Examples of the the word, sneak , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sneak ), is the 7561 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. So early, I hastily looked around for a door to a lecture hall where I could, sneak ,some listening time and get a line on current research, and be out of sight
  2. Was named Chairman and CEO of AOL. * On November 23, 2009,AOL unveiled a, sneak ,preview of a new brand identity which has the new logo AOL superimposed onto
  3. Him governorship of an island. The uneducated Sancho agrees, and the pair, sneak ,off in the early dawn. It is here that their series of famous adventures begin
  4. That you must reach high to withdraw an arrow, a problem if you are trying to, sneak ,up on game, or you are target shooting in a forested area. Bow quivers attach to
  5. That his obsession began. He frequently played truant from school and would, sneak ,into theaters because he didn't have enough money for admission. After being
  6. Of a few verbs (for example, AmE/BRE: learned/learned, burned/burnt, and in, sneak , dive, get ); different prepositions and adverbs in certain contexts (for
  7. Insisting on the regular forms for the past tense of dive, plead and, sneak , Dove and snuck are usually considered nonstandard in Britain, although dove
  8. Proven). * AME further allows other irregular verbs, such as dive (dove) or, sneak ,(snuck),and often mixes the preterit and past participle forms (
  9. Staying true to his stated principles. In previous years, he was known to, sneak ,autographed copies of his books onto the shelves of the Fireside Bookshop, a
  10. King Odin commanded Loki to steal the necklace, so Loki turned into a fly to, sneak ,into Freyja's bower and stole it. When Freya found her necklace missing, she
  11. Second Trick: The Widow II As the widow cooks her chickens, the boys, sneak ,onto her roof. When she leaves her kitchen momentarily, the boys steal the
  12. As willful and tomboyish due to her rough, thieving past, she helps Serge, sneak ,into Viper Manor. Kid was raised by Lucca as a child, and vows to find and
  13. The latest Gecko trunks-mainly 1.9. x. builds. Fred's NO editions provide a ", sneak ,preview" for the upcoming Mellon 1.6 with 1.9. X Gecko and are therefore
  14. Parcels a Gatorade shower, going as far as to take off his jersey and pads and, sneak ,behind Parcels with a Rose Bowl security team shirt on. Thanks in large part
  15. The myth, cattle are well aware of their surroundings and are very difficult to, sneak ,up on, due to excellent senses of both smell and hearing. In contrast to the
  16. The Rams attempted to score a touchdown, calling for a quarterback, sneak ,by Warner. Warner fumbled the ball while being tackled by linebacker Roman
  17. Battle stations within the shortest possible time in the event of a surprise or, sneak ,attack during peacetime. * Narrow Gauge Railway System (14): A network of
  18. Starships which were used in conjunction with the Roman Tail Shear during the, sneak ,attack in the Marion Nebula. The Kardashians have also been known to operate
  19. Systems using non-obvious approaches might be able to blind the radars in a, sneak ,attack; the Soviets developed the R-36 with a system called Fractional Orbital
  20. Everett convinces Pete, Delmar,and Tommy to help him win his wife back. They, sneak ,into a Stokes campaign dinner that she is attending by disguising themselves as
  21. Was devising the stratagem of the Trojan Horse, which allowed the Greek army to, sneak ,into Troy under cover of darkness. It was built by Peas and filled with Greek
  22. Victory over their NFC West rivals,24–20,on Manning's 1-yard quarterback, sneak ,on the last play of the game. The Saints switched to white pants in 1975
  23. Griffin (which might be Liz). There was a reference that Jim Henson tried to, sneak ,into Heaven only for him and Kermit the Frog to end up in a flat rectangle
  24. South Africans, however. During the Second Boer War, a Boer force attempting to, sneak ,up on the Royal Canadian Dragoons was defeated after their movements startled
  25. He said," The drive for same-sex marriage is, in effect, an effort to make a, sneak ,attack on society by encoding this aberrant behavior in legal form before
