Examples of the the word, ignition , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ignition ), is the 12522 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Engine could be considered the latest development of these low speed hot bulb, ignition ,engines. Fuel delivery A vital component of all diesel engines is a mechanical
- Hot air to ignite the fuel rather than using a spark plug (compression, ignition ,rather than spark ignition ). In the true diesel engine, only air is initially
- The liquid-fueled booster rocket, which would accelerate the missile to ramjet, ignition ,speed. In February 1955,tests of the XF-99A propulsion test vehicles began.
- Vary: they are rarely manually ignited, but wired so the bomb may explode at, ignition ,or when the car goes over a set speed limit. These bombs have sometimes killed
- Or earlier experimental engines used external flames, exposed by valves, for, ignition , but this becomes less attractive with increasing compression. (It was the
- Case the primer is usually percussion but electrical is also used and laser, ignition ,is emerging. Modern 155 mm guns have a primer magazine fitted to their breech.
- Amount of memory. Examples include firmware for telephones, automobile fuel and, ignition ,systems, air-conditioning control systems, security systems, and sensors. **
- Diesel clatter is caused largely by the diesel combustion process; the sudden, ignition ,of the diesel fuel when injected into the combustion chamber causes a pressure
- Displacement blower to charge the cylinders with air before compression and, ignition , The charging process also assists in expelling (scavenging) combustion gases
- Manufacturers. Ford's Trans Project has developed a system which starts the, ignition ,in 400 ms, saving a significant amount of fuel on city routes, and there are
- Ignition coil) is an electrical device in common use as the ignition system (, ignition ,coil or spark coil) of internal-combustion engines. * A loading coil is, in
- Coil (or ignition coil) is an electrical device in common use as the, ignition ,system ( ignition coil or spark coil) of internal-combustion engines. * A
- Compression ignition , so that a fuel which resists auto ignition will cause late, ignition ,which will also lead to engine knock. Formula The ratio is calculated by the
- Produced the spark. An automatic ratchet system automatically disengaged the, ignition ,system and closed the valves once the engine had run for 30 seconds. The
- Is an internal combustion engine that uses the heat of compression to initiate, ignition ,to burn the fuel, which is injected into the combustion chamber. This is in
- Powder may present an explosion hazard when mixed with air and when an, ignition ,source is present. Thin foils of the substance can also be ignited by sparks or
- Branched-chain alkanes are preferred as they are much less prone to premature, ignition , which causes knocking, than their straight-chain homologies. This propensity
- The sun's rays onto a small area, heating up the area and thus resulting in, ignition ,of the exposed surface. Burning mirrors achieve a similar effect by using
- As platinum gauze),as the temperature of the flame is usually lower than the, ignition ,temperature of the ammonia-air mixture. The flammable range of ammonia in air
- The Black Crow system on the AC-130A/E/H could detect the shielded, ignition ,coils of North Vietnamese trucks hidden under the dense foliage of the jungle
- Interior equipment. However, they were unable to conclusively identify a single, ignition ,source. They determined that the fire most probably started near the floor in
- Ignition and the characteristic diesel knocking sound as the vapor reaches, ignition ,temperature and causes an abrupt increase in pressure above the piston. The
- This would severely reduce the efficiency, whereas in a Diesel engine, the self, ignition ,is the desired behavior. Additionally, both of these cycles are only
- Methane by collecting the gas from marshes. He devised experiments such as the, ignition ,of methane by an electric spark in a closed vessel. Volta also studied what we
- Knocking, than their straight-chain homologies. This propensity to premature, ignition ,is measured by the octane rating of the fuel, where 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (
- Of the fuel droplets. Thus, they allow increased power at the moment of, ignition ,and the extraction of more useful work from that power by expanding the hot gas
- Carnot cycles for further explanation). * They have no high-tension electrical, ignition ,system to attend to, resulting in high reliability and easy adaptation to damp
- 900 –),as well as wide band gap and high optical dispersion. Diamond's, ignition ,point is 720 - in oxygen and 850 - in air. Naturally occurring diamonds have a
- The burning glass was a useful contrivance in the days before electrical, ignition ,was easily achieved. History The technology of the burning glass has been known
- High level of compression allowing combustion to take place without a separate, ignition ,system, a high compression ratio greatly increases the engine's efficiency.
- Newer. Diesel engines on the other hand operate on the principle of compression, ignition , so that a fuel which resists auto ignition will cause late ignition which will
- From the last shot. Fresh powder could be set off prematurely by lingering, ignition ,sources. The powder was added, followed by wadding of paper or hay, and the
- Ratio allows a diesel engine to be more efficient than a comparable spark, ignition ,engine. Because the burned gases are expanded further in a diesel engine
- Droplets has been burnt. The start of vaporization causes a delay period during, ignition ,and the characteristic diesel knocking sound as the vapor reaches ignition
- Review board cited" many types and classes of combustible material" close to, ignition ,sources. The NASA crew systems department had installed of Velcro throughout
- Passage is closed and compression commences, culminating in fuel injection and, ignition , Refer to two-stroke diesel engines for more detailed coverage of aspiration
- With a mine fire or surface fire. Lightning strikes are an important source of, ignition , the coal continues to burn slowly back into the seam until oxygen (air) can
- Recently, with the addition of variable valve timing and knock sensors to delay, ignition ,timing, it is possible to manufacture gasoline engines with compression ratios
- On 12 July 1985 was halted with the countdown at T-3 seconds after main engine, ignition , when a malfunction of the number two Space Shuttle Main Engine (SOME)
- In order to provide a very high gas temperature which insures immediate, ignition ,of injected fuel. Adiabatic Free Expansion of a Gas For an adiabatic free
- Two-stroke engines, the first ones delivering, and the last ones. The, ignition ,system of these engines comprised three independent sets of points and coils
- The cylinder block and cylinder head absorb the heat of compression, preventing, ignition , due to the higher surface-to-volume ratio. Pre-chambered engines make use of
- Achieve even more efficient combustion, such as homogeneous charge compression, ignition , being studied. Dark Star or Dark star may refer to: Astronomy * Dark star (
- On the nylon flight seats. The MIT investigators found sufficient energy for, ignition ,discharged repeatedly when crew-members shifted in their seats and then touched
- Has not yet been significantly challenged. Air quality Exhaust from a spark, ignition ,engine consists of the following: nitrogen 70 to 75 % (by volume),water
- On special fuels (easily obtainable in such limited quantities) for their, ignition ,timing. Some 19th century or earlier experimental engines used external flames
- Fuel rather than using a spark plug (compression ignition rather than spark, ignition ,). In the true diesel engine, only air is initially introduced into the
- Diesel engines, which in fact operate on the Otto cycle, and require spark, ignition , typically provided with a spark plug. Low-speed engines Also known as
- The reaction is heated by the thermal energy released at the same time, causing, ignition , and a violent explosion. This can occur with other alkali metals, but cesium
- Transformer that effectively has three windings. * An induction coil (or, ignition ,coil) is an electrical device in common use as the ignition system ( ignition
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