Examples of the the word, knit , in a Sentence Context
The word ( knit ), is the 7275 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Yarns generally require thicker knit ting needles, whereas thinner yarns may be, knit ,with thick or thin needles. Hence, thicker yarns generally require fewer
- Be worked from either side, and various patterns are created by mixing regular, knit ,stitches with the" wrong side" stitches, known as purl stitches, either in
- Rows of knit and purl. Other simple textures can be made with nothing but, knit ,and purl stitches, including garter stitch, ribbing,and moss and seed stitches
- Oval pattern. In the simplest knit ted fabrics,all the stitches are, knit ,or purl; these fabrics are denoted as stockinette and reverse stockinette
- Corresponding to where the wale had been. Right- and left-plaited stitches Both, knit ,and purl stitches may be twisted: usually once if at all, but sometimes twice
- Separating the elements of Consecration and Communion that Cranmer had tried to, knit ,together. After the communion, the unused but consecrated bread and wine were
- He wanted to create a strong central government in Rome. Finally, he wanted to, knit ,together the entire empire into a single cohesive unit. And so he assumed these
- Thicker yarns generally require fewer stitches, and therefore less time, to, knit , up a given garment. Patterns and motifs are coarser with thicker yarns; thicker
- Etc. Horizontal striping (welting) is also possible, by alternating rows of, knit ,and purl stitches; the simplest of these is garter stitch, so-called because
- The order of stitches; although one or two stitches may be held by hand or, knit ,out of order, cables of three or more generally require a cable needle. The
- Inches long but, due to the compressibility of knit ted fabrics, may be used to, knit ,pieces significantly wider. The most important property of needles is their
- The end of the novella, are in a very similar position to Voltaire's tightly, knit ,philosophical circle which supported the Encyclopedia: the main characters of
- Drape well. Wales of purl stitches have a tendency to recede, whereas those of, knit ,stitches tend to come forward. Thus, the purl wales in ribbing tend to be
- Vertical stripes (ribbing) are possible by having alternating wales of, knit ,and purl stitches; for example, a common choice is 2x2 ribbing, in which two
- The tapered ends. Needles with lighted tips have been sold to allow knit ters to, knit ,in the dark. The second type of knit ting needles are straight, double-pointed
- Diameter tools, and a double crochet stitch is about four times the height of a, knit ,stitch. Crochet produces a thicker fabric than knit ting, and tends to have less
- To form complex Celtic knots and other patterns that would be difficult to, knit , Knitted yarns may be worked into knit ted fabrics for warmth, as is done in
- Crack'd from Side to Side that because of poor eyesight she can no longer, knit , Novels featuring Miss Marple # The Murder at the Vicarage (1930) # The Body
- Such as hats, socks,mittens, and sleeves. Flat knit ting is usually used to, knit ,flat pieces like scarves, blankets,afghans, and the backs and fronts of
- Knit and purl in every wale and along every row. Fabrics in which the number of, knit ,and purl stitches are not the same, such as stockinette, have a tendency to
- Rows of purl stitches tend to form an embossed ridge relative to a row of, knit ,stitches. This is the basis of shadow knit ting, in which the appearance of a
- Quality discussion forums. However, many " free" BBSes also maintained close, knit ,communities, and some even had annual or bi-annual events where users would
- Elephants are very different. The females spend their entire lives in tightly, knit ,family groups made up of mothers, daughters,sisters, and aunts. These groups
- Will be made of several knit ted pieces, with individual sections of the garment, knit ,separately and then sewn together. Seamless knit ting, where a whole garment is
- The other side. The two types of stitches have a different visual effect; the, knit ,stitches look like" V" is stacked vertically, whereas the purl stitches look
- Prague circle, which was part of a broader Prague Circle," a loosely, knit ,group of German-Jewish writers who contributed to the culturally fertile soil
- A third method, called combination knit ting, goes through the front of a, knit ,stitch and the back of a purl stitch. Once the knit ted piece is finished, the
- Stitches is also different: a single crochet stitch is twice the height of a, knit ,stitch in the same yarn size and comparable diameter tools, and a double
- To runs, and are commonly used in lingerie. Weft- knit fabrics may also be, knit ,with multiple yarns, usually to produce interesting color patterns. The two
- Loop either from below or above. If the former, the stitch is denoted as a, knit ,stitch or a plain stitch; if the latter, as a purl stitch. The two stitches are
- Des boys moments" ( enjoy the good moments); lame: a type of fabric woven or, knit ,with metallic yarns; lantern rouge: the last-place finisher in a cycling stage
- The fabric. Patterns and pictures can be created in knit ted fabrics by using, knit ,and purl stitches as" pixels "; however, such pixels are usually rectangular
- Thus, the purl wales in ribbing tend to be invisible, since the neighboring, knit ,wales come forward. Conversely, rows of purl stitches tend to form an embossed
- For example, differently colored leaves and petals of a flower could be, knit ,separately and applied to form the final picture. Separately knit ted tubes can
- One of the earliest known examples of knit ting was cotton socks with stranded, knit ,color patterns, found in Egypt from the end of the first millennium AD.
- Stitches; for example, a common choice is 2x2 ribbing, in which two wales of, knit ,stitches are followed by two wales of purl stitches, etc. Horizontal striping (
- Double-pointed needles are tapered at both ends, which allows them to be, knit ,from either end. DPN's are typically used for circular knit ting, especially
- Separately and then sewn together. Seamless knit ting, where a whole garment is, knit ,as a single piece, is also possible. Elizabeth Zimmermann is probably the
- The smallest of which is known as seed stitch: the stitches alternate between, knit ,and purl in every wale and along every row. Fabrics in which the number of knit
- Same, such as stockinette, have a tendency to curl; by contrast, those in which, knit ,and purl stitches are arranged symmetrically (such as ribbing, garter stitch
- Knitting techniques. Smaller items, such as socks and hats, are usually, knit ,in one piece on double-pointed needles or circular needles. (See Circular
- S ability to produce its own food and so laws were passed regulating who could, knit ,with whom and when. The islanders also became involved with the Newfoundland
- Stitch; if the latter, as a purl stitch. The two stitches are related in that a, knit ,stitch seen from one side of the fabric appears as a purl stitch on the other
- The round as nothing but knit stitches, and worked flat as alternating rows of, knit ,and purl. Other simple textures can be made with nothing but knit and purl
- Of irregularities in tension; highly twisted yarns are sometimes difficult to, knit , whereas untwisting yarns can lead to split stitches, in which not all of the
- This is known as the expenditure method of calculating GDP. Note that if you, knit ,yourself a sweater, it is production but does not get counted as GDP because it
- As compared to that produced in other parts of Pakistan. From this wool they, knit ,beautiful carpets, rugs and other woolen items. This includes blankets, which
- Even when their stretch properties are not desired. Different combinations of, knit ,and purl stitches, along with more advanced techniques, generate fabrics of
- Machine-made stockings and T-shirts—which is worked in the round as nothing but, knit ,stitches, and worked flat as alternating rows of knit and purl. Other simple
- Technique to 3D beading, but peyote stitch offers the advantage of more tightly, knit ,beads, which is sometimes necessary to properly portray an object in 3
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