  26. White which allows them to be close to the bottom of the ocean and blend in to, sneak ,up on their prey. Their heads have lateral projections which give them a
  27. To the 1-yard line. Finally, Montana scored from there on a 1-yard quarterback, sneak , giving San Francisco a 7-0 lead. Second Quarter The Bengals threatened to
  28. This is much less common in professional football, except for a quarterback, sneak , but there is still an emphasis on being mobile enough to escape a heavy pass
  29. But after the Trojans drag the horse inside their city walls, Greek soldiers, sneak ,out of the horse's hollow belly and open the city gates, allowing their
  30. Paying the dime for admission to the park. Strong swimmers or even waders could, sneak ,in on the bay side, just by swimming around the fence. Some resort homes
  31. From Bishops Park into the Putnam End. Like many other grounds, fans would, sneak ,in through the turnstiles as well (and not be counted) so this boot money
  32. From Proto-Indo-European root * (s)nēg-o-" to crawl, creep," which also gave, sneak ,as well as Sanskrit nāga" snake. " The word ousted adder, as adder went on to
  33. Like ITV2 and BBC Three. It is a very successful channel with a first look or, sneak ,peek, with the next episode of some series, such as Holly oaks and Desperate
  34. Shape; for prey animals to avoid predators and for predators to be able to, sneak ,up on prey. Natural camouflage is one method that animals use to meet these.
  35. A disaster for Japan, rousing American passions for revenge due to it being a ", sneak ,attack ". The shock of the attack coming in an unexpected place, with such
  36. Helped draw some viewers over to Fox allowing Married ... with Children to, sneak ,into the Top 50 of television shows for seasons four through eight doing its
  37. Refused to remeasure the distance. Reportedly, The Boston Globe was able to, sneak ,into Fenway Park and remeasure the line. When the paper's evidence was
  38. In the creek? " Among other quips; and a pig (from the kick line) that would, sneak ,up on a musical guest (or a cast member, mostly Roy Clark) and kiss him on
  39. Illegally" ), apparently a preventative formation of a word meaning" to, sneak ," most likely entered the English Language during the 1600 - 1700s
  40. Club, in which Dorothy sings" Blue Velvet," and leave early, so Jeffrey can, sneak ,into her apartment to snoop. He hurriedly hides in a closet when she returns
  41. The Grail is being held. After being insulted in mangled Franglais, they try to, sneak ,into the castle in a Trojan Rabbit, but this plan goes wrong when they forget
  42. S men launch an assault on the front of the prison, while CEI and Bedder, sneak ,in the back and rescue Mason. He subsequently plays a key role in the hunt for
  43. The most important being Arabic numbers. It used to be rumored that he would, sneak ,out from the monastery at night to study under the Arabs. In 969,Count Burrell
  44. Of the sport. With 16 seconds left, Bart Starr's touchdown on a quarterback, sneak ,brought the Packers a 21–17 victory and their third straight NFL Championship –
  45. Metres of the border, and manned by troops to give alarm in the event of, sneak ,or surprise attack as well as delay enemy tanks with prepared explosives and
  46. Free and join their side to even the odds. Amidst the chaos, Han attempts to, sneak ,away, only to have Lee follow him. Lee tells Han," You have offended my family
  47. Features as the other DVD version plus a quiz hosted by William Shatner and a, sneak ,peek at the second film. It was released a second time in 2009,as part of a
  48. To make poisons, pick pockets, and pick locks. Their abilities early on to, sneak ,and hide allow them to walk past both living and undead mobs without being seen
  49. Only a paved road or sidewalk. To create the feel of the wave, surfers even, sneak ,into empty backyard swimming pools to ride in, known as pool skating. Maneuvers
  50. Developers regarding selected publicized fan questions, it also included" a, sneak ,peek at a track from the game itself" composed by Aleksander Dimitrijevic. The

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