can, resurrect ,the dead. Cryonics advocates complain that theological dismissal of cryonics
  28. Walker headaches). He was killed by The Three in The Wake; Dream attempted to, resurrect ,him but the almost-alive Gilbert stated that if he did" my death would have no
  29. Surmises that Soul blighter is searching for The Summoner, a man" who would, resurrect ,the Myrkridia and visit horrors on the world without equal in history or myth "
  30. First edition of Doctor Mystery, Fu Manchu is a leader of a cult that tries to, resurrect ,a giant dragon to take over Europe. * Martin Wilfred/Median SAA of the BPRD
  31. Has become aware of a scheme code named 'Operation: Resurrection ', a plan to, resurrect ,Heinrich I, a legendary and powerful Saxon warlock-king. Despite the skepticism
  32. Unique feature of druids that is more apparent in Eve combat is that they can, resurrect ,dead group members even in combat, while normal resurrect ion spells only work
  33. A fake. Dick Grayson, thinking it was Bruce Wayne's real body, attempted to, resurrect ,it in a Lazarus Pit only to be met with a fierce, mindless combatant. He then
  34. One Muslim legend narrates that She was one of the people that God made Jesus, resurrect ,as a sign to the Children of Israel. The 1st century historian Flavius Josephus
  35. Nickelodeon began to run their old series daily. MTV promotion also helped to, resurrect ,a smaller version of Monomania, and tour dates grew from smaller to larger
  36. Advance. A few years later British radio producer Harry Alan Towers would, resurrect ,the Lime character for radio in the series The Lives of Harry Lime. The 1951
  37. Ethnic conflicts have encouraged proposals to abolish the existing subunits and, resurrect ,the tsarist-era Guernica, or large province, which would incorporate several
  38. For baking, tailoring,brewing and the like. Druids can, just like shamans, resurrect ,(red) other players after a fight, but with the same experienced regained as
  39. 19th and 20th centuries, various new religions were forged that attempted to, resurrect ,the pre-Christian religions of Europe; these included Wicca, Thelema
  40. Time. Players can also create a hardcore character. In soft core, the player can, resurrect ,their character if killed and resume playing, while a hardcore character has
  41. The castle, Blazkowicz arrives too late at the site of a dark ceremony to, resurrect ,Heinrich I. At the ceremony, SS Psychic Marianna Blavatsky conjures up dark
  42. Of the show, KORV. He called Oprah Winfrey" Pry Windbag. " Barron would later, resurrect ,the character on The Red Green Show. * Lulu's Truck Stop: Lulu Roman owned
  43. Government, negate all its military and political successes of 1917 and 1918, resurrect , the notion that the Bolsheviks secretly allied with the German government, and
  44. Howell and his followers were sent to prison. After they got out they tried to, resurrect ,the Pinnacle community, but the police kept raiding it. The raids forced the
  45. 1989 few weeks after issue #30 was released, some attempts were made to, resurrect ,Track under the editorship of Doc Holiday and Crimson Death. However, the lack
  46. Almost indefinitely. He undertakes an experiment using African lore to die and, resurrect ,his own body thereby assuring his immortality. His followers begin a
  47. By real devils, and shot himself after promising an audience he would later, resurrect ,himself. Phantasmagoria The later part of the 18th century was the age of
  48. Jungles. His Summoning skills allow him to raise skeletons, create golems, and, resurrect , dead monsters to fight alongside him. The Necromancer possesses powerful poison
  49. At the hair salon. In reality, the league's only MVP, Tommy Maddox, would, resurrect , his once-undistinguished NFL career with the Pittsburgh Steelers and win the
  50. Showing that elements combined in definite proportions. This led John Dalton to, resurrect ,Democritus' atom in 1803,when he proposed that elements were invisible sub

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